
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 14

Two undead Hobgoblins wielding wooden clubs battered the fallen hobgoblins to death. The two hobgoblins chasing Arthur were also dealt with.

At this moment, Roland's task was finished. He jumped back, allowing the hobgoblin to come at them.

Five undead Hobgoblins took the charge. Artha climbed atop an undead hobgoblin and sat on its head.

As the Hobgoblin and Undead Hobgoblin battled, Artha jumped from the undead Hobgoblin, just behind the horde of Hobgoblins and sneak attacked from behind. She attacked at their weak points.

This distraction caused the hobgoblin to lead the undead hobgoblin to smash its face with the club.

Likewise, Arthur attacked the hobgoblin engaged in battle with the undead. His spear made the hobgoblin scream in pain. This distraction caused the undead one to overwhelm the Hobgoblin and beat it to death.

As the fallen hobgoblins turned to cores, these cores expanded and turned into another undead hobgoblin.

This way the battle didn't even last two minutes. Arthan sat beside Aldrich looking at him with awe.

"Your skill sure is overpowered. But…Lord Arthur is better!" He remained stubborn.

Aldrich didn't care and summoned the fallen Hobgoblins. As the units of undead reached 10, he stopped.

"Good job." Roland also rested. He drank the blue mana potion to recover his mana. "Want a bottle?" He offered one to Aldrich.

"No." Aldrich rejected. "My mana isn't even half."


Artha didn't say anything. She climbed the tree and rested there. Her presence became faint.

Arthur didn't sit. He glanced at Aldrich and gritted his teeth. The fear in his heart grew. Yet, with a slightly smiling face, he praised Aldrich.

"That was fast. Your undead are very useful."

"Yea." Aldrich didn't even look at Arthur.

'This bastard! He doesn't take me seriously.' Arthur's hatred for Aldrich grew even more.

After a five-minute break, they rushed toward the fortress.

A huge building, similar to a castle, stood before their eyes. There were two gigantic towers, from where 20 Hobgoblins shot arrows.

As they approached, more arrows were shot at them. Roland easily handled it. Arthur aimed the spear and threw it at the tower.


The moment the spear crashed, a huge explosion occurred. Half of the tower crumbled.

Dying hobgoblins turned into cores, and the surviving one died crashing on the ground. Aldrich commanded his undead to collect the cores.

While Arthur raised his arms, and the spear returned back. He threw it at the second tower. The second tower crumbled too.

Arthur's face paled. Beads of sweat fell down. He drank a mana potion and rested a bit.

They entered the castle. However, the moment they entered, two small hobgoblins attacked them from the shadows.

Some attacked them from behind too. However, their attacks were blocked by Roland and Artha.

Artha beheaded the 2m tall hobgoblin which looked like children of hobgoblins.

Roland's barrier stopped any attack from reaching them. Hence, not a single sneak attack worked on them.

But the more they entered the castle, the more traps they encountered. Boulders falling from the ceiling, spikes erecting from the ground, poison mist…

Arthur, who had cleared this dungeon more than 50 times, knew every trap and their location. He was also cautious.

He was prepared for every trap, so they moved pretty smoothly.

After a while, they encountered another group of hobgoblins. Behind them were small hobgoblins who were hiding in the shadows.

A hobgoblin wearing a mage robe stood at the front. The staff in its hands was countless times bigger than the party.

Big fireballs appeared and struck at them. Roland's shield blocked the fireball, but the shockwave pushed him back.

The undead hobgoblin engaged with the hobgoblin, while the party focused on defeating the shaman hobgoblin.

Arthan was in front, while Arthur was behind him. Arthan's sword struck the shaman hobgoblin.

But a barrier blocked his attacks. However, Arthur calculated that and used his skill. The tip of the spear emitted sparks, and the moment it collided with the barrier, the barrier shattered, stunning the shaman undead.

Hurriedly casting a skill, a long dark whip emerged in the air. The whip lashed at Arthan, who was running towards the shaman hobgoblin.

Seeing the whip, Arthan dodged it. While Arthur rushed forward and stabbed his spear.

The shaman hobgoblin immediately cast another skill. Small balls of light appeared around him.

The light collided with the spear and exploded with a boom! Arthur was pushed back.

Seeing the shaman hobgoblin's attention on them, they both smiled. Artha, with her skill active, sneaked behind the shaman hobgoblin.

The shaman hobgoblin couldn't detect her and cast a skill, attacking two supers in front of it.

Artha's blade glowed in crimson. "Ultimate Penetrations." She mumbled quietly and stabbed it in the neck of the shaman hobgoblin.


A weird noise left his mouth as the dagger penetrated the robe and pierced its neck. While it didn't die, it was greatly distracted.

"Mighty Spear Stab!"

The skill that Arthur used was his ultimate skill. The skill that let him climb the rank of C rank, and helped him gain the ultimate privilege in this small city.

Everything he has now was due to this skill. Hence, he used this skill only at the last moment to finish the battle in one strike.


The spear tip thinned and turned sharper. Energy emitted out of it. The energy around the tip melted the skin while the tip penetrated the skin.

The spear pierced through its stomach and appeared from behind.

The Shaman died, turning into nothing but a mere core.

Hastily, they moved to fight against the other Hobgoblins and support Aldrich. But to their shock, the battle had already ended.

There were no bodies and cores. Aldrich was commanding his nine undead Hobgoblins to collect cores.

As he saw the battle ended, he smiled gently.

Raising his hands, he casted Necromancy. The core that just dropped floated.

Bones appeared from the cores. The undead Shaman Hobgoblin emerged, with an intense flame burning in its sockets.

Donning a mighty-looking robe, it emitted an aura of darkness. The undead Shaman looked countless times scarier than the real one.


Everyone gulped. They finally understood just how overpowering Aldrich's skill was.


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