
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Gods games

I woke today after becoming allies with the vampire Emilia. I didn't plan to stay here for long considering I really didn't care about anyone here. I used my map skill and decided to go towards the mountains in west. There was a small path that lead through the middle so was I certain it was a great place to make money in not a so nice manner. I pulled up my charts to see some of the most shocking stats ever so far.


Name Night Shadow

Level- 25

Class: Shadow captain




Gods favor- gained the favor of a certain god of shadows.

Plus 20% health for each level.

Shadow sword- create swords made of shadow that float in a circle around the user attacking enemies around user in command.

Night vision- activate in dark areas to see things brightened up.

Allows recruitment- of shadow creatures or shadow people of level 15.

Captains quick step- 300% speed boost.

Stone trap- stone comes up to hold target in place by the feet.

Map reader- could see hologram map in corner of vision instead of holding map. Gives 3D effects and pinging on map.

Basic shadow heal- shadows cover the wound of target restoring 20 health every minute but target cannot move or spell breaks.

Plus 40% movement speed during night.

Taming level twenty-can tame up to level twenty creatures.

Earth strike- strike the earth causing damage to surrounding enemies while causing minor traps.

Shadow fold- during the day all shadows can fold over the user making them harder to spot.


There were some other skills but they were far weaker and much more useless. I made my way down the halls of dead bodies ready to leave.

"Ha, feels good to feed again. Were we going." Emilia said as she came out of a room with a small drip of blood on her lips.

"We're going to western mountains trails to get some money and set camp." I said thinking about how long it might take to get there.

"By get money do you mean robe the merchants." She said while smiling.

"Well technically were asking them not so nicely to give their goods." I said while we walked out past the broken gate.

The wolves came running towards us while I realized I forgot to tell her about them. The wolves came running up as she was about to try and kill them I stopped her.

"Don't worry their with us." I said while holding her in place by the arm.

"Are you kidding. Their all yours." She said looking at them.

"Yes while technically mine is the pack leader making them mine as well." I said thinking through it.

After the weird start of the day we made our way through the forest and grassland plains. From time to time we would set camp for the night just to end up talking half the night. I haven't really spent much time with anyone I realized. It seemed we enjoyed each other company. When I first met her she seemed angry and cold towards me but after about a week around me she seemed to give in.

We made it to the trail that would go through the middle of the mountains. I explored the area to find a lake about two miles from the trail. The water twinkled as the sun began to set yet again. I thought about where the trail was and the city it lead to. I might just call this home someday. Tonight I hade made a sleeping bag from the furs and resources from the traveling. I realized how because their was only one only one of us could use it. I decided I should let Emilia use the bag as I would be fine in my cloak. We set up a fire sat next to each other in front of it as some fish cooked over it.

"Thanks for everything." She whispered.

"For what. All I did was let you live." I said confused.

"No you did more than that. You treated me like I was normal. You let me join you even after I tried to kill you."

"You should know I do everything with a purpose if given time to think. To me killing someone as cute as you would be a crime." I said as a sudden embarrassment came realizing I called her cute.

"Wait, you think I'm cute." She said blushing a little while startled.

"Umm, my point is anyways is that I trust you more. I don't know why but I think it's natural to trust someone who was just angry and hungry rather than a group of bandits." I said trying to recover myself.

I saw a small shiny thing of metal around her neck almost like a collar. Wait is that a enslavement collar. A small branch snapped not too far away as I got up I looked around. It would be pitch black if not for the campfire but my skills allow me to see in the dark better. I turned around and saw two men watching us.

"If I take that collar off will you kill the person who put it on you." I whispered to Emilia

"You notice huh. I would indeed but I don't know were they are. I just know his name was Alexander."

With a swift hand the shadows sliced the collars sides off as it fell to the grown. The men noticed and seemed like they were wonders what was happening.

"Alexander I can see you out there." I said and he came out of hiding.

Emilia stood up with anger in her eyes as she noticed who it was.

"I'm gonna kill you." Emilia shouted out.

"Calm down. I want to hear what he was planning considering I thought he was following us for the past three days.

"You wan to know them let's sit down first." He said while clearly defeated.

At first I was confused but it seemed he was made about how I killed his boss. So he caused the bandits to turn on each other. He then formed his own group but found a vampire asleep in old fort. Before she woke he put a collar on her so she would become his pawn. He had planned use her but before he could anything else another group of bandits chased him off. When I showed up he realized how much stronger I was and planes to use me to get him to her. But I was trapped I. The room while he had to battle some of the guards. They were forced to run off but managed to track us down. I was always next to her making it hard to give a order apparently. I thought he was just stupid considering all he had to do was shout out to her to kill me and protect him.

But he never used common sense and was now like this. Emilia looked at them like they were idiots.

"You killed my boss sure. But my boss was also my uncle." Alexander.

"Emilia do you want kill him already. I really don't feel like going through this much longer." I said as a glint of evil took hold of her.

Before he could do anything he and his buddy had a flaming hole through their chest.

"You really do care about me don't you." She said looking at me happily.

"I guess I do but I'm tired and plane to end today." I said as the wolves dragged the bodies away to bury.

We moved to the other side of the fire and lied down next to each other. I feel into the darkness of a dreamless sleep once more. I thought I was waking up but I think I was dreaming. I was in large throne room with large black flags with the symbol of a grey moon on large pillars stood still. I walked towards the throne as a figure began to come to my vision.

"Do you enjoy the dark." A girl said who sat on inky black throne.

"I would say I do." I said realizing this must be the god of shadows.

"Then you should know that you have me always on your side. I can see that your strong in the shadows. I have been watching for some time now and want you to know that my power extends to you." She said while my vision went back to dreamless shadows.