
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs


I started my day off my collecting all the loot from yesterday. I quickly realized however that my bag was becoming fool and I needed a base. I packed all that I could up a started my journey again further across the border. It was calm travels all the way to the pine forest. The temperature was getting colder and that cold mean only one thing. Winter was coming and I needed somewhere to stay. I came up to the massive pine forest that stretched for miles upon miles with no seemingly end.

I got into the forest and used my axe to start cutting down trees while the wolves explored the area. I took this time to check my skill lists as well.

Name-Nights Shadow

Class-Shadow assassin

Skills- 40% movement speed during night.

Taming level twenty-can tame up to level twenty creatures.

Earth strike- strike the earth causing damage to surrounding enemies while causing minor traps.

Quick step- powerful step that sends the user in one direction at 200% movement speed.

Shadow fold- during the day all shadows can fold over the user making them harder to spot.

I thought all of these were pretty good and by upgrading to Shadow Captain I would get even more as well. The day went on with me chopping down twelve trees making a small clearing. I removed the stumps and dug in a little. The next day I moved onto cutting the huge logs I had into planks and smoothing the wood. By the end of the day I had what was the floor for my base. I rested through the night to wake up to a familiar situation.

There was a small group of bandits not far away from me so I let my wolves show the way. I spotted their camp and saw about twenty of them. But one of them fought my eye. Wait I think I actually knew him. He was one of the bandits that said they had been summoned by their lord. I started on the beaten down path towards their camp and noticed how their were a lot of tents set up.

"You there stop were you. This is Aleksander's camp of the rogue bandits." A small man carrying a short sword said with five other following him.

"I know. I saw him from on top of the ridge line. I was hoping we could talk.

The men took me into their camp as showed into a bigger tent. The floor was made of wood planks with furs all over it as well as some chairs. Two men sat ahead of me. One of the jumped up and shouted "it's You Night."

"It's been to long Aleksander." I say as we give a welcoming hug.

"Sorry we never came back for you better trouble arose and I was the only survivor among the four of us."

"What happened Aleksander." I said has he gestured to take a set.

He told me the story about how one of the great houses had found out about their fort. As it turns out the king was not to happy and sent some of kingdoms knights and two hundred soldiers to clear them out. The bandits were outnumbered two to one and as such lost. The bandit Lord had died against one of the knights and the few remaining bandits parted ways. But Aleksander had managed to get some of them back together.

" I'm so sorry Aleksander but at least I found you."

"Indeed you have So what have been up to lately. Seems like some fine gear you have on."

"Well let's see. I robbed a noble and have a pack of wolves that help me out. Also I killed a group of goblins not long ago." We continued to talk until the morning in when we went to sleep. My wolves had been welcomed for their tracking skills

As it turns out the bandits had been having troubles finding food. They had also found out about a rival group not far away that wore yellow flag symbols. As it turns out the bandits wear a certain color cloth on the shoulder or arm to show what group their in during battle. While they could join forces it would mean less loot for each person in the group. I volunteered to go scout with two others.

After two days of looking we found that the group lived about a days travel away. The place they were camping was a old fort that was used during the old ages during the war with the demons. We had about thirty men with us now and were waiting to attack during the night. They had about forty people in their group but I felt I could deal with them myself.

I got up to the side of the wall with five other with me.

"Hey kid any plans on how we're getting in from here" one of the men said.

Without saying a word I used quick step on the wall going straight up into the air. As I fell back down I held my sword out and fell one of the guards. My sword went through his neck and he died without any noise. Two more guards looked over at me and saw the body. Once again I see quick step while slashing the men as I went by them. When I used quick step it was like they were stand still almost. I wet all around the wall in about fifty seconds killing the men on it. I alone just killed fifteen men without alerting any others of my presences. I was suppose to let Alexander's men in but I decided to get some of the loot first. I made my way down a staircase into a court yard. My speed tonight was incredible do to my ability. I used shadow fold on me before I opened a door into the main building. The building was a one story building but very long and narrow. I walked down the hall pass the doors on both sides as I came up to a staircase.

I made my way down into a large metal door that had symbols all over it. I opened the door as it scraped the stone floor. If no was awake next to this door they sure were now. As I made my way in the room burst into light as flames came from with the cracks of the floor. They gave off light but no heat or smoke. Something about this was seriously wrong. I looked behind me to see a group of men at the door as the slammed it close. I used quick step but missed my chance just barely.

"How nice. They brought a proper meal after so long." A voice echoed throughout the room.

I made my way around the the room but found no one else. As I saw yet another door but it was different some how. The door seemed like it didn't actually exist. As I approached the door a strong force hit me in the chest sending me flying into a pillar. When I looked up I caught a glimpse of a girl before she disappeared.

"How did you even see me." I shout out into the room as I get onto my feet.

No reply came but whoever was hear was very strong. I stood with my eyes closed waiting for anything to happen. As I thought they tried the same thing again. I swung my sword in front of my chest blocking the attack as I stumble backwards. I had felt the wind in front of me change last second was how I knew were the attack was from. In front of me was a girl in a black dress that bore some sort of crest.

"Well you managed to block my most basic attack. But you still stand no chance." She said as the flames around her grew into a spiral. Outside the room I heard the sound of swords clashing and men yelling.

"What are you even" I shout while pretty sure I knew.

"How dare you not know me. I am Emilia Hertz-gown of the second great house of the west. Queen of the flames and vampire of my own creation. And now you shall die." She said as once again I lost track of her.

Everything will come back around even the dead to get revenge on Sir Night.

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