
Infinite Death Games Apocalypse: The Rise of Villains

"You have three lives - One as a human, one as a survivor, and one as a hunter." In the year 202X, a chilling phenomenon grips the globe as 20,000 individuals vanish without a trace overnight. This eerie occurrence repeats every Sunday at midnight, sending shockwaves through society. Despite the escalating disappearances over 20 consecutive weeks, the world remains indifferent to the growing crisis. Among the missing is Vesper Pallas, whose fate thrusts him into a realm of perilous existence. Confronted with life-threatening situations, he unravels the sinister truth behind the abductions and the ensuing terror. Following a fateful encounter with a mysterious figure resembling the Grim Reaper, Vesper is forced into a triad of roles: a father, a prey, and a relentless hunter in pursuit of answers.

DamnPlotArmor · Fantasía
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72 Chs

After the investigative breakthrough, the sudden emergence of superpower users has struck fear throughout Mexico.

Chapter 61 - Stage 2 (Survivor) - 1

"Can you elaborate on what you guys experienced again?" 

Vesper was interested in their experiences as they changed everything. If the dead teammates could turn into spirits and observe the remaining survivors, they could discover his power. This risked exposing his secrets, such as his hunter's abilities.

Still, the group gave Vesper a weird look, except Noah. The latter brightly smiled, which was the opposite of how they had initially reacted to him.

"Mister, when you sacrificed me, I got to meet a judge. He gave me an extra life and told me to cooperate with everybody. He also taught me that if someone in our team completes a stage, the others also complete it! As long as we complete 99 stages, we can graduate from this and live free!"

Vesper found this rule odd and troublesome. If everybody here passed the third stage together with him, their status attributes might be too low for future trials.