
India: I became the Maharaj of Bharat

An Indian guy got reincarnated as a son of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. He realised that after Akbar, the Empire has been degrading and will reach the peak of degradation during his half-brother Aurangzeb's reign. Plus, he is going to die anyway if he didn't do anything in the war of succession since he was a prince. So, becoming the Emperor himself was the only option. Plus, it was a chance for him to create a strong India so that her riches doesn't get stolen again. So, he decided to become the Maharaj of Bharat

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9 Chs


(1st PoV) 

It's been 6 months since I have met with Gandhari, and the talks of engagement has started between us by her parents and Shah Jahan and eldest sister Jahanari. I have moved to Lahore as the assistant of brother Bairam Shah, the current governor of Lahore, and am studying under his advisor Muhammad Kurram regarding administration. 

In about 2 and a half years, I will become the governor of Lahore while he will of Afghanistan, which has more clashes with the Persian Empire. 

Anyway, major shipments of cows have arrived from the European companies, and I the royal hakims(doctors) are working on the vaccines. 

As they were shipped to the docks, the special Small Pox force took them to a secretive and less populated area in Lahore, where I have established the vaccine research facility. It is using a prison building, because the vaccines will be tested upon the prisoners. 

Human rights? I don't know what that thing is. 

In two months or so, they developed the vaccine, but the next problem was of distribution. Right now, there is no such thing as plastic, and this means vaccination for everyone will require huge amount of money. Plus, for the doctors all around Lahore and Delhi, many don't want to adapt to vaccination because they have been following incopulation for centuries.

Money isn't really a problem if Shah Jahan was willing to spend it on commoners. Nobles, businessmen, landlords and farmers with land can easily afford it, but the poor farmers under landlords, daily wage labourers, dalits and lower caste people from both Hindu and Sikh communities, and stubborn people can't.

Even in my times, many people were stubborn against Corona vaccines. And it is medival era, and Small Pox is much more deadly than Corona.

So sadly, force will be used. Well, the times are different, and force is the way. Even a single person not getting vaccinated can get dangerous. Small Pox will be eradicated, but it will take around 50-60 years at least.

Anyway, I have established 'Bhartiya Pharmaceutical Company' and since the racism against White Europeans has spreaded in the major cities like Surat, Kolkata, Delhi and even reaching south of the Mughal Empire, the European companies have been facing losses.

Losses of life too. They still didn't follow the orders to stop their drug business, and tried to operate it in secret. With a bag of gold, they betrayed each other and easily told the police all the routes and secret paths from where they smuggled the drugs.

And all of them were killed, with their heads sent to their kingdoms in Europe as an example. European kingdoms are weak and on verge of collapse right now. And they must be shown their place. 

You follow the rules of the place where you do business. Not call the rich country where even the dalits eat three meals a day, uncivilised and barbarians. 

Well, they can just seethe and cry, or try to ally with the weak Sultanates in the south of the Empire. Their loyal countrymen sold all their weapons and news for bags of golds, and willingly became spies. You know, the typical divide and rule. 

Anyway, Bhartiya Pharmaceutical Company will be responsible for selling the vaccines throughout the world, and spreading the influence of Mughal Empire by gaining a foothold in Americas, Africa, Europe and Arab World.

Dalits and lower caste Hindus and Muslims are responsible for travelling, because the other Hindus won't leave the land of Ganga for who knows why, and upper caste Muslims are one of the cruelest bunch only interested in Jihad and Allah. 

When you have immense wealth without needing to do anything, you turn out to be a failure most of the time. Like many star-kids. 

Anyway, trading in Europe is harder because one: They don't have anything worth trading, and two: Christianity and White Supermacy. It's not like the Indian businessmen haven't tried to go there. But either nobody bought anything from them, it wasn't worth it to go all the way there for puny amount of gold and nothing else to buy with it, or they were captured or killed because they weren't White and Christian. 

But Americas are different. They have many things, like potato, tomato, cocoa for chocolate, and the large reserves of oil and Uranium. 

Plus, we wouldn't exploit them like the Europeans do. Venezuela, Canada and US. The natives are very close to Hinduism, and Hindus don't kill people for conversion, and don't kill the indegenous culture. So my goal is to save as many natives I can from the European diseases, and not let Europe get rich through Americas to later set their eyes on India. 

It's just that I fear Muslims exploiting the same way Christians do, so I am sending Hindus on a larger number. 

I drew them the maps, and bribed the Europeans for their ships and routes. 

Anyway, I plan to get a friendly Union of Trade across India, Africa and Ameraicas. We don't really even need to exploit their people and resources. Plus if we are the positive force among all the negatives Europeans, it will be much easier to gain control. And that way, we will spread racism against White Europeans and they will even become the major buyer of weapons that I will develop in the future. 

They have things to sell to us, and we have things to sell to them. Unlike Europeans and their drugs. 

Speaking of drugs, someone must have already burnt some tobacco fields in goa by now and spreaded rumors that they are poisons and Christians are devils and barbarians. 

If Muslims and Hindus can be called that, White Christians are definitely just that. Plus, Guruji fled from Kerala due to Dutch, and from what I remember, they colonised one of the most important country in the world trade, Indonesia. 

I sighed. I can only wait till I become the governor to improve things in India and start to gain support for becoming the Emperor in the future. And I can only start trying to form an Indian Union after becoming the Emperor. Vijayngar, Shivaji Maharaj's Marathas, Ahom and Lanka. I will capture the southern Sultanates to expand the Empire. 

Getting Ahom and Vijaynagar on the Union will be much harder than the others knowing the history they have with Mughal Empire, but I choose to be optimistic about Shivaji. He should be around my age right now. 

Democracy isn't really a good thing, as there are no means right now to get information from one place to another. And looking at the state of US, it is almost too easy for the government to become a puppet. So freedom and prosperity with proper laws is the thing I intend to get the people to get used to, so that even after I enter the history books as one of the greatest emperor in medival history, the people will not allow oppressors to take reigns. 

Well, they wouldn't have been able to capture India if not for Aurangzeb and his tyranny. People are generally okay with Shah Jahan, and Shikoh is even a bigger secular guy. 

But he is bit of a coward and spoiled because of Shah Jahan's support. 

I winced as the needle pierced my skin, and the vaccine was injected. 

"You may get sick for some days, but after that, you won't catch the sickness. Your idea really works, Shehzade."

"Yeah Hakim ji. Anyway, dispose off that needle. If used again, it will lead to -" 

"Infection. I know that. I am a Hakim for the royal family for a reason." 

He ruffled my hair, and left. 

Tch, ruining my internal monologue.