
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 23

The plane was flying smoothly. Its speed wasn't comparable to that of a fighter plane, but it was still faster than those before the apocalypse.

Since the apocalyptic period hadn't completely ended, threats on humanity were still looming, and most technology was focused on battles.

Also, there were continuous experiments on enhancing vehicles, but it required more time and resources.

William lay on the bed, gazing at the screen displaying a bone hemisphere. Flying beasts continuously attacked, attempting to break down the bones. However, after some minutes, the bone hemisphere disappeared.

Five figures moved at great speed, too fast for the camera to capture. In less than a minute, all the monsters were dealt with.

However, before the footage could capture more, something destroyed it.

The footage was taken by a flying drone far from the battlefield, its camera so strong that even from a 1 km distance, it could capture footage as if taken from nearby.

However, it was destroyed so swiftly that there was no footage of the perpetrator or the weapons used, as the drone was very high in the sky.

"I don't understand," he muttered, shocked and terrified. "What more secrets does that man hold?" he asked, but no one answered.

"Is he a friend or a foe? Will he help humanity or lead it to destruction?" he wondered aloud.

But no one was there to answer him. "I have to report it to the boss," he sighed heavily.

But suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the plane.

"Leader!" A thin man rushed toward William.

"Leader!" he panted heavily. "There…"

"What happened?" Seeing his pale, terrified face, William felt uneasy.

"Skeletons, and a girl…" he said in a low voice. "They…stopped the plane!"


Outside the huge plane carrying 10,000 passengers, a small, frail-looking woman was floating. Her hands touched the plane; her strength alone wasn't enough to stop it. But 800 undead flying beasts were flying beside her, each pouring all its strength to halt the aircraft.

Each undead was B-rank, so its strength was enough to destroy a building with its strength alone.

An S-rank strength could demolish a building with a single punch. However, the aircraft was very heavy, not to mention, it was moving very fast.

So all the undead flying beasts flew towards the opposite direction of the plane, pushing it. If it were 100 or 200, they might have been directly pushed by the airplane.

500 or 700 beasts might barely slow down the plane, but with 800, it somehow managed to decelerate, especially with Aviana, an S-rank flying undead, flying towards the plane at great speed and pushing it back.

The slowed-down plane stopped immediately.

William looked through the window and sighed. He ordered, "Don't do anything. Just surrender."

The man was surprised but nodded and left the room.

The plane was pushed back, and slowly it gained velocity.

Not long afterward, it flew back to Outskirt City I and landed at the airport.

The supers exited the plane with looks of confusion. They were going to complain, but when they saw the undead beasts and felt the pressure, they quieted down.

Aviana's figure was very seductive, not to mention her clothes were a bit inappropriate; no men could resist looking at her and gulping down their saliva.

Her face was equally beautiful, and all the men there were charmed.

However, William looked at her with a hint of fear in his eyes. Still, with a smile, he lowered his head.

"Master has called you," Aviana said.

"Please," William just nodded.

Aviana grabbed his arms and stored all the undead.

Each commander had a natural hollow shelter skill, despite it not being shown in their skill menu.

She flew at a terrifying speed. William nearly had a heart attack.

Despite being an A-rank Super, he had never flown like that in the air. Not to mention, he still wanted to live, so there was still fear of dying in his heart.

After some minutes, they arrived at a house. The house belonged to Super Arthur, who was killed by Aldrich.

It wasn't merely a house but a huge mansion. Aldrich took a liking to it, so he settled there.

"Master, I have brought the dinner! How shall we eat? Raw, cooked, fried…" Aviana said in a tone as if she had a mouthful of saliva, but she was just imitating it as she was an undead who only had a body as a shell, which didn't function.

"I am human too. So are you going to eat me too?" Aldrich asked blatantly.

"Huh!" Aviana was stunned. She fidgeted around while trembling. "This slave dares not!" She then knelt down immediately.

The whole process looked idiotic to the three undead who were standing like statues.

Only Dread was shaking. He wanted to say something but couldn't. But in his heart, he gave Aviana a thumbs up. 'That's it, sister. Apologize properly.' He wasn't even sure why he was shaking.

Of course, William also saw this and wondered, 'What's going on?'

The girl was an S-rank!

William looked at the other four and was frightened. However, seeing Aldrich, he felt more relieved.

'At least he isn't strong…'

Aldrich was only at peak C-rank at the moment.

'Are they following him… due to his skill?' He was confused but dared not to speak, let alone ask.

If he could, he would have even stopped breathing to decrease his presence further.

"Now, William… No, Sir William. How shall I deal with you?" Aldrich asked with a smile.

"Deal with me?" William tilted his head as if confused. "But… Why… Lord Aldrich?" He couldn't help but be overly polite.

Thinking back, he was overbearing, but still respectful to the guy, but now, that guy was looking at him as if he was a joke.

"You abandoned ordinary people after all."

"So…" Despite having fear in his heart, he answered. "Is it a crime to abandon them if I don't have the strength to protect them? Then tell me, Lord Aldrich…" He looked at him with a sharp gaze.

"If you were powerless, would you have saved those people?"


3 Chapters today.

Sorry for not delivering all the chapters I promised. I was a little sick.

These 2 chapters make up for 6 chapters of last week. The last one is a daily chapter.

Also, tomorrow too, 3 chapters will be posted. I will try my best.