

Third pov::.... When they reached the nighborhood in midwood chicago the car stoped in front of the house and they got down when John got down of the car he looked for his old home didn't know if his family still lives here or not do you know how he remembered his home and the street's address when he was gitting rid of his heart demons in the void realm he got the memory of his 6 year old while he was in there so he kept It in his mind like a treasured memory and now his back home... John.. Walked to house its a shingle house style and It looks and feels abandoned.... Crista : "oh that's the Smith's family home do you know them?" .. And sarah looked at him and has quistions on her Face too... John : "yeah i know them" ... Sarah : "we didn't ask what's your name?" ... John : "John Smith" ....crista : "whattt!! Your'e John Smith the missing son" ... Crista has tears in her eyes and then ran up to him and hugged him... Crista : "oh your mother was soo!!! Devastated when she lost you her first son and then after Five years your father moved the family to a new house to escape from the memories so your mother don't do something bad to herself!!" ... John got sad his there fighting and doing shit and his mom in here was about to hurt herself...crista :" its ok i Have her cell phone number i will call her right now!!! You go inside with us and take a shower and change you stink of blood!!!"....John got a look at the house that he remembers that looks the victorian type of houses and then got inside... John even remembers which way Is the bathroom beacuase he used to play here while he were a little 6 year old kid he took a shower and. well his old clothes are destroeyd he can't pick clothes from his spatial ring because its all japanese clothes It will look weird if he walked around wearing ancient clothes all the time what to do now?.... Sarah was looking in her fathers closet for clothes for John to wear she's just excited that her childhood friend has Came back!! She gone down through the stairs and took a left to go to the bathroom... Sarah : "are you finished yet?" .... John : "yeah im finished" ... Sarah : "then im opening the door" ... John : "no wait im just wearing a loincloth don't open the!!!" .... Sarah looking at him and John looking at her Sarah looking at him John : "kyiaaaaa get out you pervert!!!!" .... Sarah : "im not a perevert!!! Wear these clothes" ... Sarah thrown the clothes at him and ran fast with an embarassed and red Face when she left John wore the clothes and got out and he thaught John*why are her clothes are all in black she used to love to wear all pink this Is weird*... When he reached the living room... He found Ms's crista michaels cocking dinner in the kitchen and Sarah watching TV on the couch... Crista :" oh hello there John i called your mother and she got happy and soo!! Excited that she was gonna come here with an airplane and your father booked for your family in a hotel and they will be here by tomorrow mornning" ..... John :" ms's cris" ... Crista : "call me aunty crista!!! You fool!!!" ..... John : "oh ok aunty crista where do they live?" .... Crista :"in new york city you can stay in our house we Have a spare room" ...John : "oh no no i don't wanna trouble you i can stay in a hotel or something" .... Crista : "no your mother will kill me if she comes and didn't find you gotta stay until they come right Sarah honey?" ... Sarah : "yeah its ok you can stay in the room next to my room upstairs" .... John : "much obiliged then"....