
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

A thin man knelt down, wearing a dark magical robe emitting a sinister aura, resembling an ordinary human. However, a strong demonic or evil energy emanated from his body, causing the land beneath them to deteriorate, darkening as if corroded by acid.


[Trait: Undead]

[Species: Great Orc]

[Title: Commander of Undead Magician]

[Mana: 25000/25000]

[Innate Skill: (Destructive Ball of Flame)

[Skill: (Dark Domain), (Rain of Curse Needles), (Resilient), (Conjuring Death)]

[Destructive Ball of Flame (Innate): Consume 5000 mana to summon a massive fireball, packed with devilish power and explosive force, affecting a 1 km area. Within 100m, a massive crater forms, emanating dense deathly aura cursing all beings, absorbing everything. Beyond 100m, weak deathly aura rapidly absorbs life energy, turning it into mana consumed by the caster.]

[Dark Domain: Consume 5000 Mana per minute to mark a 100m land as a domain, where death mist intensifies, halving all stats of enemies and living. 30% mana and 35% health are drained from enemies every minute.]

[Rain of Curse Needles: 200 mana per cast. Hundreds of small, sharp needles rain down on enemies, halving their speed and causing weakness or unconsciousness in the weak.]

[Resilient: 500 mana per minute to create a barrier tightly wrapped around the skin, absorbing 50% of damage and increasing defense by 20%.]

[Conjuring Death: Consume 100 mana to summon an undead corpse.]

Seeing the status windows, Aldrich was stunned. "The commander's stats are equal to those of an S-rank monster." He gulped, looking at Gandolf, who remained kneeling with a cold, emotionless face.

"Stand," he commanded, and Gandolf rose, his expression devoid of emotion.

He looked at the four-armed Hobgoblin boss. "You are huge, strong, and have four arms, possessing great strength. Henceforth, any undead as strong as you will fall under your command. You are now the commander of undead with high physical strength. I grant you the name, Dread."

The four-armed Hobgoblin boss also shrank down, its body glowing brightly as skin, muscles, and tissue formed. The two hands vanished, revealing a gentle, innocent face with lush black hair and two innocent blue eyes peering at Aldrich. Despite fair white skin, its burly body was packed with bulging muscles and popping veins as it moved its arms. Its upper body was bare, while leather pants covered its lower body. Rather than emitting a demonic aura, it exuded a red aura.


[Trait: Undead]

[Species: Ancient Hobgoblin]

[Title: Commander of Strong Undead]

[Mana: 25000/25000]

[Innate Skill: (Demonic Mana Surge)

[Skill: (Enhanced Sword Strike), (Summon Skeleton Warrior), (Fighter Domain), (Conjuring Death)]

[Demonic Mana Surge (Innate): Consume 90% of the body's mana to triple all stats. Attacks and skills imbued with demonic energy curse enemies, deteriorating their mana, health, speed, defense, will, and fighting spirit. Enemies of equal strength become terrified and lose their guard.]

[Enhanced Sword Strike: Consume 500 mana to enhance the sword, increasing its sharpness by 5 times to cut through defenses effortlessly, unless the opponent is 5 times stronger.]

[Summon Skeleton Warrior: Consume 2000 mana to summon 25 Skeleton warriors.]

[Fighter Domain: Consume 5000 mana per minute. Allies within a 100m area have their stats doubled, while enemy stats decrease by 20%, their fighting spirit wanes, and their guard weakens. The caster's stats triple, and weaker enemies can be controlled to fight alongside (Max: 10).]

[Conjuring Death: Consume 100 mana to summon an undead corpse.]

Aldrich was satisfied with both Dread's appearance and skills. Dread could summon another two hands at will, effortlessly wielding two great swords that appeared heavy, yet he carried them as if they were mere wooden swords.

"Dread, greet the lord. Dread will fight for the lord and will slay anyone who dares to oppose him!" he declared, kneeling and stabbing the swords into the ground, bowing his head respectfully, even more so than Gandolf.

Aldrich nodded, ordering him to stand, then turned his gaze to the werewolf, agile, sturdy, and fierce.

"Strong, agile, and fast. You're perfect to be an assassin, adept at sneak attacks and employing despicable means. I'll appoint you as the commander of assassins. Any undead possessing speed, agility, and sneakiness will fall under your command. I grant you the name, Swift."


"Tri-head Canid, henceforth you'll be the commander of undead beasts. I grant you the name, Cerber."

"Demonic Predator Vulture, you'll be the commander of flying undead from now on. I grant you the name, Aviana."


[Trait: Undead]

[Species: Predator Werewolf]

[Title: Commander of Undead Assassin]

[Mana: 25000/25000]

[Innate Skill: (One with Nature)

[Skill: (Sneaky Domain), (Perfect Stab), (Flash), (Conjuring Death)]

[One with Nature (Innate): Consume 1000 mana per minute to erase presence. Become one with nature, erasing all presence and disappearing. Even when in front of anyone, they can't see you.]

[Sneaky Domain: Consume 5000 mana per minute to decrease the guard of enemies within 100m. All enemy defenses decrease by 90%. Every attack targets enemy critical points. Enemies can't sense or see the assassin, even if they're in front of them.]

[Perfect Stab: Consume 1000 mana to nullify enemy defense. The stab attack deals a critical blow, with a 90% chance of critically injuring the enemy and a 50% chance of killing them. Weaker enemies will die 100% of the time.]

[Flash: Consume 500 mana to increase speed by 5 times.]

[Conjuring Death: Consume 100 mana to summon a corpse to be its undead.]


[Trait: Undead]

[Species: Cerberus]

[Title: Commander of Undead Beast]

[Mana: 25000/25000]

[Innate Skill: (Summon Cerberus)

[Skill: (Beast Domain), (Heavy Bite), (Deafening Roar), (Conjuring Death)]


[Trait: Undead]

[Species: Devilish Vulture]

[Title: Commander of Undead Birds]

[Mana: 25000/25000]

[Innate Skill: (Swiftly Fly)

[Skill: (Air Domain), (Summon Flying Warriors), (Obliterating Laser), (Conjuring Death)]