
Test of strength

Hope was interested in seeing how Darius would do. She jumped off the table and disregarded them completely. Even though she said nothing Ro followed. Darius saw Ro waving, telling him to follow. Darius sighed in resignation and followed the duo.

They entered a state-of-the-art elevator. It was superb. Darius, as a hick, had little to zero experience with such things and hence couldn't help but marvel. "Wait, where are the buttons?" He asked confused.

Hope ignored his question and said, "Initiate rookie movement to testing grounds." A rumbling sound started to buzz throughout the elevator as it started to vibrate. Ro took a puff and said, "Youngblood, I would grab something if I was you."

Darius then had an impending sense of crisis and immediately grabbed the rail. He was grateful to the gods that he had done so seconds earlier. When the buzzing reached its crescendo, Darius started feeling dizzy, a feeling he had not felt in a while.