

"Fuck! Listen here, you white-haired bastard, you will never be able to…"

Swoosh. Zoom. Pierce.

Eren interrupted the ranker's speech by filling his open mouth with Igni Biltz Bolts. He shot them up close and personally so that he wouldn't be able to defend himself against them. When he left him to tackle the others, the ranker's brain burst open from behind him as the Igni Bolt Blasts detonated inside his mouth.


Karma bit back at Eren as his shoulder was pierced by wind-element mana from another ranker who was aiming at him. After gritting his teeth, the battlemage sent his mana circuits into hyperdrive to disperse the lodged arrow.

This was not the first attack that had landed on Eren. There were several others. Multiple wounds on his body were bleeding due to the invasion of foreign mana, which prevented him from healing them even with a healing potion.