
Infinite Skies: A Gundam Saga(00+SEED)

An accident gone wrong, or perhaps an act of fate, awakens a man who isn't supposed to exist. As he opens his eyes, he sees the vastness of space. I do not own Gundam 00 or Gundam SEED/SEED Destiny. GUNDAM 00+SEED

Big_lizard · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 7

(P.O.V) Reinhard

C.E 69

 Onboard the Horizon

After exchanging greetings, I followed Uzumi and his bodyguard through the ship's corridors. I had instructed HARU to monitor the Alpha, still wary of potential threats from the crew, despite having just saved the ship. Caution was necessary. As we walked, I noticed several crew members casting furtive glances my way. Their expressions were eerily familiar—mirroring the dread I had seen countless times when enemies realized their fate was imminent. Fear had etched itself into their faces, but as I continued to observe, I detected something different. While they were undoubtedly intimidated by me, it wasn't a paralyzing terror. Instead, undercurrents of gratitude mingled with their apprehension, hinting at their recognition of my role in their survival.

Another detail caught my eye: a notable number of crew members exhibited unusual eye and hair colors that seemed impossible. Yet, upon closer inspection, it became clear they were natural, not the result of dyes or contact lenses. This indicated that Orb embraced Coordinators without discrimination—a refreshing contrast to the attitudes prevalent elsewhere.

I redirected my focus to Uzumi and his bodyguard, who kept a watchful eye on me from the corner of his gaze, ready to defend his superior at a moment's notice. The bodyguard, likely of Arab descent, appeared to be around my age. His physique spoke of intense training and actual combat experience, with a posture that revealed confidence molded by discipline. As I scrutinized him, I couldn't help but note a few openings in his defense—vulnerabilities that stirred an instinctive urge to exploit if necessary. I wasn't above taking a cheap shot to secure a victory, though it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Uzumi, on the other hand, appeared to be in his forties, with long hair cascading past his neck and a well-trimmed goatee. He wore a sharp purple suit layered over a white undershirt, complemented by brown shoes. His visage exuded the air of a seasoned politician—one who had navigated the complexities of power while retaining a sense of humanity often lost in that arena.

I found it surprising that the chief representative of Orb was aboard this ship without a full security detail—only this one bodyguard at his side. Before I could ruminate further, the bodyguard's voice pulled me back to the moment.

"You've been looking at us for some time. Is there something you want to say?" His tone dripped with suspicion, yet he maintained his pace.

Was I staring? "No, I don't have anything to say, but I do have questions. Would you mind answering them?" I decided to push a bit, curious to see if he would engage.

He tilted his head slightly in affirmation. "First, out of personal curiosity: I was under the impression that Naturals didn't get along with Coordinators, yet I see several onboard."

The bodyguard shot me a perplexed look before answering. "While most of Earth harbors issues with Coordinators, often viewing them as a lesser race, Orb does not share that perspective. Anyone wishing to immigrate is granted full rights, be they Natural or Coordinator." So, Orb's government regarded both as part of a single race. That made sense; despite the genetic modifications that defined Coordinators, they were, ultimately, still human.

"Secondly," I continued, "earlier I heard the captain mention that only Coordinators are capable of piloting mobile suits. I find that puzzling since Naturals can pilot mobile armors. What's stopping them from piloting mobile suits?" I suspected that the Earth Alliance hadn't developed an operating system (OS) suitable for Naturals, but validation would be valuable.

The bodyguard maintained that same odd expression but answered nonetheless. "The PLANTs only recently unveiled mobile suits, and they were only utilized in actual combat this year when the sponsoring nations sent their fleet to intimidate them. During that operation, the PLANTs revealed their military force, ZAFT, who countered with mobile suits. Their fleet was wiped out, despite numerical superiority. Until that moment, no one knew about ZAFT or their mobile suits, so the Earth Alliance was caught off guard. Currently, ZAFT is the only faction capable of piloting mobile suits."

So, the Earth Alliance had only recently become aware of mobile suits; they hadn't even had the chance to develop a prototype. It wasn't just about the OS; they were lagging on the technological front. It was only a matter of time before they mass-produced mobile suits. The unsettling thought that ZAFT's destruction of an entire fleet would likely worsen relations gnawed at me.

"Have the sponsor nation retaliated yet?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"Not yet," he replied. "There are still several members among the nations who hope to resolve this diplomatically. A meeting is scheduled on the Moon at Copernicus to negotiate a peaceful solution."

They were still pursuing diplomacy before resorting to military action, but I sensed that the fuse was short—like a ticking time bomb. Regardless of how many diplomatic talks they held, the explosion felt inevitable.

"I see. Thank you for answering my questions, Mr…" I hesitated, realizing I had never asked for his name.

Seeing my uncertainty, the man sighed before offering, "Leonid Kisaka."

"Thank you, Mr. Kisaka." I nodded, appreciating his patience.

As we entered the meeting room, I was struck by the sight of a large rectangular table adorned with a dozen chairs. I opted to sit on the opposite side from Uzumi, placing my helmet on the table while Kisaka stood at Uzumi's side. There were only three of us in the room.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before beginning to speak. "Well then, I guess I should start at the beginning." Pausing for effect, I continued, "I am not from this world. A better explanation is that I am from a parallel timeline where history diverged." I watched disbelief wash over both their faces. "I know how crazy that sounds—even I'm struggling to accept that I somehow traveled to a parallel timeline. But that is the truth, which is why I requested this private meeting to explain."

"If what you're saying is true, how do you know you're in a parallel timeline and not simply in the future?" Uzumi asked, his skepticism open but tempered with curiosity.

"Because of several reasons. One is that several of my colleagues—world-renowned scientists—don't exist here. The organization I was part of doesn't exist. World War III never happened in my timeline, and the most glaring fact is that war still exists," I said, growling slightly as I mentioned war.

Leonid, who had been quiet until now, intervened. "What do you mean that war still exists?"

Sighing in frustration, I replied, "Before addressing that, let me give you an abridged version of my past prior to joining Celestial Being. I was born in the United States of America in the 2080s. Growing up, I had an ordinary childhood—nothing extraordinary. But when I was nine, a plane I was traveling on crashed, leaving me as the only survivor, thanks to my parents. It would only be later that I would discover why the plane crashed." I paused, recalling my parents' last moments. "Afterward, I was taken in by a mercenary group, and their leader, Mad Dog, decided to train me. I underwent extensive training before being allowed to go on missions. Despite not being forced to continue working for the group, I stayed because it was thanks to them that I survived. Until, eventually, I discovered they had orchestrated the plane crash that killed my parents—they had been hired by a PMC to incite a war for profit." The memory churned in my gut, and I clenched my fist as anger boiled beneath the surface.

"And after discovering the truth, you confronted them, right?" Leonid asked, his expression a mix of pity and skepticism.

"In a way, yes. After I discovered the evidence, I remained silent for a time and feigned ignorance until I could confirm my findings. But once I had solid proof, I dealt with the mercenary group and took care of the PMC and their associates—before faking my death." The weight of my actions bore down on my conscience; if anyone knew the true number of lives I had taken, I would surely be labeled a mass murderer. "After getting my revenge, I wanted to forget my past and move on, so I returned to my home country and enrolled in university, where I remained until the year 2100. That's when I met a man I would come to call my friend, who renewed my hope in humanity and recruited me into Celestial Being."

"When you mention Celestial Being, I assume that's the name of your organization. But how did he recruiting you renew your hope in humanity?" Uzumi asked, his curiosity now mixed with apprehension.

I hesitated, weighing whether to share the truth. "After I finished my revenge, I had developed a deep-seated hatred toward war and those who profited from it—whether it was for pleasure, religion, money, or ideology. After my rage finally receded, I lost hope in humanity, knowing they wouldn't change unless forced to." My voice dropped to a chilling coldness. "Leonid, you asked what I meant when I said war still exists, and you, Uzumi, asked how my recruitment into Celestial Being renewed my hope in humanity. Celestial Being's goal is…" I paused for dramatic effect, "the complete eradication of war through armed intervention!"

The weight of my revelation settled over the room. Both men paled at my proclamation. Perhaps they were grappling with the absurdity of Celestial Being declaring war on the world to end war itself. The hypocrisy in that notion never failed to amuse me.

Uzumi, regaining his composure, fixed me with a cold gaze. "So, was Celestial Being intending to perform random attacks until the world found peace?"

I could see why he would assume that. "No, while Celestial Being would become enemies with the entire world, we wouldn't engage in random attacks. The plan was—and is—to target organizations or nations that perpetuate the idea of war, from terrorist cells to states that declare war for selfish motives. Any mission that Celestial Being would undertake would be charted by VEDA." Seeing them look confused when I mentioned VEDA, I continued. "VEDA is a powerful artificial intelligence designed to ensure the success of our plan. It serves as the custodian of Aeolia's will."

"So, Celestial Being was created by Aeolia, who I assume was also the man who recruited you, and its goal is the complete eradication of war and uniting humanity. I understand that part, but while I don't approve of your methods, I won't say anything about them. What I don't understand is how you will accomplish such a thing." Uzumi stated, his expression calm yet curious.

"The plan was never meant to begin during our lifetimes. Shit, we knew we wouldn't be alive to see the armed interventions, which is why he started preparing things for our successors. The timetable for when Celestial Being would reveal itself to the world was three hundred years after its founding. During that time, Celestial Being would operate behind the scenes, making preparations for the plan and addressing the Pandora's box opened by fools." I stated morbidly.

"Pandora's box?" Uzumi asked, confusion crossing his features.

"Yes, Pandora's box—the very threat that assures the complete destruction of the human race if ever used by any nation." I paused, emphasizing the importance of what I was about to say. "Nuclear weapons!" I spoke, the weight of the reality settling heavily in the air. "During my time, Earth was in the midst of a global fuel crisis, which meant war would be declared sooner or later. While it may seem improbable that anyone would be idiotic enough to actually fire a nuke, the threat still remained, like death looming behind humanity, scythe poised to strike at any opportunity. So, VEDA, with assistance from our agents, would work towards the complete nuclear disarmament and guide humanity towards adopting clean sources of energy." I went on to explain the theory behind the orbital elevator and the photovoltaic energy system Aeolia had published years before we met.

"And as for how Celestial Being intended to wage war on Earth, the answer is pretty simple." I directed my gaze toward my helmet.

It took a moment before both of them realized what I was getting at. "Mobile suits!" both exclaimed simultaneously, surprise etched on their faces.

Smirking at their reaction, I continued, "Yes, mobile suits. Aeolia theorized that for the construction of the orbital elevator, a new type of machine, a mobile suit, would be required. Knowing that humanity would eventually develop mobile suits, it was decided that we needed to create mobile suits which we decided to call Gundams—so advanced that they would be capable of fighting against the entire world. But recognizing the limits of solar power or other fuel sources, we needed to create a power plant capable of producing limitless energy, which Aeolia had theorized. However, the truth was that we couldn't create such a thing on Earth because it lacked a key component necessary for the construction of the final part. So, it was impossible to create a true GN Drive or Gundam Nucleus Drive, and we had to wait for an opportunity to present itself for their completion."

"So, are you saying that the Alpha Gundam doesn't possess a GN Drive?" Uzumi asked, a mixture of disappointment and relief evident on his face.

"Yes and no." I observed him growing confused before realizing I had confirmed the Alpha did indeed possess something akin to a GN Drive. "While it was impossible to create a true GN Drive capable of producing semi-perpetual energy, I didn't say anything about creating a variant of a true GN Drive that could mimic the original to a degree." I decided not to elaborate further; the less known about the GN Drive, the better. I doubted humanity was ready for that knowledge yet. "Moving on, after I created the variant GN Drive Fafnir, I spoke to Aeolia and convinced him to allow me to create a Gundam as a proof of concept, which led to the creation of the Alpha. During its final test, something happened, and I arrived in this timeline. My current theory is that I accidentally performed a quantum teleportation." I still didn't fully understand how it was possible, but I could always investigate that later. "When I next woke up, I found myself in space. I attempted to use the Alpha's sensors to locate a signal from a satellite orbiting Earth, but instead, I discovered a signal emanating from an abandoned colony at Lagrange 4, where I learned the current year and, with further research, discovered that I was in a parallel timeline."

It took a moment for everything to sink in before Uzumi gasped. "Wait, you're telling me you went to Mendel! But how are you still alive? The entire colony was declared a restricted area after the biohazard incident last year!"

So, Haru was right; there had indeed been a biohazard incident. "Yes, that's something I suspected after exploring the colony. The Alpha detected a large amount of X-Ray radiation, but I got lucky; my suit completely isolates me from the outside environment."

I watched as relief washed over Uzumi. "Good, you were fortunate. Especially since the outbreak killed almost all the residents of the colony." He paused, contemplating something, before signaling for Leonid to leave the room while reluctant he still left the room. After he exited, Uzumi looked at me with a hardened expression. "I would like to know: did you discover anything inside the colony?"

I hesitated, wondering if I should mention the black box or the files I found. Despite not knowing either Uzumi or Leonid for more than an hour, I felt an instinctual trust toward them—something deep within me told me they were worthy of it. Suddenly, a slight headache broke my train of thought, making me grimace while I signaled Uzumi for a moment to compose myself.

"Yes, I found a research institute I believe belongs to a company called G.A.R.M. R&D. Exploring that facility, I found what appeared to be proof of human experimentation, alongside a black box that was emitting the signal I detected, and a file labeled 'Ultimate Coordinator.' I also found this photo." I produced the photo from my pocket and slid it across the table.

Uzumi picked up the photo, inspecting it with a poker face that betrayed none of his emotions, yet I sensed he was shocked. I was glad I had learned to read poker faces. "I see. What do you want besides asylum?"

I was confused; why was he bringing up my request for asylum now? "What?" I asked, sensing a growing tension in the air.

"Stop playing games with me, Reinhard. I know exactly what you're doing—threatening me with a picture of my daughter. How did you even discover that she was adopted? You're an extremely good liar; I almost believed your story. Now tell me: who do you really work for? Blue Cosmos? ZAFT? The Atlantic Federation?" he questioned, barely containing his rage.

I was utterly lost. What was happening? Why did he freak out over a picture? "I'm sorry if I offended you, Uzumi, but what are you talking about?" I asked, bewildered.

Uzumi continued studying my face until a realization dawned upon him, and he groaned while rubbing his face. During this, I decided it was best to remain silent, observing closely as it became evident that the baby girl in the picture was Uzumi's adopted daughter. How curious. Eventually, after he composed himself, he coughed

"My apologies, Reinhard, but I would like to ask that we move on from this and that you forget what I just said. Uzumi said while pocketing the picture. The only answer I gave was a nod. "Thank you."

"Well, after I left the colony, I was heading toward Earth when I realized I didn't have a reason to go. Celestial Being didn't exist, my friends didn't exist, and although Earth existed, it wasn't my Earth. I was alone, without a purpose to keep moving forward, just as I had been before joining Celestial Being. After some time, I detected your SOS signal, and well, you know the rest."

"Yes, I do, and once again, I want to express my gratitude. Now regarding your request for asylum." Alright, we were finally getting to the crux of the matter. "I have decided to grant you asylum, but I need you to accept a couple of conditions." Not surprising; I had expected this. I nodded, signaling him to continue.

"First, I'd like to explain why I was traveling without an escort, as it ties into one of the conditions. Some time ago, I was approached by agents from the Atlantic Federation who wanted our assistance in creating several prototype mobile suits. I turned down their request since one of Orb's core principles is that we don't intervene in other nations' conflicts. However, one of the members of my government decided to accept. Initially, this decision angered me, but after some contemplation, I saw the wisdom in her choice. If the Atlantic Federation managed to mass-produce mobile suits, Orb would lack the capabilities to defend itself. Consequently, I tasked the Morgenröte Company to assist in the Atlantic Federation's G-Project while concurrently diverting several technologies they provided to develop mobile suits that would serve as prototypes for Orb's future mass production mobile suit."

Smart move. Working with the Atlantic Federation while simultaneously building secret mobile suits for Orb's own use was a delicate balancing act. Yet, if someone were to discover that Uzumi had approved this covert operation, it could lead to significant political fallout, possibly forcing him out of power. Despite the risk, this strategy solidified Orb's ability to protect itself while maintaining its neutral stance. And the name "G-Project" sparked a sense of déjà vu in my mind.

"Now, moving on, the first condition I have is that I would like you to develop an operating system (OS) capable of allowing a Natural to pilot a mobile suit. While I believe Morgenröte should be capable of creating one, I have doubts that the system they create will enable a Natural to pilot at the same level as a Coordinator. Since you stated that you led the team that built the Alpha Gundam, I would like you to take on this task," Uzumi stated, his expression resolute.

That was acceptable. Creating an OS for Naturals shouldn't be too daunting. However, whether I could build one that allowed them to fight on par with Coordinators remained uncertain.

"I can build the OS," I responded carefully, weighing my words. "However, I cannot guarantee that it will allow Naturals to pilot mobile suits at the same level as Coordinators. A significant part of that limitation stems from my lack of understanding regarding the specific enhancements that Coordinators possess. Even then, it ultimately depends on the pilot's ability to unlock every bit of potential their mobile suit offers. If their skills are lacking, not even the greatest OS ever created will fix that. With that being said I would also require something in return nothing to dauting just a personal laboratory and a hangar to perform maintenance of the Alpha there have been a couple of things that I wanted to check since arriving but have yet to find an opportunity that would allow me to do so."

Uzumi hummed in contemplation seemingly thinking. "Acceptable since that should tie in with the second condition." Really now? I wonder what else he wants. "I would like you to join Orb's Nacional defense force as a special asset." Special Asset interesting he should have understood my hatred for war since he heard my story, but he still wants me to join the army. "Now I understand you have an hatred towards war one I also share but by joining as special asset your only responsibilities would be to protect Orb should it ever find itself under attack. You would have the rank of captain of a newly made taskforce which would answer only to me alongside being granted a job at Morgenröte as chief engineer with full autonomy on what you want to build."

That was an extremely good condition the fact that I would only have to defended Orb and only the prime minister would have the authority give me orders wasn't bad I wouldn't have to deal with any chain of command since there only one person that can give me orders and the position of chief engineer was extremely useful since it would allow me create additional armaments or equipment for the Alpha at my own discretion shit maybe I can even build a second mobile suit that would be on par with the alpha after I discover why the Fafnir keeps producing GN particles while active.

"That is also acceptable, but I have on question I wanted to know why you're giving me such conditions? I mean I understand that my experience in building mobile suit is factor but still it feels like you're trying to recruit me instead of giving me conditions that I need to follow." I said contemplating his reason.

Uzumi got up from the table and walked to the window showing space before speaking. "Because I am trying to recruit you Reinhard your experience in building mobile is indeed a factor but not the main reason." He said looking out at space. "The main reason I am trying to recruit is because war is coming and sooner or later Orb would be dragged into it. So, I intend to ensure the survival of my nation and its people by doing anything possible." He said darkly.

So, I am not the only who feels that war is coming. "Understandable. So anymore conditions?" I asked curious.

Uzumi looked back at me with a complicated expression. "One more thing although it a personal request." Request? "I would like you to train my daughter." Train his daughter? What?

"Why ask me you know we only met each other a couple of hours ago?" Was this some sort of test but if it was then why use his own daughter.

"Yes, I am aware, but my daughter let's just say she is free spirited." So, she stubborn. "Despite my best attempts she wasn't changed and eventually I came to accept that but knowing that she sooner or later would get in trouble." So, she also rebellious. "I would like for her to have military training to mellow her out while I finish teaching her how to maneuver the politic arena." That seems reasonable if she going to succeed her father as the leader of Orb being hot headed wouldn't help her. "And the reason why I am asking to teacher is that she already learnt everything our most capable instructors are capable of teaching, and I feel like you could teacher something she wasn't learned yet." So, she a genius who got a big head thanks to her talent and he wants me to teacher how big the world is… That's seems like fun never had an opportunity to teach someone before.

"Alright I agree but just know that my training methos may be unorthodox, but they guarantee results." I said already thinking of way to bring the princess down a peg.

Uzumi looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I see thank you. But with being said welcome to Orb Captain Reinhard Durandal."

I got up from the chair smiling and gave a mock salute. "Thank you for the opportunity Chief representative Athha."


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