
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Adventuring Is Tough

I turned around to a short old man looking up at me. He seemed like he was about only four and half feet tall.

"Do you want to buy it. You know the hood on it masks your level when it on." He said

"Interesting but how much is it then."

"Let's say three gold coins young man." He looked like he wasn't kidding.

I just about died when I heard him say the price. But I pulled my four gold coins out leaving only one in pocket now. I try it on and seemed to feet almost perfect. It opened up around the bottom a little allowing easy movement. It was stopped just before my foot and the sleeves were perfect almost like it was changing to fit my size. The string in the front was silver and made out the crest of a half moon.

"So you like it then." The man said while clearly happy with his work and the profit.

"I am but I am also in the need of a good sword." My one handed sword was okay but was easy to break do to the durability of it.

The man went around the shop and brought back a black blade that curved just a little it the in like it was dripping. The handle was silver with a symbol of a lion engraved on it.

"This sword is made of obsidian fluid that was hardened. It it unbreakable and can absorb the hottest of flames into nothing."

"Sounds nice but how much is it." I say knowing full well it's too much.

"Let's say three gold coins now. But if you can't pay now I can also put it in the back if your willing to pay for it in two weeks."

"That would be very nice but how would I earn the money." I say with a plan forming in my brain.

"I don't care how you get the money as long as you pay. Kill a noble for all I care." He said as he went into the back with no intent coming back soon.

A take this as my leave and go to get my wolves. When I arrive they seem like something was wrong. I get them to come with me and I start back towards the forest. I managed to steal a map from one of the stalls and found a route before I left. It seemed like it was a very well traveled road so I found it and walking until I reached a thicker part of the forest were the trees were touching the road. I use my axe to cut a tree down onto the road and have my wolves wait behind the trees hidden. I still had the bow and arrows from the bandits and climb into a tree. As night came about I made a small fire and fell asleep. The wolves woke me up early just as the sun was coming up. We all went back to were we were yesterday. I hear a horses coming and start to prepare my bow.

The carriage had windows blocked by red cloth and the driver seemed well payed. They came up to the fallen tree and stopped. Just as the driver was about to tell the people inside the carriage about the tree a arrow went through his heart. He fell to the ground as I heard a scream from inside the carriage. I see a shield block the window as the other swings open from the other side. I stop to jump down to the ground and give off a whistle. Two men with swords and shields protected the carriage but my wolves surrounded them. I put my bow on my back and walk up to them.

"Drop your weapons and no one else get hurt." I say as I bring out my one handed sword. The man that had blocked the window dropped his sword and backed away. The other one held his ground.

"I said drop your weapons" I say to him in what seemed like a deathly cold voice."

"No one attacks the house of Garathan" he says as he charges towards me.

My wolves jump at him and he falls to the ground screaming as my wolves bite into me. I walk over to the man who listened to me and tie him up. When I open the door I see a young woman holding a dagger towards me from the furthest corner.

"Don't you dare come only closer." She says while a face of worry overtakes her.

"I won't do anything as long as you give me all the money you people have." I say knowing how this might go wrong. But luckily my hood blocked my level and people can't see my name like normal.

"The money is in the back just don't kill my guards." She said

"Sorry but I'm afraid I already killed one." I say as I slam the door close.

She goes quite as I use my sword to pry the back open. Inside I see a small chest about hand hold size. I try to open it but it locked it it seems enchanted. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I came around and open the door again. She is sitting there looking at me with a sad expression.

She was about nineteen yet seemed to handle herself surprisingly well in this situation. I hold up the chest to gesture it locked. She throws a key at me and I open it. Inside there are ten gold coins. Whoever these people are they seem very rich.

"Okay your one guard will take you rest of the way. Have a nice day." I say as a face of shock takes over her. I close the door and walk into the forest after I untied him and put his sword on the front of the carriage. I yell to the wolves to follow and we leave. That was much easier than I thought it would be. After a day I arrive back at the town and get my sword and leave as soon as possible. The map showed a city that went over a border. I still wonder if this was all real. But I know that I should just continue to enjoy this. A few days pass of me going toward the border and hunk ting deer and birds.

About two weeks past as I notice I'm level fourteen and the wolves are all about level eight to ten. Hollow was level fifteen. Once we got to the border I follow trails through the grass fields and forest patch's. As I came up to patch of forest all my wolves stop. Something was clearly wrong here. I pull my sword out I I see what was wrong. About thirty little green goblins were up ahead. I gave my wolves the command to hold their spots. I slowly approach the goblins to see their levels. Most of them had no armor but carried stone spears. But two of them were completely armored and had two curved daggers. I come up and start to slash all the goblins near me as the wolves charge up behind me. The goblins start to come together forming a spear wall while the tow armored one stay in the back. My wolves stay around the edge as Hollow use wind slash cutting the goblins down as I rush into the middle. I start to fight the two armored goblins as wolves handle the spears. I hit the first one for a massive fifty damage but his health showed barley any difference. The second goblin moved fast and tried to go for my throat but I managed to dodge just in time. But before I can regain my footing the first goblins come from behind and stabs in the leg. I take twenty damage but manage to hit him for sixty on the neck. The goblin falls to the ground. I fight the second goblin trading bows constantly as my health drops. The wolves are almost done with the rest.

I manage to get the goblin to twenty health. The goblin throws his dagger at me but I bring my cloak up to block and they simply bounce off. I raise my sword up and use a skill called quick step and finished him. The battle ends and I level up a lot more than I thought. I reached level nineteen finally but I needed one more level to twenty for a class. I see the goblins I killed dropped red gems. When I picked them up I saw they could be crushed for five hundred experience each. I use both and get to level twenty.

Classes available for level twenty.

Archer- plus 20% movement speed, increased arrow damage and aim.

Shadow Caster- shadow spells, plus one hundred health each level, specialist spell- blind.

Shadow assassin- 40% movement speed during night, Taming level upgrade to level twenty. Upgrades to Shadow Captain.

After a few minutes I make the easy choice of Shadow assassin. I hope that once it's upgraded I get better health abilities. But the speed boost and taming seem to be were I am going anyway. I call it a day and make camp wondering what happened to the bandits. Should I go back or. Continue to adventure.