
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Profit Comes First

When I woke up today I found Emilia snuggled up against my side. I wasn't too shocked but did she really have to be so comfortable because man did I feel bad having to wake her up. The wolves always did their own thing but came when called. But they were seeming impatient to move on. We made our way to the road and had the wolves hid inside the forest on both sides while me and Emilia sat on a log next to the road. After about thirty minutes of us talking we heard the sound of money or other words a carriage.

As it came closer up we saw they had two men on horse with one driver. We got up and stood in the middle of the road as they came closer they slowed. One of the horsemen leaned in to tell the passenger something probably concerning us. The horse men came up and sat on their horse looking down at.

" What is your business." Guard one

"We plan to robe everyone who come this way is all." I sad sarcastically as I started to whistle.

The wolves surrounded the now unguarded carriage as the driver pulled a sword for self defense. The two men brought out swords but Emilia kicked them both off onto the ground as the horse were about to run off I managed to grab their reins and calm them.

"What the hell is this." One of the squeaked out.

"I already told you where robbing all of you." I said while I kicked their sword aside.

I tied them up and move over to the carriage where they were more than grateful to give all their money and jewels including a silver necklace I put in my pocket. I took all their weapons as I set them all to turn around to where they came from.

We made our way back to the lake to hide our stash while taking some of it for the city. When the day was coming close to an end we reached the town so we slept in a cheap inn and woke in the morning to buy what we needed.

List of items bought.


Metal axe.

Wet stone for sharpening.

New set of clothes for me.

New set of much needed new clothes for Emilia.

Proper sleeping bags.

Sword for Emilia.



We got back to camp well before the sun was down considering we woke up early to buy the supplies. I managed to cut some of the trees down to start the floor boards and base. A few days went by of robbing some not so money making people and building the house. A week later and the house was finished.

I started the fire place while sitting on my sleeping considering we didn't have furniture yet. Emilia has hers next to mine. She came over to sit down handing me a bowl of stew. We talked about our plans as we ate but tonight I had something I wanted to give to her.

"Emilia I want to give you something I got for you a while back." I said a I pulled the necklace out to show her.

Her fave lights lights up at the look of the silver and diamond necklace. Put it on for her as she has a huge smile.

"Thank you, But why didn't you sell it with the rest." She said.

"It seemed like it would go well with you but I wanted to wait until we had someplace to stay."

"I love but you know how much it could have been worth."

"Listen where going to be rich anyways so think of it a a gift." I say.

The rest of the night was discussing on how to expand our little business we had. As it turns out she can turn other people into low level vampire so then I can use my skills to take control of them. But the problem would be finding someone who would survive the process. Until then we had quit the army of wolves.

Today I sat by-myself while Emilia took a day off to release inside. The sun do ant effect her as much because she is a higher tier vampire but it still weakens her. I heard the sound of loud hooves pounding the road. When I looked to see I saw thirty horses with a carriage next to it that seemed to remind me of something. The window opened up to see someone I thought I wouldn't see again. The emblem on the carriage gave way to the house of Garathan. They slow a little as they approach and the soldiers surround me on mount with mostly spears with swords.

A girl looks out the window at me in shock and opens her door to look at me.

"I seem to remember you from somewhere from awhile ago." She said as she is thinking.

"I was the person who robbed you and killed one of your guards." I say hoping for a fight.

"I knew it was you. I would arrest you for that but I'm afraid your under arrest by the crown for robbery on this road." She say with authority.

"Great to know so should I go to another road." I say as the spear fall down pointed at me ready to kill.

"I came ready clearly and trust me you won't win bandit." She say with mockery

I jump easily twenty feet in the air as a black sphere engulfs me. The horses became afraid and the riders fight to stay in control. As slowly glide down as darts of shadow release form the dark sphere into the rider killing ten of them as the other get off the horses.

I put my cloak all the way on and aim my sword towards the girl.

"When I'm done your not leaving so easily." I say as my twenty or so wolves now start to come behind me growling.

The become thick with pressure as a sudden burst causes me to jump back. A knight seems to be next to the girl. I speed my way through the remaining soldiers so fast that when I stop it's like the died instantly as they all fall at once.

"I shall end you today or never." The knight says as he raises his sword.

Wind starts to lash violently around the sword as he brings it down. The wind from the sword slices through the air but I easily dodge with my speed. I use my quick step and slice through his leg. I stop behind him and try to land a blow on his back but the wind throws me off. A sudden slice of wind erupts and the knights falls into four sections as I look I see Hollow with all the wolves behind her. The girl stands their with blood on her face from the knight.

"How. How can you. There's no way." The girl stutters frozen in place as she falls to her feet.

"I thought you were just a bandit. They said I should come to show the people there nothing to fear."

"What are you. That magic is real. Why are you always after me." The girl mumbles as she curls into a ball.

I almost felt bad but it's her own fault. Seriously who sends royalty with the chance they might get killed. Something isn't right here. I walk over to and pick her up as she is in shock she freezes up as I touch her.

"Something isn't right here you know. Sending royalty were there's a chance they might die is not very normal."

She still wouldn't respond so I carried her in my arms towards home hoping what I was thinking was smart." But man I really wasn't sure if this is a trap or really a set up for her failed.