
Infinite Levels

In a world ruled by those called adventurers. Two portals to other worlds opened in the center of an ocean. These gates rank SS. They call it the White and Black Gate. The white gate is home to another world where magic and fantasy exists. Some call it the neutral gate. Many other gates spawn even to this day. The Black gate is a home to many atrocious monsters that can be a danger to all humanity if they are not kept under control. This world has their own set of heroes, however. They protect us from the monsters. They are who we call adventurers or sometimes called 'Hunters'. I'm Ethan Adler. I'm the son of one of the most powerful adventurers to ever exist within our world. They called him 'Silver Flame'. Why did Father leave me and my sister? Why did he choose to go into an SS rank gate? Why... The gates brought us both wealth and fame to those who explore it but the truth of why those gates appeared is much more ominous than one might think. --Note that this novel is in the process of being rewritten and edited

Immortal_17 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 8 - The administrator's system


It was strange that I could move my arms and legs again. My eyes opened up when I sensed movement.

Darkness was everywhere I looked.

The only person I could see was a woman who was sitting on a chair. 

The woman had long black hair that reached all the way until her lower back. Her curvy body could be seen through the black dress she was wearing. Her meaty thighs were wrapped up by thigh-high leggings.

'Who is that?'

I didn't recall knowing anyone who looked like her.

In that moment, she looked at me.

"You woke up."


She looked at my confused expression and chuckled.

"You must be wondering who is this beautiful woman in front of you right now. Are you charmed by my looks that you cannot even speak?"

She spread out her arms.

"I am an administrator that governed my own world. It was destroyed so here I am. My name is Lexan Maximus. And from this moment forth you are my servant."


'Is this the afterlife? I should be dead, right?'

"On the contrary. You are very much alive."

The woman who called herself Lexan crossed her legs.

"I took the opportunity of saving a dying soul as it would've benefitted me as well. Come sit."

A chair manifested in front of her. Although I didn't understand, I went to go sit down. 

"You may be wondering how, right?"

I nodded.

"It's simple. I used a spell to revive you."

"A spell?"

"However, this spell required me to use all my power. But that won't be a worry for long…"

"What do you mean?"

She chuckled again.

"Your skills interested me. It was… unique amongst the ones I've seen so far. How do I say it…"

She put her finger on her lip.

"It would be faster to check your status."

She flicked her finger and then a blue screen appeared in front of me.


[Name :Ethan ]

[Level: 1]

Skills: [Absolute defense-C] [Level Steal-SS] [■■■]


"What the hell is this?"

Weren't there two sets of those black boxes before?

"Let me explain what it means… Level Steal means you are able to steal the level potential of someone. This means you are able to steal their experience and not their level itself. Kind of like the points needed before levelling up. But you must meet certain conditions to be able to do it."

I didn't understand what she said so I listened obediently. 

"The condition can be fulfilled by me."

"What's the condition…?"

She smiled.

"You must be one in order to steal someone's level or skills."


"Tch. Why are you so innocent. Sex. I mean sex."


My entire body stiffened.

"This is a sexual cultivation skill that requires you to have sex with someone. Depending on the bond the two of you share you might even be able to steal their classes. The skill can steal the abilities of others as well. My role is to make that possible."


"You can pick whomever you want and I shall take over that person's body."

Lexan stood up and walked over to me. She sat down on my lap and looked into my eyes. She wrapped her arm around the back of my head.

"Ethan Adler, I was the one who saved your life so you will help me with my goal as well."


"I want to ascend the Celestial Realm and become a god again. The power I used to save you was the last power I had left. I'm basically a demigod now."

"…Then why did you save me in the first place? There are rumours of people from Earth being reborn in the other world. Maybe I would've lived anyway."

"The chances of that happening are low. Souls don't get a second chance every time. The reason I saved you… well, let's say I saw something great in your future. This was something no other mortal would be able to achieve. I'm glad that I was the first god to see this and claim you as my own."

'Wait a second…'

I was listening to her explanation that I forgot to ask the most important question of all.

"What happened to the raid party?"

Lexan had an odd expression on her face after she closed her eyes.

"…Well, all of you seem to have run into quite the terrible opponent."

"You mean that being that was protected by those knights?"

"Yes. She was once a god as well. There are many of her kind scattered around the world in those things you call gates. They are gods who lost their right to be called gods. The Holy War caused all of them to fall."

"What the hell…."

We were already having trouble with one. How many more existed out there?

"That girl managed to push back the fallen god somewhat before reinforcements arrived to save them."

"…Did they defeat it?"

She shook her head.

"That thing was too powerful. It was only playing around with all of you. The most people they could save was only six including your crush."

'I knew that that thing wasn't normal.'

A group of ten A rankers can overwhelm an S rank monster so it was weird how we couldn't do anything. We had 14 A rankers.

'She said that many more exist out there?'

"They range in all shapes and sizes. Your world doesn't have to worry about an army of them coming out of Ragnarok. The world's will forces monsters ranked SS and higher back into the gates. This was a rule established by the god realm."

I sighed in relief. 

"Anyway, you should get back to your world. I will be waiting for you." 

She stood up from my lap.

"Oh, right. I have a gift for you."

Black mana started weaving in her hands. The energy was held out to me.

"What's this?"

"This is an authority over space. It will come in handy in various ways for someone like you." 

A wide smile appeared on her face. Lexan started fading away.

"Remember, when you see a person with black eyes approach you, don't be alarmed."

That was the last thing I heard before my consciousness faded.



I looked down at the weight on my legs.


My childhood friend was sleeping beside the bed.

I looked around.

'I'm in a hospital…'

I looked at my body.

"They managed to fix it huh…"


While I was inspecting my body, I sensed movement.

Sylvia's eyes was wide open as she gazed at me. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly. 


I scratched my head awkwardly.

Without another word she pounced forward and hugged me tightly.

"You're okay!"

The door to the hospital room opened. 

Paul, Claudia and Farnese walked in. 

"My boy!"

Claudia also ran towards the bed. She was the one who overreacted the most.

Claudia kissed me all over my face before hugging me again with tears in her eyes.

The other two…



Paula and Farnese were standing there awkwardly behind Sylvia and Claudia.

"How do you feel, dear?"

Claudia checked for any signs of pain in my limbs.

"I'm fine so don't worry. How long have I been here?"

"Two months."

Sylvia responded.

'That long…?'

At least I wasn't dead. That feeling of having my bones crushed was something I didn't want to experience again. 

As I laid there, I remembered the disgusting grin on that thing's face when it looked at me. 

I shivered.

"Sylvia… About that monster in the dungeon…"

"The guild master of the White Orchid guild is busy planning a raid to hunt that being down. My father also gave his support. They say that it's too dangerous to be kept alive."

I sighed in relief. 

"I'm sorry about the dagger. I couldn't get it back…"

Sylvia had a regretful expression on her face.

"It's fine…"

If they managed to defeat that thing then they might get that dagger as a drop item. I'll just have to buy it off of them.

I heard someone cough. It was Paul.

"Glad to see you're alright, son."


It was awkward but I could see he was concerned about me as well.

I looked at Farnese and saw her avert her eyes. She had been standing near the door the entire time.

"We better let him rest. His body needs more time to recover."

Claudia spoke to all of them.

"You'll be discharged tomorrow. I'll have your favourite meal ready tomorrow night."

She gave me one last kiss on the forehead before taking everyone outside. Sylvia looked back one last time before closing the door.

"Phew. That was a lot of affection I sensed."

A voice suddenly came from the door a few seconds after they left.


Someone with black pupils came into the room holding documents under her bosom.


She strode into the room. Lexan was inside the body of a nurse that worked here.

"Haa... Did you have to take over a random person's body?"

"Well, I had to take someone's body. I can't manifest in this world yet with my limited powers."

Lexan sat on the chair.

"Anyway, I have to give you a blessing before I leave."

"A blessing?"

"It's a system that will allow you to get stronger. Level Steal has its limits so it will be hard to level up if you use that alone. This may hurt a little."

"What do you..."

Before I could ask, she pushed both her fingers into my eyes.

"GYAAAAAH!!! Guh!! Keuk!!!"

Pain assaulted my brain as she twirled her fingers inside my brain.

"Hold still."

'How the fuck am I supposed to do that!?'

I was on the verge of fainting before the pain vanished.


"I haven't given anyone a system before so it's unknown what kind of system you'll get."

I rubbed my eyes that were still burning. I thought there'd be a wound but my eyes were just fine. 

"Become the strongest hunter in the world, alright?"

Lexan smirked before walking out of the room.


Become the strongest hunter in the world? Me? That was impossible...

That was my thought when a sound rang out inside my head.

___System activating___

__New user detected__

_Infinite System greets the new user_

Description: The Infinite System is able to infinitely level up the user if they fulfil the necessary tasks.

Caution: Tasks may vary in difficulty. Should the user reject any tasks given, the system shall arrange suitable punishments.


First task

Ask Sylvia out on a date

Reward – STR +150   AG  +100  Level +10

Duration - 1 day(s)



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