
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · Historia
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National Emergency and Report

(4th May 1950)

(Satyankar's PoV)

As I was in a party meeting for deciding on our President candidate for the presidential election that will happen in a month as the first Rajya Sabha will be filled by then, my secretary burst into the meeting.

"Sir! The plane carrying Dr Homi Bhabha and Dr Vikram Sarabhai was blown up by a bombing! It crashed in a village near Bhopal!"

All of us were shocked.

"The meeting is dismissed! Prepare for a national emergency!"

The Defence Minister, Karamveer Singh asked, "Isn't that too much-"

"They are as much important as the commander of Army! Don't waste time! Emergency first, we will talk later!"

As everyone ran from my house to their respective offices, I went to my telephone and called someone.

"Bhabha ji, are you and Sarabhai alright?"

"Yes yes! Thank god we didn't take the flight!"

"Don't let anyone know that you two are alive, even your family, for the time being until I tell you. I will arrange for your whole team to go underground for a while."

"...Is that necessary?"

"YES! I knew that some country will try to interrupt our nuclear program! Right now, your safety is my top priority. If Britain got the bomb before us, we will be put under too much pressure.

I have received intelligence that it will take them atmost two more years to develop theirs."

"We will develop ours in 15 months. But-"

"But the quantity wouldn't be enough. I know. I am working on securing a stable source of Uranium.

Don't think about such things. I will secure those things. You just focus on making the bomb. I am sorry, but atleast until the bomb is completed, you and your team wouldn't be able to meet or inform your family."

"...Alright. It's just 15 months. We can handle it. But, how did our boarding information get leaked? I know that our body doubles have been meeting you in place of us for security, but even then, I don't think their boarding information could have been leaked. Unless-"

"There is a traitor within your group, who knows your schedule of meeting me."

"Oh God! I can't believe it! They are such honest men, how could-"

"No need to suspect anyone. They could have been honey trapped into revealing the information. Scientists, especially Indian scientists are weak to women. Don't worry and continue your work, I will handle everything."

I have personally met with all the scientists of Bhabha's team. I don't think they would have intentionally revealed anything information. Women were often used to get information from humble scientists who don't have any experience with them. Even Pakistan's subpar intelligence agency was very good at it.

"... Alright. Vikram is with me right now. We will stay in the secret house until your next instruction."

"Thank you. Don't worry, okay? India respects her scientists. Scientists are who made India great. We wouldn't let a single assassination attempt be successful."

"Yes. I now realise I shouldn't have protested against getting this much security previously."

"Yeah. Bye bye!"


After that, I went to All India Radio.

"1, 2, 3 mic testing. Mic testing.

Ahem! Dear citizens of India. Two of our greatest scientists have been asssassinated by terrorist actions. We are investigating who is behind the assassination.

I mourn for them, and all the passengers who became prey to an attempt to harm India. I personally apologise for the security breach that led to the death of all the people on the plane.

Do not worry. The Indian Government will protect every citizen. We won't let this mistake happen again.

At 3:41 pm, 4th May 1950, India enters a state of National Emergency. Businesses, factories, farms and offices will go on as usual. Under section 144, gathering of group of more than 4 will not be allowed on streets. Protests and other such gatherings that aren't vital for the functioning of the country right now will not be allowed.

The National Emergency will last from today to one or two month, depending on what turns up in the investigation.

I request everyone to keep calm and cool, eat mangoes and watermelons, and don't be afraid. National Security is our top priority."


(6th July 1950)

Two months have passed since the terrorist attack happened.

Due to the airplane bombing, people all over the world who travel by plane were afraid, leading to the aviation market severely slowing down.

Various security measures were introduced now, including metal detectors, explosive sniffing dogs, etc. all across the world.

Since the aviation market was declining, the price of the aeroplanes plummeted, and the newly established Air India ordered 70 planes from Boeing for the low price.

Around the world, the scientific community saw the dangers of Geopolitics on their lives for the first time. All countries increased the security of their scientists.

The golden era of scientific advancement was a thing of past now.

According to the investigation, it was revealed that the bombing was conducted by Pakistani Liberation Force, a terrorist organisation. Well, they took the responsibility openly.

Their trusted newspaper reporter they told to spread the news shot the leader after the interview, and commandos encountered most of the terrorists, while promising those who surrendered and shared every information they had, to be sent securely to Britain.

The Vice-commander of the base surrendered, and shared every information he had.

A woman named Mira Kumari had approached them with the information of the two scientists' scheduled flight, telling them how important the two men were for India.

They were even given 10 lakh INR for the job.

The trail would have ended if not for those barbarians having taken both the money, and the woman herself.

Mira was found mentally broken inside the terrorist leader's tent in the forest. On questioning and being offered money and a house, along with food for her three little brothers, she revealed that she was a survivor in the Bengal Famine in which her parents died, and British intelligence agency hired her because she was incredibly beautiful.

She revealed that in the underworld, like the red light areas, especially in Bengal, many girls like her were hired and given food and money to feed their family.

She revealed that Mira was her name before she converted into islam. Her name now was Mirza, and she got the money and details of her job from a masjid's maulana in the sensitive region near Lahore, where many terrorist activities have happened over the past years. And the maulana was found to have connections with Saudi Arabia after his family was threatened to be killed if he doesn't spit out all the information he had.

While questioning every scientist on Bhabha's team, it was revealed that a scientist, whose name wasn't revealed to the general public, got a Bengali girlfriend around the time India got Independence.

The investigation report was submitted, and it wasn't made public for the time being.

The terrorists who were promised asylum in Britain were loaded on a civilian ship, and dropped near the British waters near their patrols with swimming tubes, so that the British patrols picked them up.

On learning that the Indian government didn't kill the terrorists after receiving info from them, but dropped them near Britain, most of the people in the parliament protested, even within the BJS party.

But instead of fighting for Pakistan in India, most of the terrorists preferred to live in the rich country Britain. They were even given a weak long deadline to surrender and be shipped to Britain. Because after that, they will be hunted to the depths of the world and killed, without questioning and trying to get them to surrender.

A total of 16,598 terrorists from 15 different groups surrendered, and were secretly shipped to be dropped in British waters.

In Britain, they were hailed as freedom fighters for Pakistan, and lectured India of the inhumane treatment of just dropping them near Britain, not even informing them, and not caring whether Britain rescues them or they become Shark's food.

"We don't want these people. Since you live them so much, take them. Afterall, Britain is the best free and democratic country in the world, which respects human rights, right? We don't need to treat terrorists as anything but murderers."

After the warning period of a week passed, the fully detailed report was made public, revealing a terrorist plot of Britain and Saudi Arabia. Whether they were acting independently or collaborating, it was unclear.

But it was very clear that both countries were involved.

India didn't have diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia to begin with, so USA was asked to mediate between the two countries. India did consider the possibility that the Saudi oil-lord who gave the maulana money could be connected to Britain.

Though, Saudi Arabia was quick to act before anything worse can happen. It put all the blame of the Saudi oil-lord on the British, since the British oil company was extracting the oil from his well, labelled this act as shameful and lowly, and executed him.

Every country commissions assassinations. The problem is that the country which faces such assassinations can't openly say about it due to politics, both external and internal.

The investigation wouldn't have been so quick and through, if the terrorist group wasn't stupid enough to declare that they did it, while staying in the same country. No one expected such stupidity.

And as for Britain, it was declared a 'Terrorist Country' officially. The British diplomat was kicked out, all the British Indian people who stayed behind had their properties seized, and were questioned about their involvement with the British Government, and most importantly,

the Indian Union Government took over the finance of every muslim religious institution. Even the Aligarh Muslim University was nationalised and its connection to Saudi Arabia made everyone realise that the entire system needed an overhaul. There are dangerous elements in every stage.

Iran, and the islands south of Lakshadweep, including Maldives and others, got the final push in their independence movement when Britain was declared a Terrorist Country, and the British headquarters of power in the regions were flooded by people who smashed their way in and killed the British officials.

Even in Egypt, the movement to remove British from Seuz Canal gained huge traction. Even those who didn't mind British that much now joined those who wanted the British to leave.

It was a big blow to India-US relationship, as two of its biggest allies, UK and Saudi Arabia were involved in the terrorist assassination of India's most important scientists.

Even China, the lone wolf, sided with India and became the second country to declare UK as a terrorist country. Well, if USA wouldn't be so powerful, China would have declared USA itself as such as well.

Most countries on the globe would have.

But well, only USSR can contest USA right now, and even though it hasn't declared Britain as a terrorist country, it is a perfect opportunity to weaken the western influence and bring India under its influence.

In India, it turned even most of the moderates who didn't hate British that much to hate them enough to carry it for generations.

After the reports, and the decision taken during emergency to bring the finance of muslim institutions under government's control, did not help in breeding more riots, and increasing the number of prisoners.

Since Satyankar's reign, more than 42 lakh rioters have been imprisoned. And now that there isn't much space in the prisons, after swift trials, executions have been taking place.

Knowing what happened to the rioters during the Constitutional Assembly Emergency when Pakistan was recaptured, the riots were very less.

On 30th July, the National Emergency was lifted.