
Infinite Clone System

The world was on the verge of destruction. Humans fought valiantly against creatures invading from another world. Mark found himself two thousand years in the future with a system allowing him to split infinitely. Need to cultivate? Simple! 1000 clones cultivate at the same time Want to go hunting? Send 10000 clones out to sweep the world. Simple! Note: Cover does not belong to me, if the original owner wishes I can remove it.

DescriptionPanda · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Saving the girls life

At this time, Mark stretched his body as he looked at the now dimmed spiritual core in front of him. It had barely lasted for an hour, however Mark had realised that the energy absorbed was much more plentiful than he managed to absorb from the environment.



Name: Mark Ashfield

Combat Power: 150 (250)

Cultivation: Small Warrior Rank 1

Strands of Energy: 25 ]

''What?? 2 strands in an hour'' Mark looked at the number in disbelief. That was almost four times the speed that he was previously absorbing at.

If he managed to get enough spiritual cores for a lot of clones to cultivate with at the same time...

''Hahaha'' Mark who was trapped in his fantasies burst out laughing.

However he was interrupted by the sight in front of him. His clone that he sent to get the task had long since returned with the materials.

The other 33 clones that Mark had previously summoned had stopped doing exercises and began to produce cloth rags, and this had gone on for an hour causing a huge pile of poorly formed rags to appear next to Mark's bed.

Luckily the quality of the rags doesn't matter as they will later be perfected and produced into uniforms for students.

However it was the number that stunned Mark, after all he hadn't expected the clones to be able to produce 10 rags each within an hour.

In fact Mark had underestimated the peak combat power of ordinary people. Despite it being incredible weak in comparison to warriors, or even someone who had condensed any spiritual energy, they were still able to have much higher stamina and flexibility then average people.

So a simple task like this, that was ordinarily taken on by weak or sickly people trying to get by, was just too simple for Mark's clones.

After checking through the Rags, Mark realised that there was only around 250 rags that could actually be traded in for credits, the other 50 were of incredible bad quality, obviously the result of the clones first couple of tries.

However Mark could also make use of the spare rags to make his own scrappy outfits so he would be able to send more clones hunting in the future.

After all he had not forgotten the great use of spiritual cores.


But before he could take action he heard a sound coming from his dorm door.

Unlike before when it was a clone knocking, this time it sounded more like someone kicking it down.

'System withdraw all the clones in this room' Mark prepared, he didn't want to risk having to fight as an ordinary person. While he couldn't gain 100% of his strength was still able to compete against a warrior with 50% of it.

Mark walked over to the dorm room door and slowly opened it, his feet beginning to set apart into a military stance while his hand clutched the steel knife.

Sadly all his preparations were useless, because as he opened the door he saw a face identical to his carrying a bloodied body.

''What the?'' Mark didn't know how to react for a moment, out of everything that could've been there he didn't expect it to be this. Rather he thought it might be the gangsters coming for revenge or even someone trying to rob his room.

The clone walked past Mark and placed the body on the bed. This was to give Mark an opportunity to recall it without causing even more harm to the body.

'System withdraw the clone'

Finally Mark felt incredible strength flow through his body as he finally regained 100% of his strength, however what was more useful was the influx of memories provided by the clone.

Mark was dumbstruck as he looked through the course of events. However he didn't feel that the clones choice was wrong, after all it was just another version of him and no matter what body was there, they would make the same choice.

But he also considered what he needed to do to deal with this figure. They were massively injured and if they didn't get treated within a certain amount of time, it might have serious consequences.

''Fine'' Mark sighed with resignation before summoning a clone to go trade in the rags for credits and then trade the credits for some medicine.

Then he got up and grabbed the basic medical kit that is provided to all the students. After all fights were extremely common in the school and they couldn't have the students dying from small injuries.

But the pack only consisted of a roll of bandages and a few antiseptics. But this was all Mark had at the moment before the clone was able to return.

Mark reached over and began to take off the outfit worn by the figure. However when it was successfully removed, Mark saw that they already had a bandage wrapped around their chest.

''Strange were they injured before this?'' Mark began to unwrap the bandage around the chest so he could get a closer look at the injuries.

However as soon as the bandage fell down Mark's face instantly turned red.

''Sorry, sorry I didn't see anything'' He shouted as he closed his eyes, almost forgetting that the girl laying on the bed was unconscious.

Yes the girl, it turns out that her breasts had been wrapped in the bandage preventing people from easily telling whether she was male or female.

This wasn't completely Mark's fault however, while there was a large number of female warriors there were hardly any who would conceal their gender.

After all, strength is what speaks the loudest in these times. If you were strong enough no one cared even if you destroyed a city if the family controlling it was weaker than yours, let alone whether you were male or female.

But Mark still didn't stop with the treatment, he still had to put the bandage to cover the exterior wounds. Despite a majority of the wounds being internal Mark still had to prevent her from bleeding to death.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts