
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 6

"This is how a Necromancer fights," he remarked, observing the horde of undead charging towards the group of goblins, his demeanor nonchalant.

Surveying the battlefield, he watched as more undead wolves poured out of the portal.

A mere 300 goblins and 5 goblin warriors couldn't compare to the thousands of wolves and hundreds of undead goblins.

Every goblin who saw this scene trembled and stepped back.

'We are fucked!' echoed through the minds of every goblin.

Goblins weren't strong creatures; they were intelligent. They would set traps or move in groups and launch sneak attacks most of the time.

Their plan was to outnumber their enemy and attack from all directions. However, their enemy was Aldrich.

The goblin army was pitifully small compared to Aldrich's giant undead army.

They attempted to step back and run away. Yet, undead wolves rushed at them, while skeleton goblins leaped with their daggers.

Only five goblin warriors were fearless enough to strike at the enemy. However, they were foolish to take on the massive undead by themselves.

Ten undead boss wolves surrounded the five goblin warriors and engaged in combat.

The goblin warriors swung their clubs at the undead boss wolves. The undead boss wolves endured the attacks and countered with their claws.

The goblin warriors were thrown back, and hundreds of undead wolves from all directions bit and stabbed them.

The goblin warriors attempted to free themselves, flailing their arms and legs. However, the undead boss wolves closed in, repeatedly stabbing them until they turned into corpses.

Five giant skeletons arose, wielding spiked clubs. The mere goblins all turned into undead, and some who attempted to flee were hunted down by undead goblins riding atop wolves.

"That was fast," Aldrich yawned. "At this rate, I will clear this dungeon in no time." As he said that, the third wave emerged.

This time, the ground shook, and the cracks in the walls deepened.

A massive goblin, 5 meters in size, accompanied by 50 goblin warriors and 500 goblins, marched from the front.

The giant goblin was the goblin commander, leading 50 goblin warriors and 500 goblins.

"Man, this dungeon sure is cruel. That's why it's one of the hardest E-rank dungeons," Aldrich remarked, cracking his knuckles. "But…for me, this is the best battlefield." One thing a Necromancer loved the most was war.

He played with his dagger. The hordes of undead in the room were not even close to his real army.

But the room was already stuffed with enough of them here.

Aldrich commanded 1200 undead wolves, 300 undead goblins, and 6 undead warriors to charge at the enemy.

Similarly, the goblin commander at the front swung its giant axe, sweeping away the undead wolves.

Undead boss wolves charged at the goblin commander. However, the goblin commander was mid E-rank, unlike the boss wolves who were at early E-rank.

Nevertheless, there were 10 boss wolves in quantity, so their lack of strength was compensated by their numbers.

The goblin commander swung its axe at the undead boss wolf. The single attack sliced the wolf's leg in two, but other boss wolves attacked simultaneously.

Their claws swung at the goblin commander from all directions. But unlike the goblin warrior, the commander was only pushed back a bit.

Countless undead wolves bit the goblin commander from its back. The goblin commander shook its body, but the undead boss wolves bit its head and body.

The goblin commander was overwhelmed by the attack. It bled from all over its body and couldn't strike back.

It resisted desperately but died. A core bigger than normal fell.

Aldrich stretched his hands and cast Necromancy. The core was within a 100-meter radius, so he could summon it from afar.

The 50 goblin warriors were also overwhelmed. Hundreds of undead wolves charged at them.

They swung their clubs and punched the wolves. Some broke down, some survived, and some managed to bite the goblins, causing them to bleed.

The goblin warriors swung their clubs recklessly and jumped. They were surrounded.

Whenever they swung their clubs and landed a hit on an undead wolf, another undead wolf would attack them from behind.

As they rotated, swinging their clubs, small goblins jumped from the backs of the wolves to their heads and stabbed daggers into their bald heads.

The goblin warriors defeated many undead wolves and goblins.

However, they were injured a lot. Undead goblin warriors who were killing the normal goblins joined the attack.

They raised their clubs and slammed them on top of a goblin warrior's head, who was busy with the wolves.

The club spikes pierced the goblin's head and killed it instantly.

The fallen goblin warriors rose again in the form of skeletons.


The battle lasted ten minutes...

"A hundred undead goblins and 149 undead wolves died in this battle. Weird…" He lightly hit his head with his fist. "They are already dead. So they all crumbled into nothingness." He thought it was the right way to say it.

"Man, I earned another 500 undead goblins, a massive goblin commander, and 50 goblin warriors." He stored all the undead, leaving the goblin commander and five goblin warriors behind to protect him.

"I don't need to fight at all. This is getting somewhat boring," he contemplated. "But, what can I do? All my undead do my job easily."

Aldrich had a habit of talking to himself. Due to that, he looked creepy in front of his co-workers, which is why he had no friends.

Some even recommended him to a mental hospital. Aldrich was so embarrassed that he became quieter and only focused on his job.

But since he was alone, surrounded by a bunch of undead, his habit resurfaced.

Aldrich climbed the stairs and reached the third floor where the boss room existed.

"Boss room," Aldrich said as he looked at the door, which had two massive goblin carvings on it.

He pushed it, and the door opened with a loud creak.

In the wide room, there was a massive throne. Sitting on the throne was a massive goblin, 10 meters in size.

Around the throne were ten small thrones where goblin commanders sat.

In front of the throne, a hundred goblin warriors knelt, paying their respects.

"I…I am screwed, it seems," Aldrich muttered as he looked at the forces and tried to sneak back. But the door closed with a loud thud.

"Ahem," he said nervously as he looked at the goblins who were now staring at him, hundreds of eyes falling on him.

"Hello," he waved his hand weakly. "This room is cramped," he complained.

The goblin chief stood, grabbing the giant hammer, which was bigger than Aldrich.

The small goblin commanders all stood too. When the goblin chief and commanders stood, the goblin warriors also stood.

"Kheeee!" the goblin chief commanded, and the goblin warriors rushed at him.

The goblin commanders all walked toward Aldrich.

The goblin chief lazily sat again, as if knowing the result of the battle. It was confident that its minions would win easily.

"I don't need this many goblins to welcome me. Wait…I do need them. Because I have brought lots of guests here," Aldrich said as his back touched the door.

Cold sweat trickled down his neck, yet he had a smile on his face despite his legs and hands trembling.

The portal opened in front of him and behind the goblin warriors.

The goblin commander and goblin warriors charged from the front.

Small goblins, wolves, and boss wolves charged from behind.

"Eradicate the goblin warriors first. This way, defeating the goblin commander will be easy," he commanded from the back.

The wolves attacked the goblin warriors from behind. The goblin warriors couldn't defend, as the undead goblin commander and undead goblin warriors also attacked from the front.

The goblin commander easily grabbed the goblin warriors and broke their necks one by one. While the undead goblin warriors endured the attacks and swung their clubs at the goblin warriors.

The goblin warriors bled and fell. Unlike the undead goblin warriors and commander who endured the attacks, the goblin warriors couldn't endure the pain.

Green blood gushed from their bodies. As they faced attacks from both sides, the quantity of goblin warriors greatly reduced.

The fallen goblin warriors turned undead. But at that moment, five more goblin commanders arrived.

Their axes swept away the undead wolves, and even the boss wolves faced difficulty. The boss wolves were twice in number, but their strength was great.

They were evenly matched. Many small undead goblins and wolves attacked the goblin commanders from behind.

The small goblins climbed their bodies and stabbed their daggers.

Their daggers could only scratch their heads, but this was enough to cause a distraction. The goblin commanders grabbed the skeletal goblins and broke them.

But the boss wolves attacked them. The goblin commanders fought fiercely, breaking the undead boss wolves.

However, the small wounds caused by the attacks of small wolves hindered them. They squealed and tried to sweep away the small wolves, but before they could do so, they would be attacked by the undead boss wolves.

The goblin commanders fell down. But, they managed to destroy five undead boss wolves and countless undead wolves.

Five more goblin commanders joined Aldrich's army.

Similarly, goblin warriors fell one by one. The undead goblin warriors and goblin commanders alone wiped out the goblin warrior army.

However, the undead goblin commander had numerous scratches on its body, cracks on its ribs, chest, legs, and so on.

Thirty undead goblin warriors crumbled down, returning to the underworld, while others bore numerous cracks on their bodies.

But another hundred goblin warriors joined the legion.

This was enough compensation for Aldrich.

The goblin chief looked at the scene with a bored expression on its face. It stood from its throne.

Its giant body matched evenly with the boss wolves.

The goblin chief grabbed its giant hammer and raised it. Then it rushed at the undead.

Each step caused the land to shake.

"My god, can I defeat that thing?" Aldrich gulped his saliva.

"Charge, my undead!" He stretched his hand.

All the undead rushed toward the goblin chief.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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