
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Day one

The game called infinity had just been sold out a few days and ago. Today all the servers were opening and it was said that the first day the game would have a few things to help players level up. No one actually new what they were. Some thought it was a level booster while others free loot. But personally I thought there would be a major update overnight. As I put my headset on and sit on my fur lined chair I was zapped into the game. I could barely tell the difference between real life anymore. I was wearing basic leather armor and boots. It all looked so great. The first thing that would seem normal was to check my inventory. Of course it had nothing, but it seemed I could only carry up to three items. I would have to get a bag or level up a lot to open more slots. There was a water fountain in front of me. The preview had mentioned that water fountains were healing places. But I didn't really need it and also I couldn't see very many people. Perhaps they spawned in other places throughout the world. It was either that or they were still loading in.

I start by looking for a way out of the city. I couldn't help but want to see what the world looked like outside the city walls. I could hear and even smell everything going on around me. The city was mostly stone buildings with crowded streets of AI and very few players. The Ai was powered by its own separate server that was very good. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between them and players. I approach a metal gate with two guards with a chest a few feet away.

"Can I leave the city sirs" Nights-Shadow.

"Do you carry a weapon with you if not open the chest sir Nights-Shadow." Guard 1

I approach the chest and open it. It showed three weapons I could pick from.

Short Sword- common weapon, combat, 20 damage.

Axe- common item, combat, resources, 15 damage.

Wand-common wand, spell casting, damage on spell.

I chose the axe because I could use it as both a weapon and a way to collect wood. Weather is a thing in this game and so is building. As a approach the gate again it opens while the guards wave me good bye. The grassy plains before me were such a beautiful sight. The wind rolled over the hills and I could see ponds in the distance. I started towards the forest in the distance knowing full well I needed to level up. As I was approaching the forest a fast silver blur catch's my eye to my right. I hold my axe out ready to fight whatever it was. As it started to come closer I could make out what it was. Also a blue faided name was above it reading "grey wolf-level 5". My first fight and it had to be a wolf. Where there is one there is usually more. It rushed forward and leapt straight at me jaw open. I swing my axe right into its head. The wolf is thrown off course and I can see a red number saying critical 30 damage. That was mostly luck but it wasn't over yet. The wolf still had sixty health left and a bloody jaw. Two more wolves came running behind the one I just hit.

"This is really bad. Three against one is not fair."

One of the wolves to my left start running low and fast at me aiming for my legs. Just as the wolf was about to slam into me I brought my axe low and blocked. The wolf was disoriented but the one on my right jumped and bit my right arm. The wolf brought me down as I screamed in pain. I punch this wolf in the jaw doing a shockingly ten damage and pushing it off. I roll over onto my feet and the wolf I started with jumps at me again but I do the same thing bringing it's health to thirty.

"Do you not learn or something you canine." I say as I charge at him again.

The other wolves try to save him but I hit just in time for another critical for thirty. It drops some coins and some fur but I don't have time to gather them because I have to dodge again.

If this fight doesn't end soon my stamina will run out. In front of me just above my eye level I see a word saying "ground smash". I immediately notice it a ability while the wolves both run at me. I slam my axe against the ground while thinking the words. The ground makes a loud crack and both wolves get thrown off course into the ground. I start chopping at one of the wolves while it is stuck on the ground. The other wolf got its foot stuck into a crack from the ability. I know you can tame some animals in the game so I check my skill. For now I can only see a few of the skills but one of them says basic tamer. I have 1000 experience points to spend and it is only 600. When I spend the points a voice says "You have unlocked tamer. You can now tame up to level 5 creatures.

Luckily for me that was just barely good enough. I approach the wolf while it's only at forty health. I put my palm at the wolf and start the taming spell. After only two minutes the wolf turns friendly and a bar on the bottom right appears with the wolves name "wolf level five forty health." I get the wolf unstuck and try to heal it by feeding the meat from the others. Not shocking but it would not eat the meat. So I would guess this means no feeding the same race. So I use some of points left over to upgrade my health but I still need to heal. I was at twenty health out of my now one hundred and fifty. I use my axe to cut some branches and start a fire to cook the meat.

I couldn't believe it but the food even tasted real. My wolf layer down with its tongue hanging out looking happily at me. I would have renamed him but it would cost five hundred experience. As I heal though I notice my level had gone from one to six just from this one fight. I had been playing for close to five hours and thought I should get off. But as I open up the exit screen the button is gone and a sentence replaces it.

"There is no exit from this world my friend. Sorry to say but your entire body has been transferred to this world. I hope you enjoy. From your friend god. Also very few others were picked and no this is really happening. Just enjoy"

Part of me thought this is crazy but I actually hoped this was true. If it was I would certainly enjoy it more. My life back home was always crazy busy and exhausting. I barley could get through from day to day. Heck in order for me to buy this game I had to save my money for an entire year. Over all I could only hope this was true and if so I would so make it the best part of my life ever.

I get up and start walking further into the forest. My wolf follows me as the sun is awful close to going down. This sure was a day but I wondered what if it was a lie. I needed to set up better camp and get some sleep. But i at least now know what the level up help was. My experience was doubled from the fight so today was a good day indeed. As I set the fire and let my wolf stand guard I drift asleep hoping my this is all real and also that my health heals with sleep.

This is the first chapter. Leave names for future people. I will give credit to them. I plan 1 chapter every two days if not more chapters.

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