
Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel

Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to its still developing rules and restrictions. Infinitum Crystals centers around the protagonist, Cyclone White who came across one of the several highly rare Infinitum Crystals that grants him immeasurable potential to his unique magic, the ability to stop the time! The only downside to this amazing power was the immense energy it is required to be able to use properly. But that definitely won't be a problem for our protagonist, Cyclone White as he ventures into discovering the secrets of The Infinitum Crystals. - 'The Magic Duel' tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel. Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their high school and achieve

Cyclone_A · Fantasía
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118 Chs

Chapter 3.9 - White - Taking Back The School

A week has passed ever since we have successfully taken over almost the whole school. The only thing that was left for us to take to end this conquest was to eliminate all demons that was situated at the school square and also the workshop building. It was only a matter of time until this war was over. But for now, our focus was on our school.

"Jeez, White. You should of said that you heard a survivor." Rin told me as she handed me a cup of tea.

"I told you I heard someone, but you didn't believe me at all."

"But I didn't hear anyone other than the survivor that we were escorting the other day."

"Well, at least you came and helped us in the end."

"Yeah..." Rin sips her tea.

It happened quite fast. Just after Mei was laughing, Rin appeared and looked at me with a weird face as she was standing there menacingly.

"What are you doing, White?"

I heard her and immediately pushes Mei away and stood up, "Oh hey, Rin. I found a survivor here."

"I can see that..." she seemed disappointed. "Anyhow, let's get her back to the lab."

"Yeah. Come on let's go...Mei?" Suddenly Mei was missing.

Where is she? I looked around and saw a flower that looked similar to Mei's on the ground. There's also another one near the tree further down the road. I walked to the tree and saw Mei was hiding behind it.

"What are you doing, Mei?"

"Is that an enemy?"

"No." I sighed, "Those are allies. Those are humans as you can see."

"So they are like you?"

"Yes." Why do I feel like I am talking to an infant? "Come. You'll be fine."

I walked and noticed Mei grabbed my shirt from behind while we moved. This girl has some serious trust issue, I thought. In any case, we made our way back to the lab by getting through a safer route because Mei was with us. As we were on our way, a group of demons suddenly emerged from the ground and ran after us.

"Stay back, you two. I'll handle this." Rin stopped us and walked forward.

Rin pulled out a card that was kept from a small bag that she wear at her thigh. The card started to glow. Rin lets it go and then the card was floating in front of her.

She shouted, "Come forth, Makami!" and then she punched the glowing card and the card was destroyed into pieces.

Then, from the destroyed cards that was on the floor arises a being that looked like a snake. But its no ordinary snake, it was made out of paper. This was Rin's magic, Summoning Card where she could summon anything from the seas of her unconscious soul to help her out in battle. The limit depends on how strong she was being true to herself.

The being known as Makami went forward and blew a strong whirlwind at the group of demon. Then suddenly, another group of demons approaches. This was bad luck we thought because Rin can only summon one being at a time. But then came in two little metal ball that rolled under the demons legs. It blew up and caused an explosion.

"Arrived just in time!" said the madman that appeared behind the demons.

I looked at him carefully and noticed that it was someone I know, "Haz!"

"Hey there, White! Let's talk later. We got some demons to eliminate."

Haz throws another bomb to the group of demon while Rin's Makami went pass through some demons which resulted in a swift strike that slices all the enemy that Makami went through. Haz pulled out something from his backpack and it was revealed to be a mechanical gun that he made. The gun's ammo releases a shock effect to anything it hits. Haz shoots it at the demons. The group of demons was pinned down by both Rin and Haz. Finally, to finish it off, Makami blew another whirlwind to the group. It leaves only one demon left.

"Haz! Stop!" Rin stopped him. Rin approaches the demon and began talking to it, "Talk now or your life ends today."

I was a bit confused at first but then suddenly the demon talked back to her and it looks like the demon was scared, "Please! Don't kill me! I don't want to die now! I still want to enjoy this life of mine!"

"You killed humans!"

"I'm sorry! I won't do that anymore!"

"Promise? Or else I ask my friend here to blow you up."

"No! No! Anything but that! I promise! In return, I will help you."

"Really? Very well, state your business."

"I am the demon known as Berith and you shall fear me by my prove of display that is my loyalty. Look at this shining armor of mine, it proves the gallantry of the power of my knighthood!"

"Alright, welcome to the team, Berith." Rin pulls out a card and absorbed the demon, Berith into the card.

Looks like the battle was over.

"Wait, you can talk to demons?" I asked Rin.

"I was surprised at first too but then I started to negotiate with some of them and now I have a lot of different kinds of demon in my deck right now thanks to my magic."

"What a breakthrough!" exclaimed Haz.

"It isn't rocket science really. It's more like these demons acts the same way as us humans. The only difference is how they look."

"So in the end, they are still a creation just like us." I concluded.

Haz also added, "and like other living things as well. Does that mean you can put someone living into your deck?"

"That's not how it works. Let's just go back to the lab." Rin kept her card and we made our way back to the lab.

We've reached the lab and got the message that we have won the battle. It looks like Rulend's plan was a success. All we have to do now is to take care of the remaining area.

And so we are back to where we started this chapter with a nice cup of tea made by Faith Rayna.

"Anyway, White..." Rin puts down her cup. "Who is that girl there?"

"She's a transfer student here. She just got in exactly on the day when the demons came. Her name is Mei. Mei Xue." I looked at Mei who was still holding my shirt. "You can let go now."

Mei shakes her head and rested her head on me. I'm completely 100% sure she has trust issue.

"I see. No wonder she is afraid." Rin finishes her tea. "Well then, take care of her, White."

"Yeah, see you later."

Rin went away to probably clean up the dishes. In the meantime, I can't help it but notice that Mei was already sleeping behind me. She was asleep. I don't want to be rude and wake her up so I decided to move her head and place it on my lap. I did it out of kindness. Nothing else. Even though she has a very powerful magic, she was still a girl. But the way she acts doesn't prove that she was a girl that has the same age as me. It was more like a little girl who don't know what's right or wrong. Even so, she's the same year as me. Who really was her anyway.

"She must be tired after all those things outside." someone went and talked to me about Mei.

I replied, "Yeah."

"She's very cute."

"Indeed she is. It's probably the most cutest thing I ever see in my life."

"Oh really?" The person's tone became sour.

I looked up and saw it was Rika who was talking to me. Rika looked sour from the way she looked at me.

"R-Rika." I started to get nervous. "I can explain."

"You don't have to explain. She's tired. I know that." Rika lets out a soft sigh.

"Rika, please."

"No, it's alright, White." She turned around and gave me the cold shoulder. "She's very cute, I agree. I'll be off now." Rika walked away from me.

"Wait, Rika!" I tried to call her but she didn't looked back.

Rika then stopped and said, "Oh yeah, you should go and talk to Rulend. He wants to talk to you."


Rika sighed, "Fine! I'll call him. You don't have to move and wake her up."

And that was the moment when I saw Rika, the most cheerful girl I ever known became sour as heck. It wasn't clearly my fault. It wasn't even my intention to make her like that. It's just that she doesn't want to listen to what I wanted to say.

In any case, Rulend discussed with me about considering me to join the fight for the final assault. I was totally excited to hear that. I didn't do much, but I did use some of Haz equipment to fight those demons and in the end, we did it. We finally ended The Conquest of Soul Power High. We have taken back our school thanks to our combined efforts. The only remained at the time was when suddenly we saw demons outside of the school approaching us.

Multiple platoons were on their way to take back the school. They haven't started to charge in yet but it looks like they were taunting us to step outside and fight them for real. We gotta do something before its too late. We gotta regroup first and discuss about this...Taking back the school was only the beginning. Now we have the entire city to worry about.