
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 17

We survived the apocalypse.

It might not seem incredible, but in a world where millions were dying every day, we could consider ourselves lucky to have survived.

My brother and I alone survived as our parents were consumed by the monster.

I was a teen at that time, barely 14-15 years old. I was scared, terrified, and grew a deep resentment toward the monsters that destroyed our peaceful life.

My brother protected me every day. I admired him and wanted to be someone like him.

A reliable person who would protect others. After he got Awakened, he swore to me and himself that he would protect humanity. He left me and went to another city that required help.

I also awakened a skill. I worked hard to train myself to be the perfect assassin and help my brother.

After 2 years of parting, we finally met today. But… My brother had become unrecognizable.

And now… I could never recognize and understand him…

Looking at his dead body, the pale face, I couldn't help but think.

'Why us.'


An hour later.

A figure exited the dungeon; in his hand was a head.

The head of the human had the most horrible expression on his face. It looked like it had undergone a very painful death that an ordinary person could never imagine.

Outside the dungeon, Artha was kneeling on the ground. Her eyes were lifeless. She looked frozen as if time itself had frozen for her.

Her gaze was fixed on the dead body of her brother. Aldrich didn't care and moved toward Roland's corpse.

'I wonder if his defensive skill would still be there when I summon him as an undead.'

Aldrich cast Necromancy on Roland's corpse. He couldn't cast Necromancy on Arthur's corpse because he had beheaded him.

This was his first time summoning an intact corpse, so he was curious and excited.

The dead body glowed in red. Skins, organs, muscles, tissues, etc., all melted.

Only bones were left. A green light seeped through the bone giving it life. A blue flame lit in its eyes as it stood.

[You have fulfilled the condition to upgrade Necromancy.]

[1,000 normal undead, 100 boss undead, and 1 Human Undead have been fulfilled.]

[Necromancy levelled up!]

[3 New Skills have been included in the Necromancy Skill Set.]

[You have acquired a Special Skill: Commander]

[All your undead have been enhanced. Strength, defence, speed, magical power, and skill effects have been improved.]

"Huh?!" Aldrich was startled seeing the notification. "I nearly forgot that my skill could upgrade." Not long later, a hologram appeared.


[Type: Skill Set]

[Level: 3]

[Contained Skills:

- Conjuring Dead: Conjure the corpse to be your slave. Number of undead that can be conjured (9,877/infinite).

- Hollow Shelter: Create a dimension which can store an unlimited amount of your undead regardless of their number and mass. You can store and summon them within a 50-meter radius.

- Eye of Dead: Can see your undead information.

- Bone Explosion: Explode the bones that are under your control or the bones that are lying in a dead body. Consume 100 Mana per use.

- Bone Manufacturer: Manufacture any item you wish. However, the design can't be too complex. Mana will be used depending on the size of the item.

- Summon Warrior Skeleton: Consume 100 Mana to summon 5 Warrior Skeletons from the world of undead.]

[Special Skill:

- Commander: You can make any undead a commander. (Maximum: 5). Commander intelligence, strength, speed, defense, magical power, skill effects, and loyalty will increase sharply. Each commander could control 1,000 Undeads. Commanders aren't restricted, so they could explore any place without you. Each Commander could receive 2 skills from you. (You can remove the commander from their position anytime. Doing that will put the undead back in their original stats.)

"I can create a commander and new skills!" Aldrich's eyes gleamed. He had gotten stronger and could utilize more ways to fight.

He looked at his mana. [4500/4500]. It was a peak D-rank mana capacity. Unlike monsters, human mana capacity is a bit lower.

The day was already coming to a close, so Aldrich didn't venture into the dungeon again. He looked at the corpse of Arthan.

His eyes then stared at Artha. Seeing her like a corpse, he didn't know what to do with her.

But a moment later, he patted her shoulder. "Hello, is anyone home?" He looked into her eyes.

But she didn't react. Her breathing was slow. There was no light in her eyes.

"Should I leave her?" He pondered. But after a bit of contemplation, he decided not to.

Her current condition was also due to him. He was partly at fault. Well, he didn't regret it, but leaving her alone would be a bit cruel.

"This city also needs a new C-rank Super." Or else, the dungeon outbreak could destroy the city.

He didn't want the city he lived in to turn into ruins. Not to mention, many innocent people and children reside here. He wasn't a heartless man.


He slapped her. A red palm print appeared on her cheeks. But despite that, there was no reaction.


He touched his forehead and sighed. With nothing else to do, he carried her on his shoulder just like how a kidnapper would carry a girl.

He called a cab and threw her on the seat. He stored Arthan's in his storage rings. He wanted to summon it as his undead, but considering Arthan was the only member of her family, he decided to leave the responsibility of the corpse to her.

Arthan wasn't that much of a scumbag, so he could at least be put under a grave. If Roland also had a family member, he would have left his corpse intact.

He left Artha in the hospital. After completing the formalities in the hospital and admitting her to the psychology unit, he left for his house.

He was in high spirits. He hummed and cleaned the apartment. Then, he looked at his sister's picture.

"Sister, I have avenged you. From this moment, I will make sure all Supers in this city won't be lawless. It will take some time, but I will surely do it."

He formed a fist and punched the sky. After completing everything, he lay in bed.

"Tomorrow will be more fun."


Well, it's getting boring, I assume. I am not good with characters.

But tomorrow, no more characters, only action and undead!!!!