
Infinity Guardian System

"Haunted by the Curse's relentless pursuit, one seeks solace in the arms of darkness..." -- -- -- Hael Winterlock, the youngest and most beloved prince of the Winterlock dynasty, lived the typical luxurious prince life within the dynasty, with the thought of being just an ordinary rich royal member in the future. But when he awakened the never-before-seen Nine Magical Arcana Runes petals, the law of the Kingdom automatically dictates him as the next ruler of the throne, something that goes against his predetermined fate. And from thereon, life came crashing down for Hael, who had his father killed by his throne-obsessed brothers, and then he himself burnt to coal and flung into the icy depths to drown to death. Just when life seemed over, Hael found a portal and a moon fragment, a rumored source of controllable power at the depth of the sea, and the moon fragment fused with him as he disappeared into the strange portal. There was a new advanced world, a world where an ongoing war between humans who grew with cybernetic fusions, and the Eldritches, creatures of dark magic, raged on. Once more, he was given a chance to change things, a new chance at life. One day, he swore to return to back to Winterfall Dynasty to take what was rightfully his. But only if his dreams could be reality. The Forgotten Realms had another name: The Abyssal Realm of Ruins, a Place of No Return! --------- Update Schedule: Update daily! --------- This Novel is in a WPC, please Support it by adding it to your library and sending your Powerstones and Golden Tickets! Thank you all.

Supreme_IQ · Fantasía
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220 Chs

An Help!

"Hey, bro, you really need to get dressed as soon as possible. I don't think Instructor Aeris is kidding with you at all..." The voice rang out from behind him as Hael felt the figure walk past him, and towards where those strange shoes were present.

The first thing noticeable about him was that he was fat. Perhaps a little too fatter than normal, yet he was also very tall at the same time, a head above him, making his fatness have this strange empowering aura around him.

"I was just about to do so..." Hael replied as he arrived before the fatty and also took out a pair of boots just like he did, and in perfect synchronization, he wore it just like he did.

And immediately, the magic also happened to him. It was like small tiny spiders, moving to cover all his body as those small chips of metals rapidly covered up his body, making him a figure encased in a dark-golden metallic mixture just 5 seconds later.

"Just what is this..." Hael mused as he clenched and unclenched his feet, feeling the hardness of the metal with every fold, yet it was strangely incredibly malleable at the same time.

"Sick, right? That's the Grade 1 Orano Suit. The fourth modification of the Spencer suit, that was created by the Orano company.

The features include more bodily protection, and also 0% hindrance on wearing. I heard their helmets come with a nice surprise. Can't wait to find out..." The fatty narrated a chunk of incomprehensible words to him causing Hael's head to buzz even more but he responded with a natural smile, his eyes also depicting the same vigor as the fatty before him.

He didn't know what part of Aetheria he currently he currently was, but the biggest error to make right now was to stick out like a sore thumb...

"Anyway, I am Zhang Rouchen. But everyone calls me Fatty Zhang. What about you?" The fatty said as he stretched out his hands strangely to Hael.

"I am Hael. Hael Winterlock. Third prince of the Winterlock Dynasty..." Hael declared as he watched Fatty Zhang release a chuckle, as he grabbed one of Hael's hands and he pressed it into his own palms.

"Hahaha. I like your humor. And that's how real men greet each other. The firmer the handshake, the firmer the bond. So tighten your hand well..." Fatty Zhang said as Hael turned to look at his hands which were currently strained to their highest limit trying to not get swallowed by those huge palms, and with even more strain, Hael was finally able to squeeze his hands with him.

And then he felt this strange magical connection as he looked surprisingly at Fatty Zhang.

He could immediately tell this was some type of strange greeting, but he had no idea of the possibility of that back in the Winterlock Dynasty, so which dynasty could be using this type of greeting?

There was none in his memory!

"What's this called?" Hael suddenly asked as Fatty Zhang released his small hands, which were currently ruby red...

"I like calling it a fat Clamp, but everyone refers to it as a Handshake. Anything goes.." Fatty Zhang said.

"A Handshake..."

"Now come along brother, we have a war to win..." Fatty Zhang said as he immediately began jogging towards the exit, Hael also quickly following behind him.




The sound of the shoes hitting the metallic ground continuously echoed throughout as Hael walked past the place that he had just left from, the sound of the strange husky voice lady ringing in his ears as his eyes collided with hers once more, and Hael could swear he saw a bloodthirsty smile on her face, as she looked at him with a slight grin which disappeared just as it came..

The jogging went on through the narrow hall for the next five minutes before they finally arrived before the gigantic metallic door, but before they exit, each of them entered into another door, and before Hael's vision was a room filled completely to the brim with strange metallic objects.

A small metal object, looking like the hilt of a sword, with a strange lever present towards its lateral ends, and there were more than hundreds of them.

But that wasn't all that was present in the hall; there were other weapons that he was very familiar with even though they were all still strange-looking.

He watched as Fatty Zhang moved forward and took off an especially large-looking one of those metallic objects as he closed one of his eyes, and suddenly held the metallic gun's mouth to his face, his eyes staring through the small opening that was present on it.

"Go grab a gun, bro!" Fatty Zhang said to him as the words of the lady rang out in Hael's ears!


"And when you're done, get into that metal back and carry the biggest gun there is. Because lucky you, I'm gonna be making sure your sorry ass is at the front lines in this bloody war!"


"So this is a gun?" Hael mused out and the reply came from none other than Fatty Zhang.

"Don't call it with such barbaricness. This here are Grade 2 destructive Assault Rifles. The best piece of low-grade weaponry made by the Orana tech company.

Some of them can even penetrate through the skulls of a Grade 3 Eldritch creature and deal damage to Grade 4 Eldritch creatures.

Pick up your taste; it will be your dearest friend on the battlefield..." Fatty Zhang said as sweat unknowingly dripped down Hale's spine.

'They really are going out for a war, and I can't use their favorite wepaon. What am I supposed to do?"

"Hurry up, bro..." Fatty Zhang said from afar as Hael began running around the large room, trying to look for something familiar, and after thirty seconds, he skidded to a stop as he found that thing!

That thing that he had trained with ever since he could grip something in his palms.
