
Indescribable feelings

Having been a loner for almost all her life,Katherine Adams tries as much as she can to make it in life.In the due course she finds her true love in a person she least expects and who she has despised ever since high school,Nicholas King,a spoilt rich boy who thinks he is on top of the world .Katherine has to battle with her own wars of fitting in as well as the Indescribable feelings she has for Nick .Will love prevail in the end???

Hamedah_Katende · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter Four

Kathy's POV

I walk into my room and find a surprise awaiting.I find the person I least expected to find.

He looks up to me as he stands up from my bed and approaches me.

"Hi, sweetheart.Surprised to see me?"He says as he stands up from my bed and approaches me.

Of course am surprised to see him.I mean he said he would come see me but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"What_____What are you doing here?I didn't expect to see you here this soon?"I stutter with my words due to my surprise that shows clearly on my face.

"I see,you are surprised with my visit.I had to come see my beloved."He says as he draws me into a huge bear hug.

"I didn't think you would me in town this soon.Am so happy to see you."I tell him as I hug him tighter.

"So, where are we going,we have a lot to talk about."He asks as we head out of the door.I don't even know when we started moving but I can basically see that we are out of the door already.

We climb into his car when we reach the parking lot.It is a white 2019 Infinity which I guess he must have got on his trip.

"Nice ride, dad!When  did you

get it?"I question like the nosy

kid I am.

"I got it last week,so I came to take my beloved daughter out for a ride."He says with a huge grin and starts the car.

"So, where are the cool places around here?"He asks without looking into my direction.

"To tell you the truth,I have no idea.So, I guess we will have to go to wherever the universe takes us!!"We both laugh at my statement and continue talking about all that we can think of.

He later pulls into a huge parking lot infront of a large building.I guess it is a shopping mall.My father smiles at me as he gets out of the car and the indicates to me to come out.

I nervously get out.I must say,I feel out of place.I can't say I fit in with the people around but at least I am with my father.

"Are you okay,dear?You look pale."He asks with a concerned face.

"No,am okay,dad.Why are we here?"I ask him after having assured him that am okay.

He doesn't say a word to me but he just grabs my hand and we move into the mall.

There are a lot of people,each of them different from the other.I was feeling kind of in place outside but,I must say,am really feeling out of place now.

Having gone through a series of check ups and elevetors,we finally enter a small diner with a few people inside.We sit down at the booth in the corner.Our menus are brought to us and we order our food.

We order a family sized beef pizza and soft drinks to go with.

My father orders a cocktail juice and I order my usual coke.

While we wait for our food,we pick up a conversation to catch up the lost time.

"So,how do you like college so far?Anyone disturbing you?"He smirks as he asks and I am compelled to laugh at him.

"Why would you think that,dad?It is not like I came here to be disturbed.And besides,everyone fears me around here."I lie to his face and regret why I did that.

I always tell my father anything but I seem nervous to tell him that someone is practically forcing me to go out with him.

"So, everybody fears you around here you say.Why is that my princess?Do you turn into the old witch at night?"He jokes and I can't help laughing.

"Nice joke,dad.But probably yes.

I think I turn into the old witch at night and scare off people."I laugh through my words and he laughs at my joke too.

Our food is finally brought to us so we begin eating.We are met by one of my father's old friend,  Mr. Gordon  in between our meal who sits and chats with us but mainly my father.At the end,he gives me some money and his business card in case I needed something.

Before he leaves I tell him that am looking for a job and he promises to help me with that as soon as he gets any leads.

Meanwhile,we finish our food and my father takes me shopping.He cannot miss an opportunity to take us shopping every time we go out.

He surprises me with a new phone and a load of shopping bags all having clothes which I certainly won't wear.He drops me back to my room afterwards where I find Delilah and Jo talking to each other.

"Woman!I have been waiting for you for half an hour now.Mind telling me where you have been?"Delilah practically shouts as she asks me.

"Not to mention with whom?"Jo continues and it feels like an interrogation here.

Just as I sit my bags down on my bed,my father walks in and hands me another shopping bag which was not among the ones we got at the mall.

"Oh,hello Mr.Adams."Delilah says after he has handed me the bag.

"Hey Del,I didn't expect to see you here.How are you?"He asks with a huge smile.

"Well,here I am and I am okay.I didn't know you were back in town."Delilah continues and it seems like an hour when they say goodbye.

One thing I know is that when Delilah starts talking to my father,their conversation can hardly stop.It's like they were best of friends.

When my father leaves again and we are all alone in the room again,the three of us go through all the shopping bags except the one my father last brought.

We sort out everything and I end up giving each of them one of my clothes.I arrange the rest of them on my side of the closet.

I finally get to the last shopping bag which I open after Delilah has left and Jo is asleep.

When I open it I find the snickers I have always wanted.

He actually bought them for me.

They are white and silver air Jordan's with a sparkle in the light.I wanted them when I had just finished senior year,but I couldn't tell him.I guess he saw my reaction when we were at the mall during my summer break.

I feel something watery on my cheeks.I didn't realize I was crying.My father really knows me because I had even lost hope in getting those shoes.

I try them on and put them on my shoe cabinet afterwards.

Just as I close my eyes to sleep,I hear my phone buzzing.

Damn!Why would he be calling me right now!I debate on whether I should pick up the call or just reject it.

"What the hell do you want from me,Nick?I shout through my phone when I finally pick it up.

"Hey,nice greeting by the way.Am

only calling to ask for your confirmation on tomorrow's meeting."He says at the other end of the phone.

"I am not.....,"I stop myself before finishing my sentence.If I say no,I will have to face the consequences."I am not going to say no.You scared the shit out of me.So I will have to come hang out with you obviously."I say and  I actually hear him laugh from the other end of the phone.

"Well,it is a date.I will pick you up after class.Don't leave your last class quickly."With that, he hungs up and leaves me wondering what I can do to get myself out of the situation I am in.