
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 25


A group of four big snakes attacked him from all directions. However, he jumped and did a flip before throwing his dagger at the nearest snake.

The dagger pierced the flesh and stabbed it. The snake let out a loud hissing sound and pounced at him.

Its body swiped while the other snakes jumped from other directions.

He rushed at the stabbed snake, dodging the bodies, and grabbed the dagger. He swiped it and tore apart its body.

It turned into a core. An undead snake appeared before him. He utilized the bone and created a small ball.

As the three snakes approached him with their bodies, he ran towards the tree and reached 10m up. He stabbed the dagger deep into the tree, hanging onto it.

The three snakes reached below him. Without wasting a single second, he cast "Bone Explosion!"

The ball exploded, forming a small crater, and blood splattered. The snakes were severely injured. He landed down and finished them with his dagger.

He created some more undead and made them into bombs.

When he encountered a large group of snakes, he immediately utilized Aura of Death and weakened the snakes.

Then he fled from there, throwing bone balls. Four balls exploded and wiped out the snakes with ease.

After some hours, he arrived at the boss room.

It was a complete poisonous swamp.


Bubbles formed in the swamp as a huge serpent with red skin popped out from the swamp. It hissed and let out black mist towards him.

Aldrich jumped back and looked at the 5m long serpent.

He made lots of giant balls from the undead snakes and threw them into the swamp.

He activated his defense skill and also covered himself with two layers of bone hemisphere.

Of course, he only utilized what he hunted in the dungeon.


A huge explosion completely vaporized the liquids in the swamp. The serpent was completely wiped out.

Taking out a small sword, he left the dungeon.

As he came out, William was standing outside, lowering his head.

"Hmm?" Aldrich looked at him. "What happened?"

"Sir Aldrich... All of your commanders have conquered every dungeon in the city... And, Miss Artha has recovered from her shocked state."


He left towards the hospital.

In the hospital, a frail woman in a hospital gown lay on the bed, looking outside the window with an emotionless face.

"How do you feel?" Aldrich asked as he entered the room.

"Feel like dead inside," she said. "I have nothing to live for... I wish to die." Her face was calm.

"Then I can kill you now."

"Then please," she lowered her head.

"But... what does your death accomplish?"

"Salvation, I think."

"Oh," Aldrich sighed. "Then, let me ask you something. Don't you want to save humanity?"

She froze and looked at him. "Save humanity? From whom... From monsters... or humans themselves." She then looked outside the window again. "I am powerless. I can't save my own brother... How can I save humanity? I am just a weak woman after all." She smiled bitterly.

Aldrich walked toward her. He sat on the chair and looked into her eyes.

"Then... How about I make you strong?"

"For what? Don't you fear I may take revenge once I get strong?"

"But what's the point of revenge? I killed him in self-defense. You know it too."

"I know... but..." her body trembled. Her eyes turned teary. "No matter how he was... He was my only family... A person who saved me for countless years."

"So what do you want to do? Do you want to take control of this city and slowly make Super and normal humans equal?"

"You know it too... That's impossible."

"But we can try. We can at least create laws and make life easier for them."

"But... Why?" She asked gently. "Why do you want to save ordinary people? Aren't they all... nothing more than a burden?"

Aldrich stood and looked outside the window, following her gaze. "I once was a normal human too, you know."


"How did it go?" William asked politely.

"She agreed."

"Wow..." William nodded in admiration. "So what's our plan?" He asked.

"Going to the capital. I want to... dominate the world."

William: "..."


The next few weeks were spent training Artha. During this time, the five commanders all trained under the dungeon, learning sneaky attacks, tactics, and cooperation.

Artha also acquired a C-rank skill and became the strongest Super in the city... for the time being.

In the end, the Super Association Branch and all its responsibilities were given to her.

Before leaving for the capital, Aldrich took a last glance at the city.

The place where he spent half his life, he was finally going to abandon it.

"Farewell." Despite the countless memories, maybe dull, made here, he couldn't help but want to leave. Nothing had attached itself here. So, he left without any hesitation.

William and he sat on the airplane. Looking at the scenery behind, William had countless expressions on his face, which couldn't be defined.

The plane zoomed in towards another land, a land filled with strong Supers and powerful dungeons.

"Now I will begin amassing large amounts of strong undead. And finally create a large undead army," he said with a bright smile on his face.

"I will be the strongest force in the world. The one-man army that can overwhelm countless enemies with numbers. I will have the largest army known in history," he said blatantly, as if to strengthen his resolve.

Then with a playful smile on his face, he muttered.

"I have Infinite Undead In the Apocalypse."



It was boring, I know. The characters here weren't a lot, and all of them didn't have distinct taste.

The fast pace here ruined many scenes too. This was the prologue after all.

Volume 2 will be a bit more interesting. I will slow down the pace and focus more on battles, tactics, and characters.

Dungeons, monsters, and other things will be explained more.

The world will be shown more. I am still learning and improving, so I hope you guys can continue to read this.

Volume 2: Battle for Domination