
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 16

Arthur, Roland, and Arthan looked at Aldrich, ignoring Artha.

"Artha, will you please step forward?" Arthan requested with a smile.

"But why? We promised to defeat the monster, right? We would fight for the sake of humanity!" Artha had a troubled look. Her solemn face was covered in sweat. She appeared cold on the outside, but inside, she was on the verge of breaking down in tears.

"Of course. However, for that, we need strength. I don't have enough. So killing him is an opportunity! Arthur has promised us a C-rank skill and to send us to the Capital!"

"And you believe him!" Artha shouted. "Is he even trustworthy?!"

"Hah, girl!" Arthur had an evil smile. "You think your brother only promised to help me kill him. He even promised me you would be in my bed today."

"This…" Arthan's face darkened. "No… You are lying, right?" Artha stepped back, tears falling down.

"Serving Lord Arthur is your blessing," Arthan said calmly

Hearing this, Artha broke down in tears.

"Hahaha!!!" Arthur burst into laughter. "Yeah, that's the look. I love it." Arthur licked his lips.

Roland didn't care as he played with his shield. The attitude he held a while ago disappeared, replaced by a total new demeanor.

Evil, cunning, and a face that showed he had no hesitation in killing anyone for his benefit.

"You know, you are very cautious," Arthur sighed. "Pill, potion, attack, however much we tried to kill you silently, you didn't take the bait!"

"Heh." Aldrich revealed a mocking smile. "You think I am dumb. I never trusted any of you from the beginning."

He rejected the mana recovery potion from Roland, pill that can detoxify poison, and so on. He was always on guard from the beginning.

He had brought all the items he needed in this dungeon, from potions to pills, as he didn't even have an ounce of trust in Arthur. He believed he could be poisoned or back stabbed at any time.

Sighing, Aldrich looked at Arthur. "Why do you want to kill me?" Aldrich had a motivation for killing him, but he didn't understand for what reason Arthur wanted to kill him.

Because he teased him, mocked him, and showed no respect? If that's the case, he was the worst scum living on this planet and needed to be killed as soon as possible.

"You are too strong. You are getting attention from the association master, and I fear you will take my position. What if I am no longer needed?!! You know I can't act as I will! I won't get to keep girls, I will be punished if I commit any crimes, and my value will diminish! I am the one who protects this city!! If this city doesn't need my protection, how can I live like a king?!!!" Arthur roared.

Aldrich: "..."

This guy needs to be killed.

That was the only thought in his mind. For his own benefit, he didn't want any rising super who could contribute to humanity by freeing them from the apocalypse. So his value won't decrease.

Super selfish, he wanted danger so he would be needed. He wanted to do as he wished and didn't want to help humanity in any way.

This type of scum… they should be annihilated as soon as possible.

"Kukuku!" Aldrich laughed. "This is why I like undead more than party members. They won't betray me after all." Aldrich placed his palm on his forehead.


Arthur stabbed with his spear, Arthan slashed with his sword from the side, and Roland rushed at him with his shield.

"Attack!" Aldrich showed no fear despite facing attacks from three different directions.


Their attacks landed on the undead hobgoblin, but they weren't strong enough to destroy it.

"Aura of death." Calmly, he cast his skill.

Black aura spread from his body, creating a thick mist in an area of 20 meters.

"What's this?!" Arthur and his minions exclaimed. "Cough!" They coughed as their bodies weakened.

Undead Orc Wizard.

Twenty of them, along with the countless Undead, like Undead Orc, Undead Orc shaman, Undead Orc Wizard, emerged.

Death Mist.

A 30-meter area was covered in purple mist. Similar to the aura of death, this mist consumed life, strength, defense, energy, and more.

The condition of three of them further worsened.

"I knew your power was extraordinary. I even knew you could summon your undead outside the dungeon. But…I never expected you could summon so many of them." Arthur knelt.

The undead Orcs, buffed by the undead Orc shamans, were larger than before. Their eyes were fixed on the trio.

Seeing twenty undead Orcs, all buffed by curses and undead Orc shamans, the trio widened their eyes. Their eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

They were so stunned and shocked they couldn't speak. Powerless, weak, and slowly dying, cursed by different curses, their eyes showed fear.

Trembling, they tried to speak. Arthur, Roland, and Arthan couldn't use their skills because they lacked mana.

They couldn't stand, move, or even speak. They knew their fate.


Facing death, the trio trembled uncontrollably.


The undead Orcs stabbed their greatswords into their bodies.

Red blood gushed out, and they fell to the ground.

They died!

It was easy. Killing them was super easy. They couldn't even put up a fight.

Artha coughed and lay on the ground. She was weak too. However, the mist suddenly disappeared.

"What was all that?!" She was stunned. Hundreds of undead surrounded them as if fearing their prey would escape.

She stood staggeringly and looked at the corpses.

Her brother and Roland were dead, while Arthur's limbs were cut down.

"Aaa!" He screamed in pain. "Kill me?" He begged as the pain was tremendous.

"Hah!" Aldrich sneered. "You want to die? Are you worthy of death?!" Aldrich's veins bulge. He looked at Arthur and smiled. "How many souls have you killed till now? How many lives have you ruined?!" He shouted at him.

"This is your retribution!" He laughed. "Yes, you won't die! You will live in this desolate city you like so much as a cripple! All your wealth, I will take it! I won't allow you to die!" Aldrich stepped on his face.

"You were so arrogant with your powers? Where's that now?!"

He kicked his face. "You think this city is your playground?" He once again kicked his face. "You think you are great! Now you are under my feet!" He laughed.

"You!!!" Arthur was frustrated. He couldn't do anything. He was in great pain and still couldn't die.

Healing potions were given to him to maintain his life after all.

"Phew." He took a deep breath and stared at Arthur's face. "I will kill you. But your death will be slow." Aldrich had an evil look on his face.

He looked crazy, just like a psychopath.

"No…" Arthur was scared. He wanted to run away. He wanted to die. But he didn't want to fall into his hands.

But even without his will, he was dragged by Aldrich inside the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, screams echoed that even horrified the monsters living inside the place.


Well, if you guys thought it would be a great fight, then sorry, but Aldrich is overpowered.

Death Mist, death aura are very harmful to the living.

Not to mention, his horde of undead is enough to destroy them in a matter of seconds.

As for his revenge… Well, Arthur will experience a horrible death, that's all.

There are still 5 or 6 chapters left to finish this volume.

Yeah, this is just the prologue.

More powers will be granted to him by the end of this volume.

Hope you are liking this novel, as war will break soon. And the place that the Necromancer likes the most is war after all.

If you like this, please donate me power stones as this further motivates me to write.