
begining of being devil

Last 5 mins were too bad, we were able to get away from him. But how does the ghoul entered our city. It's something that is not good.

Ok, my next question is, why everyone here is behaving like zombies? Wait, they are zombies or ghouls or any other monster? AAhh we are in monster city Or what?

Ok lets get back to home. What just happened in our neighbour? Why houses are damaged? Why our neighbours are walking on road in different manner like they are zombie? But they are not zombie, nor they are ghoul. They what are they?

Whatever, we have to leave right now. Where's my family? They too are cursed. Ok, now I have to leave coz I have to find the cure through which I can save them. It's like fairy tales were all are enemy and I am the one who will save others. But I have to save myself first.

As I have told you, I am on an island. And now, it is full of different creatures. I am going to die.

After 20 days,

Ok , I am still alive. I am hiding in a den. Where I was with my friends. But only I am alive. All of them are dead. I have eaten their mass, although I have to fight them, wanna know my strategy? First I asked other friends to kill one, similarly I killed others, and I have enough resources to survive almost more 5 days. But for more resources, I have to prey. I have to find the survivors and then I have to kill them to have their meat.

Ok I am out side. What is it? A phone. Oh may be I can communicate with outer world.

"… .. … .. .. Hello… .. … . "

" ah… hello I am John, and I am stuck in an island which is full of zombies."

"Ok sir, which island is this?"

"Sysiwoemsbsbss island"

" What?"

"Plz help me , battery is too low"

"ok wait… .. … .. Hello?"

Ahh.. Phone is dead now, I have to do something.

I can hear some sound, they are coming this side. I have to hide somewhere. Behind the trees, bushes, where? Ok for now I should take shelter of tree.

They are searching for something. And, I am in a very big trouble. They are coming to me. Oh god, I am surrounded by them. What should I do? Wait, why are they just going back. Am I… am I too looking like them? I have to check. I am looking like a human, oh ok, but why did they just leave like this. Forget it. I am safe now. Let's search for foods, and maybe some other resources.