
Chapter 2: Beginning of the Long Journey.

"Oh Mother of God bless this soul born in our bless and beautiful world" said an old lady, as I cried for some unknown reason, I could feel myself as I had tiny legs and hands which I could move, feeling this as my ownself which I had never felt before tears flow down my face and burly huge man(about age 25-30) who also had tears in his face grab me softly as some soft delicate jewel, I could feel him showing me around the room to lady worker nearby and finally, after a while placing me to adult young lady(about 20-25 looking) who was smiling with joy while looking at me in her arms as I felt asleep into deep sleep. As I wake up could feel my body grown bigger slightly making uncomfortable. Then I open my eyes, i was at a medium large size room in a tiny bed with fence looking up toward which a tiny glowing flowing sphere in a cold looking metal container which light the whole room, near me towards on the left in a large bed in was connected with my tiny bed was beautiful girl(about 5 looking) sleeping with young adult women who was in weird sleeping pose, and on the right side was a huge man sleeping on a carpet on the ground peaceful steady way, the young girl was facing towards me she looks like felt asleep while gaurding me in my bed she was wearing pink Pajama's with cute looking cute looking unique horn rabbit in it. I tried to move my body but I couldn't control my movement the way I wanted as it felt and was the hardest thing to do I ever face, due to some reason I and felt myself feeling sleepy and heavy on my eyes like tear droping from my eyes, which I had never felt before in my long watch on the lake. When I tried to turn over to crawl I stumble and fall and hit myself to the fence that was ever first time I felt pain which was very new and surprising feeling I ever began to feel and I cried instinctively, as I began to cry the young girl wake up in hurry and moved near me, while facing me was the brightest, beautiful and delightful thing I ever felt or seen, as she was literally glowing with golden bright light as she made by pain disappeared and made me help more healthy and more with wisdom, as if God himself had come and bless me for better life, as I felt as if my lifespan increase by half, The man and women where very surprised by the look of there faces but soon they where delightful as they looks like they have been blessed by God. Soon, the women ask the girl, it seems like the women was asking her about the power which the girl seem to be giving explanation which I couldn't understand as they where talking the huge muscular man was infront of my face looking at me with little worried face, as I was glowing in golden light, soon after he pick me up and called upon the two girls and seems to called them to follow him outside. As we walked out of there I could see the village outside which had about 30 huts which all seem to have single room which where more concentrated towards the uphill and getting less as the downhill it seems as if the hut uphill was bigger and more rigid but due to some reason the hut we came out was definitely the biggest. As we move upward the uphill, I could see people showing respect and little fear toward us but they still greeted us. As we where near the top of the hill I could see a gaint dark upside down peak which it could even block the sun which was near it the right side it seems as if it could hide all the sun if it went towards the sun as I was surprised to see the peak which was once like my home, which I thought I could never see without the reflection on the lake, we reach the tall hut or to say tower as it was not made by wood but by stacking the stone block tall together and making to hut over want another which look more majestic compared to dull village hut with one wooden door below with no window. The door was open by an old lady which I had seen before, the women talk to the old lady bye showing the little girl which made the old lady little surprised and then looking towards me seemingly trying to determine mine the glow, the old lady quickly took us inside the tower and we quickly climb to second floor through the stairs, there was a altar with giant floating crystal which glow in golden light the old lady bow to the crystal and so did the women and the men while me and the girl being little clueless, the old lady began to chant while making some weird chant and praying to the crystal and made the little girl the gesture to the touch the crystal. The women talk with the girl with faint smile and happiness in face and the girl seems little determine and happy as she took step by step nearby to the crystal and touch it. The crystal began to glow and making a project in the air and weird symbols are form making a very long list which should not be able to understand but it was very clearly understood by me as it seems to say

Name: No-name (changeable)

Gender: Female

Lifespan: Immortal (no natural death)

Sepsis: Human (evolution possible)

Limit: God level

Gifted: All type of Power source learnable, Healing, Blessings, Omega Luck, Surpassed the limit, Learner , ?!?!?!, !?!?!?!,!?!!?,!??!!??!.

Type: Universal Energy (99).

Health: (6/6). Intelligence: 10

Strength: 2. Agility: 6. Speed: 5. ?!?!: 47.

The old lady seems like she was in orgasm crazyly bow and praying to the crystal and the girl. The man's heart beats seems to make sound like engine as he to bow and so did the women as they all bow to the little girl, she looks worried the women get ups and hug the girl very happily and the man also hug the girls with me in his hand I could feel the warm of a family which also made my mood happy together with the family of mine which I had began to accept. The old lady again began to chant and the crystal glows brighter than before and tiny brifht light break out of the light and came near the hand of little girl and the light became dimmer and felt into the hands which was a small crystal which made the women and the man very surprised, happy and respectful at the same time, as every one was happy and thought of their future the little girl made loud noise and seem to have reminded them of me. The old lady soon adjust her face and again began to chant the spell after some time the lady call the man and told him to make my hand touch the crystal and again soon light project into the air with symbol indicating my profile

Name: Noname (changeable).

Gender: Male (?!?!?).

Lifespan: 15(+5) (Blessed)(!?!??).

Speaks: Human (??!!?).

Limit: Superhuman.

Gift: Hyper Growth,(?!???!), Health boost(blessed), (!?!?!?).

Type: Body Cultivation.

Health: (5/5) (+10%) (Blessed). Intelligence: 8

Strength: 5. Agility: 5. Speed: 5.

By seeing this the face of the woman and and began very depressed as the woman's leg struggle to stand and tears down her face, the face of the man too was sad and eye watery as if tears where about to flow down his eye, the old lady was also sadden but not to their extend. Just the little girl was confused as I was about those questions marks as if only I and her have seen them and where not notice by others.