
INCEST sex stories

some sort stories of INCEST and taboo This story is a complete work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone, alive or dead is pure coincidence. All of the characters in this story are 18 years and older.

BOOK_WRITER211 · Fantasía
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81 Chs

Part - 2

"Fine. Hair first," he said, handing her the shampoo bottle.

JJ kept his hands covering himself as she washed and rinsed his hair. She had stepped in the shower with him but was standing in the dry end. She had removed the hose but still wore her bra and panties.

"Backside first. Where's your washcloth?"

"I don't use one."

She grabbed the soap and lathered her hands then began on his neck. Mary worked her way down his back and sides then knelt to wash his legs. When her hands went to his ass he jumped.

"Relax please," she said as she quickly washed his entire ass. He groaned as her slippery fingers washed his perineum and asshole. "Sprayer?" He handed it to her as she stood then rinsed him thoroughly. "Front now," she told him handing the sprayer head back. He put it in the holder before using both hands to cover himself then faced her.

She lathered her hands and washed his neck and upper chest. "Arms out." He carefully held out just one arm to her. She washed it quickly then grabbed his other arm that he was using to cover himself and began on it. JJ's hard cock was inches from his mother. After finishing the arm, she worked her way down his chest and abdomen, stopping before reaching his genitals. He was about ready to explode.

She knelt and started on his calves and worked her way up his legs using one hand on each. She stopped at the top and JJ let out a sigh of relief until he looked down. She was lathering her hands with his erect cock just inches in front of her face. When her left hand cupped his balls he groaned again. Her right hand went around his erection. As her hand slid the length of his cock he exploded. Cum spewed directly on her face.

"Oh," she said, and the second shot went in her mouth.

Several more jets hit her face, neck, and chest. JJ saw her face flush.

"Sprayer?" she requested.

He handed her the spray head as she stood. She ignored the cum dripping off her face as she rinsed him then handed him the sprayer. Mary stepped out of the shower and handed him a towel.

"I'll let you finish up. I need to go tidy myself. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," she said, then quickly left the room.

Mary went straight to her room and undressed. Pulling her panties off she realized how wet she was. Not from the splatters in the shower. This wetness was between her legs and felt good. She looked in the mirror and saw the cum on her face and chest. Having already tasted it in the shower she touched her finger to it then touched it to her tongue. She smiled at the pleasant, but salty taste. She tasted more then stepped into the shower.

JJ's cock softened only for a few minutes. By the time his face was washed and shaved it was back. Although unintentional, what had happened was hot. His normal routine after the shower would be relaxing nude in front of the TV or reading until bedtime. With his hard on standing proudly and his mother here he opted for a pair of gym shorts. He finished his wine and went for a refill. His mother's glass, also empty, sat on the coffee table. He refilled both then turned on the TV. He was still browsing when she walked in wearing her nighty several minutes later.

"Thanks for the refill."

"You're welcome. Mom, I didn't mean for that to happen."

"I know. I didn't expect it to go off like it did. Your father doesn't get erect during his showers. It wasn't unpleasant."

Her son chuckled.


"Just the way you said that. It wasn't unpleasant."

"Well, it wasn't. Messy, and surprising, but enjoyable. I'd never done that before."

"You've never used your hand on dad?"

"JJ, I've already told you everything there is to know about my sexual experience. Everything that happened in the shower, except the actual washing, was a first for me."

"Mom, that's really sad. Did dad touch you?"

"Early on he would touch my breasts to get me moist enough to penetrate. He quit doing that before you were born. Now he puts on a lubricant and just does it."

"Haven't you ever complained about it?"

"Not directly. Maybe that's part of why I've been so bitchy."

"Ya think?"

"Did you enjoy it?" his mother asked.

"Hell yes. I had planned on doing it myself before you walked in."

"Is that a regular part of your routine?"

"Not every time I shower, but pretty regularly."


"I guess it's about that."

"Aren't you seeing anyone?"

"No, that's not part of my life plan at the moment."

"So, you do it yourself?" she asked.

"Why are you so interested in how often I jackoff?"

"I want to learn your routines. That allows me to better anticipate your needs."

"Meals, coffee, that stuff, I understand. I don't understand why my ejaculatory needs are even being considered."

"I assumed, since you enjoyed it, you would want me to help with it."

JJ looked at her wide eyed. "You're offering to do that?"

"I didn't offer that any more than I offered to dress provocatively. That was your decision. You instructed me to. I assumed you'd instruct me to help with ejaculations too."

"And you would?"

"Yes, sir."

JJ's cock had turned to stone.

"Because I told you to or because you want to?"

She thought before answering. "Mostly because you want it. I will admit I found it...enjoyable and stimulating."

"It got you hot?"

"I suppose that's as good a word as anything else. I also found the taste...what word am I looking for here...appealing. Yes, appealing fits."

"You like how I taste?"

"Yes, I did."

"And you wouldn't mind tasting it again?"

"I'll do as instructed."

"You like to be told what to do, don't you?"

"It's part of my nature."

"Dad missed the boat entirely. He never figured it out, did he?"

"No, sir."

"What would happen if I touched you?"

"I'm not the one in charge here, am I?"

"Stand up in front of me."

She put her wine glass on the table and stepped up facing him. Her light blue nighty reached about mid-calf. He could see her nipples were already erect. JJ lightly brushed his fingertips over them and watched as she stiffened and closed her eyes. He slid his palms down his mother's sides and over her hips to her ass. Mary sighed deeply and her face flushed.

"No panties?" he asked.

"I assumed that since they didn't come with panties I wasn't allowed to wear any. You never specified."

He kept one hand on her ass and moved the other back to her hip.

"Spread your feet a little."

She moved her feet a few inches farther apart and he moved his hand to the inside of her thigh. She gasped softly. As his hand rose up her thigh she seemed to hold her breath until his finger touched her already hard clit and slid along it deep into her moisture.

"You're very wet."

"Yes, I am," she panted.

Her son used two fingers to spread her labia and softly began sliding his finger along her clit. In a moment her hips were moving along with his finger. Mary was panting at her son's caress. When he felt her clit soften slightly he used two fingers to slide along both sides.

"Oh, oh, oh!! Unghhh," she grunted as she came. Her hips were bucking on his fingers as her hands moved to her son's shoulders for support. As she became sensitive he moved his fingers off her clit but kept stroking her labia.

"Oh god," she whimpered. "I need to sit down."

Mary was still flushed and breathing hard as she sat on the coffee table with her knees apart. JJ handed his mother her wine glass. She drank the entire thing.

"That was amazing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

They sat quietly for a few minutes until she seemed to be back in the present. Mary picked up both empty wine glasses and refilled them. After placing them on the coffee table she pulled it away from the couch and knelt between her son's legs.

"Lift your hips," she said tugging at his shorts.

After pulling them off she dropped them on the floor and looked at her son.

"Teach me what to do."

"Cup my balls with your left hand. Put your right around the shaft and stroke gently."

She did exactly as he told her.

"You're leaking."

"That's pre-cum. Taste it." She moved her hand to taste with her finger. "No, use your tongue," he told her.

Mary touched the tip of her tongue to the moisture and tasted it.

"Salty, but sweet too. It's really slippery."

"Use it to lubricate me."

She cupped her hand over the head then slid it along his cock.

"Stroke it. You'll get more."

She did, and soon her son's cock was sliding freely in her hand. She smiled up at him as she stroked him.

"Feel good?"

"Wonderful," he replied as he moved his hands to the sides of her head. He pulled her head forward. "Take it in your mouth." She looked up in a near panic. "Open," he said. When she did, he moved her head forward with just the head in her mouth. "Keep stroking and use your tongue on the head." He let her continue for a minute. "Now move your mouth along with your hand." She found her rhythm quickly and was soon taking in about a third of his cock. "Now take your hand away and just use your mouth and tongue."

In another couple of minutes, she was taking him almost to the base.

"I'm going to cum soon. Keep it in your mouth when I do. Don't stop and don't let it leak out. After I finish show me your cum coated tongue."

His mother nodded and continued as she looked up at him. He cupped his hands on her head to keep her from pulling away. When he began cumming, he held her head still and moved his hips to continue pumping. When he finished he released his mother's head.

"Show me."

She tilted her head back and carefully opened her mouth showing him her reward.

"Now swallow it," he instructed.

Mary swallowed twice then turned to get a sip of wine.

"I like that," she said.

"So did I. Thank you."

"That was a lot."

"Less than a tablespoon I think. I've never measured it."

"Will you be wanting that every day?" she asked smiling.

"Would you like that?"

She nodded.

"The more a woman cums the more easily it is to trigger it. Before going to sleep tonight I want you to use your fingers and make yourself cum again."

Without any hesitation her fingers went to her pussy. She was flushed almost at once and soon her fingers moved at a feverish pace. With a single, loud, continuous groan she came hard. She finally fell forward into his lap and lay there for several minutes.

"It's my bedtime," he announced. "Remember, the more you cum, the easier it gets. Kiss me goodnight."

Both stood. JJ pulled his mother to him and kissed her open mouthed. He picked up his shorts and went to his room.

Mary put the glasses in the dishwasher, turned out the lights and went to her room. She came again before falling contentedly to sleep.

Promptly at seven, Mary walked into her son's room. She wore red bra, panties, and hose. Her hair was styled, and she wore less makeup. She put his coffee on the bedside stand then kissed him.

"Seven o'clock; time to wake up. Come to the kitchen when you're ready for breakfast."

She turned and left the room. JJ grinned. 'Who are you and what have you done with my mother?' he wondered.

After peeing, washing his face, and brushing his teeth, JJ walked to the kitchen. His mother immediately refilled his coffee with a smile on her face and dropped bread into the toaster.

"Wow! Service with a smile."

"At your service, sir."

"You have no idea how good it feels to see you smiling," he said.

"It's good to be smiling. I feel like I have a life again."

"I'm glad. I was worried after last night that I may have crossed a line and hurt our relationship."

"You mean the relationship where we send cards and gifts on birthdays and Christmas but never call? I'm not sure that even qualifies as a relationship."

"Yeah, that one."

JJ stood and walked to the refrigerator to get the butter and jam. His mother noticed his erection.

"Would you like me to help?"

"No, it's just butter and jam. I've got it."

"I was referring to this," she said putting her hand on his cock."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I don't eat breakfast usually. Maybe I can have that while you have your toast. Low fat, low sugar, all natural, and less than twenty-five calories. I looked it up."

She put the toast on a plate and placed it on the table in front of him then left the room. Mary returned seconds later with a throw pillow from the couch.

"Turn your chair toward me."

Her son turned his chair to face her. Mary dropped the cushion between his feet and knelt on it. His hard cock was in her mouth immediately. JJ had experienced blowjobs in some unusual situations and places before, but never by his mother while eating breakfast.

"I could get used to this," he said looking down at her.

He could see that she was rubbing her pussy as she sucked him. His phone rang. Looking at the caller ID he saw that it was his father. He hesitated then answered it.

"Good morning, dad."

Mary started to rise up, but he put his hand on her head to keep her where she was.

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm better than good. Mom and I have come to terms on a few things. We're getting along great."

"I'm glad to hear that. Is duct tape involved?"

JJ chuckled. "No, not at all. We're both having breakfast now."

"I'm surprised I don't hear her."

"Big bite, her mouth is full."

Mary smacked her son's leg at his comment.

"Well, I'm glad it's working out for you."

"Better than I could have ever imagined."

"I'd better get to work. Call me if you need my help with her."

"At the moment she seems to be enjoying what she's doing. I'll call if needed. Bye, dad," JJ said, ending the call.

Mary raised off her son's cock. "Very funny," she said. "I'll show you a mouthful."

She deepthroated his cock, coughed, and did it again repeatedly. JJ raised her head and finished in her mouth. Mary came just after his second jet. She kept him in her mouth until he went soft.

"Damn, did you go out and practice while I was asleep?"

She pulled off and swallowed. "I read a couple of articles and watched some videos. How did I do?"

"That was amazing."

"Do you like the ball licking and sucking? That was in the videos too."

"Yes. Feel free to do all the experimenting you like."

"I will. Thank you for breakfast. Any chance you'll be home for lunch?"

"Sorry, I have a full day today. You need real food too."

"Dinner tonight then?"

"I was planning on taking you out to dinner this evening. Then maybe taking you shopping for some nice clothes."

"Are my clothes really that frumpy?"

"I'm not sure what frumpy is, but they're really dated. You're beautiful. I want you to dress beautiful too."

"Yes, sir," she replied standing. "Maybe I can find a good knee pad while we're out."


When JJ arrived at work he was greeted by Jenny, his receptionist.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" he asked.

"Depends. How personal?"

"You always look like a million bucks. Where do you buy your clothes?"

"Frisco mall, usually. Mainly Macy's, Dillards, and Nordstrom. Thinking of switching to a she/her?"

He chuckled. "No, my mom is visiting, and she dresses like a 50s school teacher. I thought we'd do some shopping."

"Make a day of it. Get her a mani-pedi, facial treatment, and clothes."

"Can you do all that at the Mall?"

"Tranquility Spa, next to Dillards. Hair, nails, skin care, waxing, massage, the works. Better call now if you want to get in tomorrow."

"Thanks. We're going clothes shopping tonight. I'll set up the spa for tomorrow," he replied.

"Don't forget the unmentionables. If you're bringing her into the twenty-first century, bring all of her. Perfume too. Take her somewhere nice for dinner."

"Like where?"

"Three Forks. Also in Frisco. You'll need reservations."

"Jenny, you're a lifesaver."

"I know. Tell that to my husband."

"Next time I see him."

JJ called and his mother's spa appointment was scheduled for ten the following morning.

When he arrived home she was dressed and ready to go. For dinner they went to Ernesto's, an upscale Tex-Mex in McKinney. She seemed to really enjoy it. She was even gracious to the server. He was sure that every server in Houston referred to her as Karen. This was a completely different woman.

They got lucky with the clothes shopping. The sales people that worked with them were mature women with a great sense of style. In three hours, they left with some stylish clothes and shoes, both dressy and casual. After a trip to the perfumes, she had two very nice selections and would be able to toss her current Chanel number old lady in the trash. Mary was thrilled. On the way home they talked.

"Now you have nice clothes you can wear at home."

"I'll dress however you prefer, but..."

"But what?"

"I'm really enjoying my new uniforms."

"You're sure?" he asked.

"I like how they make me feel when I wear them."

"If that's what you prefer, that's fine."

"Honey, I want to wear what you prefer."

"Let's stick with the uniforms then."

"Yes, sir."

"I booked you an appointment for the spa tomorrow."

"What kind of spa?"

"Hair, manicure, pedicure, facial treatment, and massage. It goes from ten am to about three."

"Who does the massage?"

"A masseuse, I assume. It's a women only place."

"Good. I'd rather not have a man do it. One of those videos I watched this morning had a man giving a woman a massage. He treated her very crudely."

"Crudely how?"

"He pulled her head off the table and just shoved himself down her throat. He was brutal."

"You see some strange stuff watching porn. See anything that looked interesting?" her son asked.

"They did have intercourse in positions other than missionary."

"Is that really the only way you've ever done it?"

"It is. Why do they keep changing positions so often? In one six minute video I counted five different positions."

"It feels different in different positions. In porn so it's probably to keep the viewer's interest."

"Do you have favorites?" she asked.

"I do, but to me it's more about satisfying the woman. What does she like?"

"What do women like?"

"Mom, are you really this clueless about sex?"

"All I know is what I've experienced with your father, and now you. I saw no point in learning a subject I was never going to use. What are the women's favorites?"

"I can only speak for the ones I've been with and what I've heard. I think every woman likes to be eaten. That's, by far, the easiest way to make them cum. For intercourse, probably cowgirl and doggie."

"What are those? I don't know the lingo."

"Cowgirl is the woman on top facing the man. Doggie is like dogs do it. The man mounts the woman from behind."

"In her butt?"

"No, mom. In her vagina. Butt stuff is called anal."

"People really do that? I thought that was a one way opening."

"Nope. It can go both ways."

"Do women like that?"

"Apparently, some do."

"Have you done anal sex?"

"Just once. She was uncomfortable so we didn't do it long."

"It sounds uncomfortable. Do you like giving oral sex?"

"Yes, I do."

They pulled into the garage and carried everything inside. After setting it on her bed, JJ left her to it. He returned with a glass of wine a few minutes later. Mary had already stripped down to her panties and bra.

"Time for your shower?" she asked.

"After the wine."

"Let me know. I'll be putting things away."

JJ nodded and left the room. It was about ten minutes later when he returned.

"Is now a good time?" he asked.

"Yes, sir."

She followed him to his room and watched as he undressed.

"You're bigger than your father."

"Yeah, I'm about three inches taller."

"I meant there," she said pointing to his cock.

"I think I'm about average."

"Until the video this morning I had only seen two."