
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Wolves Of A Pack

I awoke middle of the day. The area was sunny and nice out through the trees. But I noticed the four men were gone and they left a note on me. It read "we have been summoned by our lord and need to go for awhile. We took the money with us to prove we had done our job as well but left you five of the gold coins"

I looked in my pockets and felt the heavy weight of the coins. I started towards the forest to hear what I hoped not to hear. The growl of wolves was everywhere I noticed four of them in front of me. I caught movement to my left and saw five more trying to circle me. But they stopped. A loud howl went through the air and my wolf walked up to be in front of me. He was now level nine. I wondered were he was going in order to level up and so fast. The pack leader of the group was only level seven. I didn't know what was about to happen. My wolf walked in front of me and stared at the pack leader. I started to notice more wolves after a few minutes passed of the two staring at each other. I had counted about twelve wolves in total not including mine of course. I thought I should back away but something told me that if a ran I would die deep down. The pack leader charged at my wolf snapping at him randomly. But my wolf was faster and dodged each attack easily.

The pack leader tried to attack again but once more my wolf dodged and snapped hard into the leaders front leg. They started to tussle around while the other wolves watched. They fought like this for about five minutes before the leader finally fell. My wolf reached level ten and gave a large howl as a huge gust of wind swirled around him. I was pretty sure I knew what this meant. A bar came in front of my face that read please enter name. After thinking for a few minutes I realized it meant my wolves name. I decided upon Hollow. The the name changed from wolf to Hollow. I noticed next to his name it said.

Hollow-level ten, pack leader, pack eleven wolves.

Abilities-experience drain, quick step, wind slice.

I couldn't believe how powerful Hollow was and I finally new why he leveled up so fast finally. Experience drain was why he could level up so fast because it drained experience from opponents while they fought. all the other wolves were under his control now. As long as I hand him tamed I would have a pack of wolves to fight for me. I continued to use the bandit camp for the next for days while seeing small changes in Hollow. Hollow was a shiny black fur wolf with grey quartz eyes. I leveled up to eleven from hunting and cutting down trees. I realized however I had to get supplies from the city but I had traveled so far into the forest for so long I forgot how to get back. I would really need to buy a map when I found one apparently.

I started away from the camp in a random direction with the wolves following me. I considered that with eleven wolves following me I would be quite safe. They averaged between level six to eight while Hollow was now level twelve. I camped during the night while the wolves took turn keeping watch. Eventually I came across a large dirt road that was clearly traveled upon often. I decided to follow while the wolves stayed close in the tree line. It stayed like this for two days before I came across lots of wheat fields.

The trees came to a stop here and the wolves stayed around. I saw a small town ahead and walked towards it. I noticed a few farmers in the field staring at me in shock. I realized that it was because of the wolves. This town seemed to be small but peaceful. I started into the town finally were a few people came to block my path up ahead with pitchforks like they were spears. They seemed to be older men but clearly trained and strong.

"Stay were you there and come no closer." They yelled towards me.

"Calm down their peaceful" I said as I put my arms up innocently.

One of the men came up closer cautiously while looking at the wolves like they might attack any second. In reality the wolves were calm and if anything friendly toward the men.

"Why are they following you. Are you sure they won't hurt anyone here." The man said seeming to relax a little more.

"Not unless someone tries to attack me." I say with a small smirk on my face.

"Then why are you smirking at me then."

"I just realized how unusual this situation is for you. Also what is your name by the way."

"My name is is Alfred and yes this is a unusual situation." He said while looking at the wolves.

"Well if their peaceful feel free to go around the town." He said while letting me by.

The towns folk backed away from me with the wolves following me. I smelled something good and made my way towards it. I came to a bigger building than the rest. It had a sign above it that read The White Tails Inn. I had my wolves wait outside while Hollow followed me in. I walked towards a man no older than fifteen behind a bar stand. He looked at me then went to the back seeming to go fetch someone. A older man came out following him while they whispered to each other.

"Sir I'm sorry but your animal needs to stay outside" the man said while seeming to wonder what was happening

"Of course I understand but I need a place to sleep and a place for my wolves to rest."

"Wait wolves. Do you mean your the guy with all those wolves going around town."

"Indeed I am sir" I say thinking about how this would go.

"The wolves can stay in the back I guess but you have to promise to make sure they stay there."

I gave him my promise then set the wolves up in the back before it got much darker. I asked for a bowl of stew and he gave a some bread to with it. It had been so long since I had a nice meal. As I ate I noticed how two men sat in the middle of the room looking at me. But I shrugged off thinking about the warm bed waiting in my room up stairs. When I had finished eating I put a chair against the door and went to sleep. I had a dreamless sleep and woke up with sunlight pouring through my window. The first thing I did was check on the wolves and they seemed fine so I went to pay the owner for the food and the night. But the gold coin was worth a lot so managed to get him to give me some extra bread for it as well. I went exploring the town. There were so many stalls selling food and random items. I came up to a stall that had some armor with a door behind it into a building.

I went inside and saw many assortments of armor. I noticed a big black a silver cloak connected to a black shoulder armor piece. it had a tag on it that said that it was made of boss spider silk.

"You now it's stronger than steel and fire proof young man." A voice said from behind me.