
Beach day

play Ali gates-running on my mind


Standing in the beach with tiny sea waves hitting my feet,was almost therapeutic,almost because I keep getting flashbacks of last night in the room,I clench my eyes close,I can't believe myself...what came over me,I was mortified...nate and I...we almost had sex...

eh God eh God who am I becoming

nate and I had just been in the water,quite honestly I needed the space,nate has been grinning all day,I woke up before he did,ran to the bathroom and got dressed,thanks to my roommates,I come out wearing a navy blue crop top(bras are my arch enemy),and low waist black combat jeans with a pair of black sneakers,I tried my best to avoid nate,I gave short and simple answers when he tried to make conversations,even when he made breakfast,I ate with my eyes glued to my food,he seemed to be enjoying the awkwardness though,as he paid me no attention.