
INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

[ WSA 2024 ] What would you do when you're faced with the ultimate being that is by true right Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscience? What would you do when that very being tells you it will give you anything you ever wanted? And what would you do when the ultimate being, devoid of greed, gives you the power to generate INFINITE MONEY? This is the story of a boy who gets reincarnated in a new world filled with countless possibilities and dangerous beings. Now, with the power to generate INFINITE MONEY in his hands, how will he survive in this world? Will he be used by everyone else around him.... Or... ...will he buy them ALL? _________________________________ The guy in the poster is the future appearance of the Main Character. This is my first novel so expect some bumpy chapters in first few. Update Schedule: Everyday at 00:15 My Discord : https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft

Darpan_Biswas · Ciudad
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329 Chs

Chapter 26 - On the House

With the ID Card finally in my hand and now most of my problems gone I gave a sigh of relief 'Sigh' and begin to ask some question that were in my mind.

"How do I look at the bank information and like how much money I have?"

"Turn the card to the back and say the word 'Trapeza'

I turn it back and see there is already nothing there and say it.


Just like before the card slowly started to write some words in a unknown language but for me it felt like they were very close to my mother tongue. At the forefront there was a Big word in Bold letters with bright red colors that said Seguridad and under it my bank information.

[ Seguridad ]

[ Holder : William Trust ]

[ Account Name : 13124206969 ]

[ Bank Amount : 3768464 Dollars ]

[ Bank Grade : Diamond ]

What was with that weird language just now and how can I know it so well?

"Delmar there's something weird about this?"


"It's in a completely different language altogether."

"Can you read it?"

"Yeah there's that too, I can read it just fine but I never seen this language at all."

"Yeah, don't worry about that.

It was made like that for privacy reasons of the bank and of the holder of the account as well."

"So, only I can read it?"

"Not exactly."

What does he mean by that?

Noticing my curious gaze Delmar tried to enlighten me. "Other than you, there are some others who can also read your bank information. Like the branch manager and positions similar to that but also for safety reasons the Police Detectives, Royal Force Team leaders and other official forces in rank to that. Also you can show it to others as well if you want to."

Aah that makes it much more convenient. It gives you privacy and also not so much that you can hide your illegal deals. But for now that will do for me.

After cutting all the cost only 3768464 Dollars was left huh. Well how much did it cost completely?

I begin to think and use my fingers to count. After 5 minutes went past I was finally able to get the number.

It cost me Twenty Six Million Two Hundred and Thirty One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Six Dollars to make a new Identification Card, a Birth Certificate, a new set of fingerprints and a new Bank Account.

All in all I can say it might have been costly but it was a very productive day. Now how to put more money in the account.

"And how to add more money?"

"Just put the amount of money you want to add in front of you and click the symbol with your finger and say 'Add' then slowly swipe above the money."

"That's it, what will happen to the money that was there?"

"Oh it'll be transported to the bank automatically."

Again quite convenient. By doing it this way I don't have to go the bank every time I want to add more money and people won't be suspicious of me either.

"How much money can the bank account hold?"

"I gave you the diamond grade so... It will hold 100 Million Dollars I think, Yeah 100 Million Dollars no more than that."

Hmm... For now it won't be a problem for me but I will have to do something about it in the future. I should still ask Delmar about it. I'm sure he knows a way for me to upgrade the amount of the bank.

"Delmar just for information, is there any way for me to upgrade the card to a higher level for holding more money?"

"If you want to upgrade it to a higher grade then you will have to go to the any of the bank's branch and fill in some of the requirements and 'Voila' you have a higher Graded Bank Account that can hold Billions of Dollars."

"But wouldn't that attract too much attention isn't there any way to... discreetly do that?" I said to him and winked my right eye too many times at the last sentence.

"Stop with that, it's too weird to get winked by what looks like a Differently-abled kid.

And no there isn't any way to get a higher grade with a computer and even than it was already very difficult to get the Diamond Grade to begin wit-"

Suddenly there was a beeping sound coming through the computer and Delmar quickly looked at it and his eyebrows twitched at what he saw.

"Kid did anyone follow you while you were coming here?"

"No I don't think so, why did something happen?"

"Yeah, look over here."

I come closer to the screen and look at it. It was the camera of the midnight club that showed the view of the building from inside. Right now it showed a person with completely black spandex as clothes slowly walking and looking around here and there like searching for something or... someone.

Looking at the figure I couldn't recognize who it was as the black spandex completely enveloped the person and the face and also the gender couldn't be recognised.

Did someone follow me? Was it someone Leopold sent? and if it is, does he want to remove me so fast?

So many questions filled my mind and as I looked for the solution I gazed at Delmar and noticed him looking at me with a questioning gaze of his own.

Did someone follow him or was it just a coincidence? No the time difference is too narrow for this to be just a coincidence? Did the kid intentionally made that person come here? No by the looks of it he was here for the Card and nothing more. It could also be his enemies coming to quickly silence him and the place is quite efficient for it too. Now what to do. Man, this is going to be such a drag.

"Kid you really sure you don't know who that is or who might have done something like this?"

"No, I really don't know."

"Alright then." He got up from his chair and walked towards the right and pushed a place of the wall. The wall suddenly opened like a mechanical door and he gestured for me to go in. "Go, From here the path will lead you to the nearest train station."

I walked towards the place and said "What about you?"

"Don't worry about me I'll take of it."

As I looked at the dark place which had no end, I jokingly asked of him "Not gonna cost extra on this one"

He smiled at my joke and said "No, this one's on the house, kid."

"Okay then, see you on the flip side." I said and went in.