
Infinite: Order of the Torches

Ava would have never imagined a life so different. She had been kept with a guardian in a large house on a hilltop, far from every other person. She knew she was special, different. She knew the stories her guardian had told her about her mother, was far from the truth. There was more to herself, something much complex. She discovers a mythical realm, a world where every being has powers and she is in the strongest clan, Spellbinding. But it’s not as easy as that. Especially when she realizes she is the awaited one and her benefactors are the true enemies. Ava must navigate her way and lit the torch again.

ASIAHGIRL_01 · Fantasía
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16 Chs

A Reminder


"One hundred and thirty-one, one thirty-two...thirty-three…" Ava counted, her shiny brown hair sticking to her face as she perspired. The place was quiet as she had asked all the guards to give her privacy. She was not impatient, she was determined to count every single tile.

Time passed.

"Three ninety-four, three ninety-five…" Her face was already flustered in fatigue

"Lady Ava" Ava heard a calm voice from behind her. She repeated the last number that she counted several times in her head to remember, before she turned to answer.

It was one of the guards, one could tell that he was in a higher rank because his uniform was a bit different from the ones she saw normally.

"Lady Ava, I have been ordered to give you snacks and food to aid your training" he said as other servants rolled trolleys of various snacks, fruit and a whole jug of cold lemonade.

"I'm sorry…but who exactly ordered you?" Ava asked totally surprised.

"The person said you should find out yourself, My Lady"

"Hmm?" Ava nodded. She was quite famished anyways. This would probably be Princess Aurora, no one else was this nice- she was like an angel!

"Thank you so much" Ava watched as they moved the trolleys to her side and left. She picked one of the snacks and took a bite. Yum! The taste was magical.

Now back to what she was doing.

"Three ninety-six…three ninety seven…"


"Your majesty" a guard rushed to the king's tastefully furnished chambers and bowed fearfully.

King Damien, clad in a bright red robe as he was being massaged, raised his head to see the guard. His two obscenely dressed mistresses sat down.

"Speak" He ordered calmly.

"Her Majesty Lady Dianne is here, she wants to see you"

He raised his brows and signaled the female servants to stop massaging, the air seemed to get tense.

"Dianne?" He said aloud, furrowing his brows in amazement "Okay, I'll be there"

King Damien stood up and adjusted his robe, then ordered everyone to leave the chambers.

The tall silver haired woman, dressed in an exquisite lavender off-the-shoulder gown sipped her tea. Her stern blue eyes twinkled like the diamond earrings she had worn. If anyone had bothered to look closely, they would immediately spot the striking resemblance between her and the king.

"Dianne" A deep familiar voice filled the room as King Damien walked in "What an august visitor we have here" he said sarcastically.

The lady's gaze turned to him, she raised a brow in surprise as soon as she sighted him. The demur look still on her face.

"You seem to forget our blood relation so easily, Damien. I have every right to come at anytime I intend to and I'm not a guest" she said.

Damien sat opposite her "You have not changed even one bit"

"But you have changed a lot" Maya said "Your hair is losing colour, I suppose you have been having an arduous time managing the kingdom"

"I manage the people just fine and nothing is wrong with my hair" Damien snapped sternly, he didn't like to be referred to as time-worn.

"I heard there is a guest in the palace and that she is an outcast from the human world. Your actions surprise me sometimes"

"May I ask of where you got this information?"

"News travel fast, Brother" Dianne replied "Besides I have my sources"

"So, is that the reason you're here, to see the guest?"

"No" Dianne's countenance became humourless "You and I know the reason I'm here"

Damien paused "That is not supposed to be your business"

"You are fast forgetting the policies of the land, dear brother. You know the consequences of that decision you made"

"Dark magic is bound to evolve since the eradication of one clan. If there is no Order then it would be spread somehow, even if I'm not involved" Damien said carelessly.

"You are using it to your advantage before The Prophesy comes to pass. Do you know the mass destruction dark magic could cause?"

"Dark magic already existed years before I made that decision. If any mass destruction had wanted to happen, it would have" he spoke, calmly "I know what I'm doing. Like I said, I manage the kingdom perfectly because I am the king"

"The Prophesy would come to pass. And when that happens, I'm afraid Spellbinders would be in grave danger"

"You would understand when the time comes, Dianne"

"Generations have built this empire with bloodshed and destruction. The time is ticking and The Prophesy is particularly near. Don't make a mistake that would ruin it all"

Dianne stood up and walked elegantly out of the palace. The king watched as she left. She entered the carriage that waited at the entrance and the burgundy horses rode away.

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