
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 11

Outskirt City I.

This city lies in a place where there aren't any dungeons higher than rank B. B's the highest dungeon in this area.

Weekly, Rank A, Super William, the head of the branch of Super Association of this city, along with the top forces of the association clears the dungeon.

Due to that, the B rank dungeon hasn't had a dungeon break for years. Nevertheless, there are many C rank dungeons scattered all over the city.

However, there's only a single C rank Super, Arthur, who clears the dungeon periodically with some D rank Supers.

The reason why there's no other C rank Super is due to the rarity of the skill. Skills fall so rarely that one would need to spend an entire year just to get them from the monster.

Even with that, the rank of the skill varies. Some could be weaker, some stronger. For example, skills dropped in C rank could be F rank, E rank, or even D rank.

Yet the chances of it being C or higher are 0.00001%.

That percentage is after the skill drops. Meaning, even if one clears the C rank dungeon for 100 years, there's no guarantee that a C rank skill would drop. Let alone a skill higher than C rank.

In the market, the highest skill one can buy is D rank. Even if the skill drop rate is super low, many Supers kill hundreds of monsters every day.

Thus, some would find a skill. Not all want to equip themselves with all the skills they find. Having many skills isn't practical, so they would sell them.

Due to that, the shop could gather many skills. Equipment is easier to find, as they are built by men.

Up to B rank equipment, one can buy in this city. However, pure equipment, those equipment that drops from monsters, are incredibly rare just like skills.

Artificial equipment can't compare with true equipment. A B-rank artificial equipment and C-rank natural equipment are the same.

Yet that doesn't mean artificial equipment is useless. Their sturdiness and effect are on par with the monsters of the same rank.

Because these equipment are built using the cores.

Sitting on the luxurious sofa with a woman on his lap, Arthur looked at Aldrich indifferently.

"So you are the one causing chaos in this city."

'Chaos? Me…you are the one who's causing chaos!' Aldrich could hardly control his temper. His face looked calm, but his heart was beating violently as if it would leap out from his chest.

"You don't understand…You just don't have the sense of humor then." His smile looked disgusting to Aldrich.

"You are gathering so much wealth, the Association may go bankrupt." As he laughed at his own joke, which wasn't even funny, his hands continued to move around the girl's chest, feeling their softness.

"Can you stop?" He said, his brows furrowed seeing that hand.

"Stop what?" He looked at his hand. "Ah, you meant this." He raised his hands. "You are a new Super, right? You may not know, but this world is ruled by Supers. These ordinary girls, are for us. You know, to relieve stress." His hands moved towards the thighs and moved up.

Aldrich's face twitched. He grabbed the girl's hands and pulled her. The unexpected action stunned both the girl and Arthur.

The girl stumbled as she was pulled by force. "Leave," Aldrich said.

The girl bowed and left hurriedly.

"That's not cool." Arthur looked pissed. "I came here with good intentions, and you are already making me mad." He stood and glared at Aldrich. "You dare to offend me. A mere D rank Super." His hands glowed.

Aldrich suddenly felt danger. However, he didn't react. He just sat on the sofa nonchalantly.

"You bastard!" Seeing him not caring, Arthur burst at him. But suddenly, a figure appeared in the room.

It was so instant that Arthur couldn't react. His hand was grabbed.

"You are brave to have a conflict in the association." It was none other than William, the head of the branch. An A rank Super.

He was burly and tall. His body was muscular. He was taller than Arthur.

Arthur's legs shook. "I…I am sorry." The confidence and anger all faded away. He looked scared.

"I let you do all things you want doesn't mean I won't do any things. If you dare to violate the rule I created, I won't care if you are the lone C ranker of this place."


The rule of this city, created by William, was simple: Don't have conflict with other Supers.

Having conflict with another Super or killing one is a heinous crime, and could result in the death penalty too.

"Now, just conduct your business quietly. If I sense even a bit of conflict, I won't give a warning next time."

William looked at Arthur. "We meet again." He smiled. "I wonder how much you have grown after the expedition in the D rank dungeon."

"Well, not a lot. I just got a bit stronger," Aldrich replied.

"Oh, well, get even stronger. I hope you can continue to improve," William left with these words.

'Why is this guy so interested in me?' Aldrich pondered but didn't care.

Arthur was a bit surprised hearing the conversation. 'Is this guy really extraordinary?' He couldn't believe a D ranker would be stronger than him.

With pride in his eyes, he didn't acknowledge Aldrich.

He believed Aldrich could hunt many monsters due to a strong AOE skill.

Coughing, he looked at Aldrich. "I am here to invite you to join my party. I need you to hunt C rank monsters with me."

"Why should I go with you?" Aldrich looked at the man as if he was an idiot.

"You just nearly hit me. You scolded me, used inappropriate language, and also showed me inappropriate scenes. With all this, if I joined your party, wouldn't I be a fool... no more foolish than a fool?"

Arthur was surprised. Seeing that, Aldrich sighed in his heart. 'Did you think your actions wouldn't have consequences at all? Maybe this happens when power goes to one's head.'

"I came here just to recruit you! Just be obedient and come with me!" He looked angry.


"I am tell- Huh?" Arthur's face changed. "What?"

"I said, ok. I will join you."

"You…" Arthur's body trembled. "Are you making fun of me?!"

Aldrich didn't look at him at all. His eyes had a look of something sinister.

'Finally…' His heart thumped. 'Finally, I could have my revenge.'