
Chapter 86: Curiosity

In the hospital corridor outside Kian's private room, five men stood with varying expressions and demeanors. Jed appeared completely unfazed by the events unfolding within, a grin plastered across his face as he playfully shoved Nathan from behind.

He glanced back at the other three men over his shoulder, asking nonchalantly.

"Hey guys, I'm buying drinks for everyone! Juice and soda okay?"

Landon nodded in resignation at this point - almost accepting that such eccentric behavior was just part and parcel of being around Jed. Meanwhile Jun stared intently at the closed door to Kian's room, his face an inscrutable mask revealing nothing of what he might be thinking or feeling.

Cyruss gave a slow nod too even though it wasn't clear if he had actually heard Jed's question amidst his own thoughts.