
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Vampire Queen

The flames that swirled around here bursted out everywhere completely engulfing me. But my cloak did not catch on fire and the fire went out in a few seconds. The heat from the flames was only effecting me where the cloak was not. New idea try to get a mask made of this stuff for situations like this. I used quick step to the back of the room as the flames took over the room. But she was still twisting the flames towards me as I dodged and jumped out o father away. If day came soon there would be no way I could survive this.

"How are even still alive. Just die already." Emilia shouted.

"Why do you even want me dead even." I said out loud while trying not to lose balance while dodging her attacks.

"I need to be feed. I need blood after such a long sleep. " she said

I noticed the door that seemed unreal was still there. I started to try and make my way over but kept getting blocked. Eventually it seemed the flames were weakening. I pulled my sword out and started to slash through the flames causing them to be absorbed.The flames finally went away and she stood there seeming exhausted from the magic required for this. To control flames at that size for this long really did a lot to her. As I walked over to her I held my sword she disappeared again but I knew this trick and blocked the attack and slashed back at her. My sword caught her arm but she didn't bleed. She stumbled backwards and fell. I noticed she seemed to have no color and noticed she was indeed a vampire. I grabbed some rope from my inventory and tied her up while I went ahead and opened the door. To my horror the entire hall was filled with bodies from both sides of the attack. Blood was everywhere. To think I could have stopped this if I had stuck to my job. It seemed no one survived the attack and if they did indeed live than they fled. But what about Alexander. His was body was no where to be found. I ended these thoughts quickly and rushed back down stairs.

It would seem she was still unconscious but if she got any of that blood who knew how strong would she could be. I went to the door and finally and managed to open it. I In stepped inside to be met feeling like I was being crushed. Every second I was in here I felt weaker and weaker but before I could get out I. Well I don't now what happened. I seemed to step out and heard so many announcements. But they were about my level and no skills. It seemed I had been boosted up to level thirty. I felt lighter and stronger as well. I took a step and felt myself fly across the room almost. I held back a little and saw that she had woken up.

"Well you gonna keep me here or kill me." Emilia

"Well are you going to try and kill me again." I said

"Would I want blood so no. I can smell all the blood up the stairs." She says as she nudges her head towards them.

"Why should I even think to believe you after what you just did." I said

"Well you won't just leave me here will you." She said

"Well I can't see why I should let you regain your strength so you can kill me later." I said.

I stopped talking and started my way up the stairs as I looked at all the new skills and abilities I noticed I could upgrade to Shadow Captain. I clicked on receive and awaited the update.


Plus 20% health for each level.

Shadow sword- create swords made of shadow that float in a circle around the user attacking enemies around user in command.

Night vision- activate in dark areas to see things brightened up.

Allows recruitment- of shadow creatures or shadow people of level 15.

Captains quick step- 300% speed boost.


I started to wander what the vampires level was. I hadn't bothered to even look. I already knew she would be well over level fifteen but if I could keep her from killing she could be a strong allies. I used my experience to get three more skill further down the skill tree.

Stone trap- stone comes up to hold target in place by the feet.

Map reader- could see hologram map in corner of vision instead of holding map. Gives 3D effects and pinging on map.

Basic shadow heal- shadows cover the wound of target restoring 20 health every minute but target cannot move or spell breaks.