
In TVD/TO as Kol Mikaelson

so I am writing this fanfic to improve my craft as well as understanding complex characters so i hope u guys enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------------ Transmigrating as Kol Mikaelson is not something i expected not when I am expected to die by next season I need to live and enjoy this life. I should be unpredictable gotta live up to the legend as THE WILY ONE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ the vampire diaries the originals and the legacies belong to their respective owners i only own my own spin of the story.

ItachiWeasel · TV
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36 Chs

Chapter 7 : KOL Explains Supernatural(I)

"So, Caroline, why don't you tell me about yourselves, darling?"

"There is nothing much to tell.

I have a mother who is the sheriff of the town and a father who found out he is gay after a relationship of 15 years.

I am in Mystic Falls, and I currently run all the clubs and committees around so that I could get into a good college."

Kol looked at her bewildered. He had seen the show from his other perspective and thought that no way could this be true after becoming immortal and living such a dull life.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" whispers Caroline to Rebekah.

"My brother is not known as the wildest, simply, Caroline. He embodies freedom to its limits. He can't understand how someone who became an immortal can be so mundane. His brain is melting."

Kol huffed, "Darling, it's not about mundane; it's about the principle of the situation. From what little the girl has told me, she hasn't lived a day for herself.

Such beauty and brilliance shouldn't be shackled.

As such, I have decided to teach you all about being an immortal.

What do you say, darling?"

Caroline turns away with a blush on her cheeks. "No, thank you."

Rebekah laughs, and Kol looks exasperated and amused with this baby vampire.

"Is that so, darling?

Tell me all about how your journey into the supernatural began, darling."

Caroline freezes up. Kol looks at her, and she is terrified.

Kol looks her in the eye and starts his compulsion. "You are not terrified."

Caroline calms down instantly. "So, darling, do you want this compulsion, or shall I change my instructions so you won't be terrified?"

"No, don't make me forget," Caroline says calmly.

"Darling, you don't know the beauty of compulsion; its benefits lay in the subtlety of it.

For now, I have just removed the feeling because of which you are terrified. If you let me compel you properly, I can make it so you can face whatever happened to you and still be you at the end without any changes applied. You have the sword, darling, whether to slay your enemy or drop the sword."

Caroline whispers to Rebekah, "Why is he speaking in such an old-fashioned way?"

"Old!!" Kol gasps dramatically.

"Darling, there is nothing old about me. I am the finest specimen you can find, with or without clothes. I am not old anywhere, darling."

Caroline laughs genuinely. Kol looks amused and sees the similarities between Rebekah and Caroline a little bit.

"So, darling, want some time to think about my offer?

The current compulsion is so you can think rationally, darling.

If you want me to remove it going forward, then it shall be as you wish. "

"You are lucky, Caroline. Not many can obtain my wild brother's favor." 

"Just how many brothers do you have, Rebekah?"

"Ah, that I can answer, darling. Finn, the stodgy; Elijah, the stuck-up; Klaus, the Kol who went wrong; Kol, the most handsome man in the world; and then Henrik, the amazing Mikaelson. And, of course, Rebekah, the harlot." 

Caroline and Rebekah laugh again, but Rebekah gives Kol a look that revenge will be hers.

"So, darling, do you want days, or do you want to decide today?"

"Okay, Kol, do it."

"Good girl.

Now, I will teach you why compulsion is a subtle tool.

Then, you can think of ways to overcome it in the future.

So, compulsion earlier just removed your feeling of fear of the thing you are afraid of.

But, and I always tell this to anyone who wants to face their fear, never lose fear;

that is an idiotic thing, darling.

Fear keeps you alive.

You may be considered a child in the current world, darling, but during our time, you should already have a child who should be learning his letters.

Anyway, compulsion works by making your mind dissociate based on the wording. Say if I had worded the earlier compulsion as 'you will not be terrified,' you will still feel fear, but you won't show it outside.

That's why it should not be used as a blunt tool because fear is an instinct.

If you remove it, the mind is searching for it.

As such, it will start grinding at the magic of the compulsion.

Anyway, that is the gist of it, darling.

Do you want to go through the process here or somewhere private, as me and Bekah are free for the night?"


Chapter word count : 793

so I will be uploading till the completion of this mini arc on my P@treon this is the teaser the remaining chapters which I am thinking will be till 10 2 more chapters will come tomorrow
