
Chapter Eighteen

It's almost midnight by the time I get home. I hate to admit it but I actually had fun tonight. After the movie, we played Monopoly and everyone was having a great time. Even Tanya didn't bother me. She kept pretending like I was not there but I was fine with that as long as she didn't talk to me. I made sure I didn't get any more time alone with Cameron for the rest of the evening. I don't think I could handle it. I might have just asked him flat-out why someone wants to kill him.

I switch on all my lights when I get home. I'm so tired I just want to sleep. The house feels so cold. It has lost its charm. It's no longer my happy place. I did think about moving out but I don't want to provoke the killer. Plus I don't think he wants me dead.

Not yet anyway. The killer has killed more than just my friends. He has also killed my dream. I have been dreaming about coming to Woodridge since I was 15.

I was excited because I was going to be studying something I love and I wanted to make new friends. Growing up with the type of parents that I had was difficult when it came to forming solid friendships. We were always moving, always on the go. I was mostly home-schooled and the only social interactions I ever had with people my age were with snobby rich children of Hollywood's elite. These are supposed to be the best 4 years of my life.

Now I hate this place. I just want to go home. I want my mom and dad.

I did think about going straight to my parents and telling them what is going on.

I'm sure they will take me away from here and protect me and I'm sure Kim and Luke's parents can protect them as well. The only problem is that I have no idea who is behind this. It could be anyone. Literally anyone.

And I don't want to be looking over my shoulders for the rest of my life.

The killer could probably kill us all before our parents can get here. I mean look at what happened to Lisa. It took me just an hour to get to the police station and it was more than enough time for Lisa to get killed. I'm not sure I want to risk my friends' lives like that.

Or mine.

The sooner I find this psycho the better.

Day 14.

I woke up early today. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking and planning my next move. Today is Friday and luckily I only have to attend one class. I don't feel like being alone today. I just can't. I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I'm left alone with my thoughts. I miss my friends. I look for my phone and switch it on. I have been switching off my phone lately, I think I'm becoming paranoid. I can only relax if my phone is off. I see I have a lot of messages. I ignore them and dial Luke's number.

"Hey bitch!"

He answers

"Hey, Lucas!"

I say with a fit of giggles. See? I already feel better.

"Did you miss me? You and Kim are both acting weird AF. Did you guys fight?"

He asks.

"Of course I missed you. Wanna meet up for breakfast?"

I answer and avoid talking about Kim.

"Yeah let's meet at that cafe you and Kim love so much. I'm going to text her."

He answers. I know he probably noticed the tension between Kim and me. I sigh at this.

"Look, Ria. I know you are going through a lot with Matt and Lisa dying but I'm really worried about Kim. Something is not right."

Luke says. He has just voiced out my thoughts. I also have a feeling deep down in my gut that something is wrong with her.

"You are right. I need to stop being a shitty friend."

"We both do... Okay, I will see you in an hour. Bye."

He hangs up on me. Let me get ready.

When I get to the cafe Kim and Luke are already there.

"Hey, guys!"

I say pulling a chair and sitting down. They both greet me with welcoming smiles. I was nervous at first about seeing Kim but I realize that she is my best friend and she probably needs me right now. We make small talk for a while after we order our food. Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room. After a while of comfortable silence, Kim clears her throat.

Luke and I both look at her.

"I need to tell you both something. It's a really big deal and I don't know how you are all going to take it."

Luke and I both look at each other and then back at Kim. I wonder what this is about.

"So I have been keeping this secret from all of you for almost two weeks now. I ha-"

Kim is interrupted from whatever she is about to say by my phone ringing.

Shit. I forgot to switch it off. I take it out of my bag meaning to reject the call but I notice that it's an unsaved number.

No. No. No. No

Not now. It can't be the killer. Anyway, he usually calls on a private number and this is just an unsaved number.

"Let me quickly answer this."

I tell my friends. I don't think it's the killer but I don't want to risk not answering just in case it is him.

"Ria this is really important. I need to tell you."

Kim says. I want to reject the call and listen to her but I just can't.

"This will only take a sec."

I say and then press answer.


"Hey babe. Your voice is even sexier over the phone."

What the hell? It's not the killer. I know this voice. At least I think I do.

"Who is this?"

I ask just to make sure.

"Babe I'm wounded. Why do you like hurting me like this?"

He says in a mocking voice. Gosh, I hate this guy.

"What do you want Cameron and stop calling me babe. I'm not your babe!"

I hear his teasing laugh on the other end of the call. I notice Luke looking at me with wide eyes.

I look at Kim and she rolls her eyes at me. What's her problem?

"Oops, my bad sweetheart. You want to do something later?"

He sounds nervous. Almost as if he is scared I will say no. Well, he is right to be.

"No Cameron. No."

I say flatly.

Yeah I know I have to investigate who is after him but it doesn't mean I want to go on a date with him.

"Come on. Is it the pet name thing? I won't even call you babe if you don't want to just say you will go out with me."

He tries again.

"No, I won't go out with you. Where did you even get my number?"

I ask

"A gentleman does not kiss and tell."

He says smugly.

"You a gentleman? Never!"

All of a sudden Kim gets up and start packing up her bag.

"Where are you going?"

I hear Luke ask her

"I can't take this anymore."

She says while swinging her bag over her shoulders.

"Umm listen Cameron I gotta go."

I don't give him a chance to reply before I hang up on him.

"What's going on?"

I ask Kim because I'm genuinely confused.

"What's going on is the fact that you are selfish. I thought our friendship means more to you than that Ria." She scoffs.

Why is she attacking me? I can't believe she is calling me selfish. I am being stalked by a crazy killer because I care about her and this is the thanks I get.

"Okay just calm down and tell me what you are talking about."

I try to be calm and not overreact.

"Oh so now you want to talk? I was about to tell you something important but you figured flirting with your boyfriend is more important."

"Cameron is not my boyfriend." I simply reply.

She ignores me and continues.

"I was there for you when Matt died. Why can't you return the favor?"

Kim doesn't cry. I think I have only seen her cry once, but I swear her eyes glisten with fresh tears as she says this.

"How can I be there for you if you won't tell me what's wrong."

I ask quietly.

"Because you always make everything about you Ria. All the time. I know you are going through a lot but so am I! I also have problems. Problems that need a friend but you are too busy thinking about you to notice that I'm hurting too!"

Kim's voice keeps rising at every word and by the time she finishes her sentence, she is practically shouting.

"Okay, Kim just calm down a little. Screaming at her won't solve anything."

Luke says trying to defuse the quickly escalating situation.

"No Luke. You might be okay with pretending like everything is fine but I'm not. Ria is keeping things from us and you are fine with turning a blind eye. Well, I won't. I'm done."

"What do you mean you are done?"

I say slowly.

"I'm done with this friendship."

She says and turns to walk out. I turn to Luke and ask him what is going on. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"She just needs some time to cool down. She will come around. Let me go see if she is okay."

He takes out his wallet and pays for all our meals and then he gives me a quick hug and follows Kim out.

I am left alone. I am alone in a room full of people. A single rebellious tear rolls down my cheek.

What have I done?