
Disciples Part 2!

When John woke up he took a shower and wore his ipp man uniform and fixed his hair in a ponytail and when he got outside of his pagoda It was dark so he took out a white stone and filled It with qi and threw it to the sky and then,It started glowing till It stabelized to be like the sunshine in the morning and John didn't wait long until he saw the teen group walking towards him with Jimmy and Sophia in the front without the younger kids, when they reached him, John injected some qi inside his ring and got training uniforms for them It numbered to 20 uniforms It was a black kung fu linen costume for Jimmy and a white kung fu linen costume for Sophia and blue kung fu linen costumes for the rest, Jimmy : "sensei what are those clothes that are hanging beside you? ", John : "they are prizes", Sophia : "for what?",,John : "for the Competition that i will have you do by fighting between each other with your abilities and the first place winner will choose one of them and the second will take the other" Jimmy : "what Is this Competition called?" John : "oh the badass Competition don't worry there are rules in this Competition first there Is no use of Excessive force and if someone got hurt i will help them immediatly so you can go all out!! And these clothes Have four ability runes defense and offense and mobility and an increase in speed what Is Different Is the affinities the green one Is earth and the yellow one Is lightning if you injected qi in the green one in the defense rune It will give you a sphere that will protect you from King low level individual and below it. and in the offense rune an AOE attack it will shoot rock shards in a circular way for Five times and the yellow has the same defense rune and the offense Is concentrated lightning for six times and both of them can fly with the flying rune for 60 hours ",,, everyone's eyes shined with Competitive and excited look, who doesn't want to fly?!!, when John stoped they saw in front of them a huge arena, when did he make It?, they all thaught. When they got inside the arena, they saw the little kids sitting at the spectator seats eating and drinking like a school trip and then, John :"now i want a battle royal between all of you but first you will tell me your names one by one after the compitition we will have a feast for celebration ",,then John looked around him chicking his pockets , John : "oh!! Right i forgot!! ",, then John threw 20 talismans that flew to their forheads and disapperad they looked at him puzzled for what he did, John : "those are called all language talisman It will make you know every language you hear It won't hurt you ",, then Jimmy shed a tear and got on his knees, John got puzzled and looked at him then asked, John :" what's wrong Jimmy?!! ",, Jimmy : "It was awkward as hell sensei!!! Everyone was pointing nobody knew what everyone Is talking about!!",, then John's forhead sweated and he sighed . John :"i'm Sorry!! I'm Sorry!! Im over 200 years old i forget sometimes ok!!",, then they started, from the left side of Jimmy and Sophia, It was a tall teen boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and fierce Face with bushy eyebrows, teen boy :"my name Is Tolya and im russian the twin Brat'ya on my left are Andrusha and Alyosha we were from the same orphanage sensei",, Andrusha has an average hight and has green hair and blue hazel eyes and his brother has green hair and black eyes and they were looking at John in the eyes without a shred of fear, John : "you three will be in a team from now on called Brat'ya but now you will fight Individually do you accept. ",, the Brat'ya answered together the Brat'ya :" Yes sensei ", they liked that he gave them a choice and they like the compitition. after them a tall girl with long black hair, and black eyes, and brown skin with a beautiful Face stood forward, the tall girl :" my name Is Priya and im indian im 15 years old and my little sister Is sitting with the kids her name Is Rania and she is four years old" ,John shouted in a calm tone to the kids direction, John : "Rania your big sister is here so cheer her on!!! ", Rania was stuffing her mouth with food and then she looked to the arena and saw her big sister, Rania : "big sister, do your best!!! ". And she continued,all the kids were eating like they did not eat for years. John :" slow down the food is not gonna run you know".then John looked to the arena to continue the introduction, after Priya a dark skinned giant with a scar on his forhead and long eyebrows came forward. The giant : "my name is Faysal and im from the middle east im 16 years old",John : "well hello there",after Faysal, a short pretty girl with red hair in a bob cut came forward, the short girl : " my name is Ellen and im australian im 14 years old". John :"hello Ellen nice meeting you next!", a tall girl came forward with long black hair and beautiful face with hair covering her left eye, the tall girl :"my name is yue liang and im chinese and im 15 years old". After her another tall boy with black hair in a buzz cut with a fierce face and muscular body, the tall boy : "my name is zhang que and im chinese too and 16 years old". John : "woah! You two smell like blood and i like it! Next!". After zhang a fat boy with black hair and black eyes with glasses came forward while looking around him Anxiously then he looked at John. fat boy : "my name is Sasaki and im japanese im 15 years old ". John : " well sasaki there is nothing to worry about relax and show me what you got in the competition ok!". Sasaki got a little bit of courage and answered Sasaki :"got it!! Sensei". After Sasaki a white girl came forward she has purple hair and and blue eyes and she was looking bored out of her mind she looked at John and, Bored girl : " my name is Sakura and im 14 years old im japanese". John :"i'll make sure you are not gonna be bored no more,next!!".after Sakura a boy came forward with a gravity defying brown hair he was dark skinned and has black eyes and he was taller than Jimmy by 10 inches dark skinned boy : " my name is Jasson im american and im 14 years old ", Jasson was looking at John's sword when John noticed that, John : "you like swords Jasson?", Jasson :" yeah they do the job right" John eyes got wide a little, John : " yeah the sword can be a tool to end your enimes or a friend to protect your loved ones but when you have reached my stage you won't need it though", Jasson got excited a little, after Jasson a tall girl with puffed muscles with blonde hair and green eyes steped forward. Muscular girl : " my name is Lolana im 16 and im american",,when John : " hello lolana do you know what's wrong with your body?. Lolana :" my ability i guess sensie ",, John :" nope your dantian is chaotic it has a Gigantic pool with the earth element feeding your body by itself you are lucky that your body did not explode blood and guts everywhere but i think your body is too tough for that to happen, after the competition i'll teach you how to control your dantian ".. Lolana's face got pale and it changed to happiness real quick it was cute! Because now she can control her strength so she doesn't hurt her friends again. Lolana :" i'll be ready sensie and i'll win ". John :" that's the spirit now next! ",,after Lolana a Petite girl with black short hair and a small Tattoo on the shape of a lion on her forhead with hazel eyes looking around pissed off for god knows what? Steped forward and Then she looked at John, Tattoo girl :" my name is Garnet im from france and im 18 years old",, John :"Garnet great name and do you know that's permanent right?",,. Garnet : "what's permanent you talking about?",,.John :"you know the tattoo". Garnet : " oh that's my ability it can summ...",,.then she got interupted, John :" ohh No! Dont spoil it i'll see it in the competition, Next! ".after Garnet a tall girl with a blonde karen hair cut and blue eyes Steped forward, karen hair cut :"ok! First of all are you the manager?.... That was a joke.,,, this karen is cool (authur).,, karen hair cut :" hello there sensie that was Awesome! How could you left that huge island and make those clones and you can cook this, Deliciously i ate whole table yesterday oh right! my name is Karen and im 15 years old im from england "...John :" you have a lot of energy that for sure that's good Karen and did you ate a whole table of sugar or something yesterday?",,. Jimmy :" yeah sensie she ate like two tables",, John sweated, John : " dammmn! Then you are fucked!",, Jimmy :" noted! She's the first one to go!",, John : "big words Jimmy big words next!".after Karen two twin girls with black curly hair and dark skin and hazel eyes steped forward the one on the right :" my name is babiryeim 14 years old me and my sister adongo are from africa". John : " nice to meet you two if you don't mind can i call you bab and go go?",,the twins eyes got wide and then they smiled, the twins :"we don't mind sensie". John : " thanks have fun! now next!",,. After the twins, a redhead girl with black eyes and a ponytail hair cut steped out, redhead girl :" my name is Mariam im 14 years old and im from georgia",, John :"nice to meet you Mariam and the last one!",,. After Mariam a lady took a step forward with long black hair and blue eyes looking 30 years old, lady : " my name is Valentina and im 13 years old im from colombia",, John :" if you don't mind me asking did the Scientists do something to your body?",, Valentine : " you are right sensie they, made me use my ability for three years without stopping and now im like this there is even blood! That comes out from down here", Valentine pointed to her crotch pissed off, and John looked awkward, John: " don't worry Valentine they paid for it with their lives and i can fix your body if you want but i'll tell you this, if you don't turn back i bet you will be one of the strongest! Its your choice, Now let the competition begin!!!.