
Reunion part 1

While the they were talking there was a sedan that parked inside the garage... Crista :"oh my husband Is back from work!!!" .... A middle aged man Came thrugh the door of the garage he was a little bit shorter than crista by 5'9 feet tall and black hair in a buzz cut and blue eyes wearing a brown suit with a lose necktie looking like a police detective when he reached the living room he saw a kid that was sitting on the couch in the living room with his daughter watching TV and then he freaked out!!! And he asked... Markos : "who are you Sarah's boyfriend if you are i will kill!!! You And dump you in the ocean!!!" ... Crista was shocked!! And Sarah got embarrassed and her Face got so red you can even see a smoke coming out of her head and John was flabbergasted...Crista :" no!! His not her boyfriend his the smith's family's missing son that just came back"... Markos : "no way!!! You are that chuby kid that comes to play with Sarah all the time!!!" ...Crista :" yeah now come clean your hands and sit on the table to eat dinner honey" .... Markos cleaned his hands and sat on the table with them but he was still worried about him stealing his little daughter... John was in an awkward position he knows that mr' markos Is a detective what will he do when he asks him where were he all These twelve years he gotta dodge his questions. he can't tell him he was in another realm and shit!!!...mrakos : "where were you all this time and who did that to your Face?" ... John : "oh all that remember much Is i woke up at a hospital and then i got out from and now im here" ...markos : "oh are you sure you don't remember anything" .... Crista :"oh markos give him some slack the boy just got back from god knows where and he looks tired John eat your dinner and Sarah will show you your room to sleep in" .... After John finished eating dinner he stood up from the table...Sarah : "ok lets go John i ll show you your room it's upstairs" ... John : "um" ... While John and Sarah were going upstairs John said : "Sarah which garade in highschool are you at now and do you vae a boyfriend if you don't mind me asking?" ... Sarah : "no!! I don't Have a boyfriend and im on my third year of highschool" .... John*oh third year huh i don't remember school i didn't even get into elementary school*...while John and Sarah were going upstairs... Markos : "i know It he's gonna steal my little girl!!! No ill kill him before he does that" ... Crista :"John Is a polite nice kid you finish your dinner and shut up or ill punch you!!!" .... Markos : "oh Sorry!!my lady im eating in silence!!!" ...when Sarah and John reached the room Sarah opened the door and said Sarah : "this Is the room i i hope It is to your liking" ... John :"thank you Sarah its ok i like It the imporant thing is that its comfortable" .... When Sarah left. John looked around there was a one person bed and a table and a wooden chair by the window and a closet he walked to the bed and slumbed on It and slept like a log.....