
Chapter 3 Training Begins

'Here we go again.' Cyril thought as the darkness descended. Soon after they all woke up again this time in front of the school gates but soon a voice descended into all of their minds "Don't worry an illusion array has been cast on the school so the teachers and bus drivers think that everything is normal. When you come to school from now on you will train instead of learning what they teach you if you would still like to learn those subjects though you can apply to have them implemented into your training through the interface." as soon is it said that they all saw a screen like that of a video game.


Name: Cyril

Age: 13

Type: Human Haki Master

Stage: 1

Strength: 10 (10 is overall average for all stats for a human)

Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Perception: 10

Haki: 10 (1 is average for beginners the same for chakra, ki, or magic etc)

Available uses:



'So guide is probably to explain what we don't know.' Cyril thought as he clicked on guide immediately he heard a voice "Hello Cyril what would you like to know?" it asked in a standard robotic voice. 'Hmm I would like to know to what extent can I ask, as in questions related to this situation.' he replied "You may ask about the various types you know of, what each stat does and what will be happening from now on." it replied 'Then I would like to know about everything you mentioned starting with Haki Master.' Cyril replied.

"Then first things first. Haki Master's have great affinity with haki being able to use 10 times the ammount a normal person could use at the start of their training. Their speed in training haki is double that of an average person and they are guranteed to be able to learn Haoshoku haki with enough training and in due time. Apart from that Haki Masters have the possibility to posses special haki down the line but I shall not get into that. A Swordsman starts with innately knowing how to utilise a sword to a basic degree and they have 50% higher speed than the average person when training with a sword the same thing for a sniper but with long ranged weopons.

Onto the stats now Strength represents you hitting strength. As in your overall output and damage. Agility represents how fast you are Strength and Agility are tightly knit together as so have high speed you need high strength and Agility also allows you to control your body more finely and therefore helps in utiliseing Strength. Endurance is how much damage your body can take before you collapse or die and Perception is how you see the world around you with high perception you could see through walls see dust particles and you could even perceive the world slower than it actually is. Now Haki is how much haki you have and can utilise Haki can boost all stats Kenbunshoku can boost perception while Busoshoko can increase your strength agility and endurance. Although for agility it's only a speed increase not a control increase so be careful.

Now last but not least what will happen in the future. For now all I can tell you is at school you will train to become stronger and after a week or so something special will happen allowing some people to drastically increase in power.Well since that is all you asked for I will be off for now feel free to use the guide function if you need any assistance." it said before it's voice faded into the background.

While this was going on everyone (this includes people from upper and lower years to be clear) else was looking at their system interfaces and asking various questions and inspecting it. Some people still thought it was a dream but now they all accepted it. Nothing bad had happened yet anyway so they all thought they just got free gifts in a sense.

Either way it was now the weekend as the first day of school was on a Friday. Before Cyril left for his bus he said bye to Jack and told him that he would talk to him on Monday.

While Cyril headed home he contemplated about what just happened. 'That can't be the end of it.' he though as he headed home.

When he got home he knocked on the house door. "Ahh welcome back!" Cyril's mum said as she opened the door "How was school?" she asked "Interesting." Cyril replied before putting his bag in his room while saying "I am going to do my home work before lunch call me when it's done!" he shouted while going upstairs but she immediately replied "It's already done so get dressed and come down." "Okay." he said as he got dressed.

Soon after he went down and had lunch. After he was finished he went upstairs to his room and shut the door. "So they gave us interspatial rings." he said as he looked at the jade green ring on his finger. He suspected if his mother could see it as she didn't say anything about it. "Well they can definitely see the items in the ring if I bring them out as 02 warned us about it." he mumbled while inspecting it.

After a while he tried to "see" what was inside the ring and it showed a small 2m cubed area in there was 2 books.

"So this must be the haki training book and what's this?" he asked himself as he brought both books out. One read Beginner Haki training manual and the other read Primate Body training manual.

"Ahh I get it since I have no weapon with my "type" as they call it, they gave me a body training manual to make my self the weopon. Hmm there will probably be a store of some kind later down the line so I wonder how much this is worth? Hopefully more than the sniper equipment and sword equipment. Anyway I doubt much people are gonna train this weekend even if they accepted that this is happening which would be pretty bizzarre already and if they did they would think that we would start training monday but if we all train the same amount then won't it be a big draw? Well I am not letting that happen for all I know next week the prize is a devil fruit! Since they won't give us anything for free that's for sure." he said enthusiastically.

As he opened the Beginner Haki training manual he thought 'Since they will be using swords and maybe even guns I have to up my haki to block them or at least allow me to dodge with kenbunshoku haki. So let's start training!'

Well here we go again. The training arc which you must have in this type of book unless you made your character god from the beginning. Now let me be clear although Haki Master is op it's more like mid to late stage op for now there is still some work to do on it since the Mc is still a normal human and his opponents are gonna be using weapons. Now please understand why I didn't make it like."Oh he can use hao and that's it" is so I can have a good competition you know?

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts