
Wrapping Up the Tenma War

A/N: Sorry for the recent delays in the story, especially since I kept saying how I'd end it sooner. There are only 2 chapters left after this one in the whole series; the last one is the optionally canon ending too, so for those who don't want Evelyn to be the 'second wife' then there is technically only 1 other chapter after this.

I know I said I'd make some 'omake' chapters, but I don't think I will anymore. I just don't have the time or willpower to write them and it'd probably take months anyway. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm kinda already forcing myself to write this just to finish up the story.


After everything was said and done with Fael, Rimuru teleported us all back to Amrita. there, we met up with Milim's group, who had appeared after the fight, having felt Fael's immense power boost, probably seeing if they could help. Unfortunately, since everything was over immediately, this just turned into a big reunion for everyone.

"Pops!" Milim called out as she flew up to me, giving me a big hug without any hesitation. Nuzzling her face into my chest as she did so.

"Oh! How's my daughter doing!?!" I replied as I returned the hug and shook her small form back and forth a bit.

Milim giggled for a moment before looking up at me. "Great! We beat them all up! I even defeated Zelanus!" She bragged a bit with a blush on her face.

I smiled softly hearing that and leaned in, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Good job. Starlight." I replied.

Milim's face went slightly red as she heard me and she pouted, looking away. "You shouldn't call me that anymore... I'm not a kid anymore..." She said quietly.

I smiled mischievously at hearing that and threw my head back, letting go of my hug briefly. "Oh! Whoah is me!!! My daughter is grown up! I can't call her by her nickname anymore! Surely I can't also spoil her with hugs and headpats either! The age of sorrow is upon us!" I monologue dramatically, ignoring Velzard's clapping at my performance in the background.

"WHHHHAAAAAA!?!?!" Milim began to panic. "No! You can still spoil me! I'm still your daughter, right!?!" She replied in a chaotic panic.

I smirked again, looking down at Milim before pulling her into a deep hug again. "I know, Starlight. I know. Love you." I said as we held each other for another few moments before I let go. Milim, cheerfully smiling and giggling to herself, also let go for a moment, though she immediately flew around me and climbed onto my back like a gremlin.

I chuckled lightly at Milim's childish need for affection for a minute before turning to my other daughter Yumina, who was shyly waiting her turn for my acknowledgment.

I smiled as I walked over to her and put my hand on her head, giving her a small headpat, to which she shyly placed her face into my chest as well, all the while Milim, still sitting on my shoulders, used my head as a rest to lean on and look down at our interaction.

"Hey, snowflake. Good job taking care of your sister." I said, gently rustling her hair for a second.

"Mmm," Yumina replied, face still in my chest before taking a long breath and backing up, regaining her composure.

Yumina was the mature one of my daughters. She liked getting physical affection from me and Velzard just as much as Milim did, but she was much more reserved, only enjoying it for a moment or two during our interactions before putting on a more stern and serious face while Milim tended to indulge and be spoiled by affection.

Yumina, after taking a moment to gather herself, decided to give me a full report on their fight, for some reason. "We were successfully able to repel the Insectar Invasion from the country of Nava. Casualty reports are No Deaths or Major Injuries on our side, thanks to our allies in Tempest-" She said, gesturing to Rimuru, who was standing behind me the whole time, "while the enemy force has been decimated. Of the Two Million enemy combatants, less than 10,000 remain. Obera has negotiated with them and created a settlement where the three remaining Insect Generals will return to their Continent and sign a non-aggression pact with the Magic Continent in the future."

There was a pause. "And I also cleared Father's record by destroying Peliod." She whispered.

I nodded my head, causing Milim to lose her balance for a moment. "Excellent Work. I believe the Guild is in good hands with you. I'm proud." I said, giving Yumina another headpat.

Yumina blushed, embarrassed by the praise while shifting her eyes from side to side, looking at all of the people who were watching her embarrassment currently. "F-Father..." She protested but did nothing to stop my praise.

"Not stopping!" I declared. "My girls did good work and deserved to be spoiled for it," I responded.

Rimuru, Obera, Frey, and Gabil all gave slightly awkward laughs while Midley, Carrion, and Apito smiled lightly. I'm pretty sure Zegion also smiled, but his expressions were a bit hard to read. The primordials, on the other hand, were looking bored.

Velzard, seeing the mood and deciding to change it for the lols, smiled mischievously. "Oh? I worked pretty hard too, you know. Doing all those Calculations to keep you safe and keeping the damage from spreading I want to be spoiled too." She said, a slight seductive twinge in her voice.

I gave Velzard a seductive smile back, putting on all of the charms I could muster, which wasn't much...

"Oh don't worry. I'll be giving you your reward tonight. I'll do that thing you like with Primitive Magic." I replied, t which Velzard shuttered, suppressing a moan.

Everyone looked slightly uncomfortable with our conversation. Well, almost everyone. There was someone who was very confused. "Um... what could he possibly do with magic in the bedroom?" Gabil asked, more to himself than anyone else. Unfortunately, he was standing in an area full of awakened beings, all of which had hearing which was unmatched by anything biology or technology could possibly replicate. Long story short, everyone, including me, had heard him.

"Alaster no..." Rimuru whispered.

"Alaster yes!" I responded before turning to look at Gabil. "I can use the Primitive Magic to stimulate the soul sensually! Essentially I can make her soul cu-" My mouth was instantly frozen shut by a bright Red Velzard.

I loved my little ice dragon soo much. She'd gotten used to my antics of overly affectionate flirting and seduction, but she was still chronically embarrassed by talking about it in front of other people, though the kids were an exception, as embarrassing them took priority.

'*My snowcone is so cute...*' I said to everyone using [Thought Transmission], as Milim climbed off my head, knowing what was coming next.

Velzard, still bright red, walked over to me with a huff before linking her arm with mine and dragging me away from everyone. "RImuru, can you handle the rest... I need to give my husband a good licking." She said.

I knew she meant 'beating' but her setup was too good. "Oh, you're going to do that thing with your mouth as foreplay huh?" I said, feigning excitement.

I was definitely feigning it, don't bother looking at the monster that had awoken in my pants.

Everyone, even Carrera and the demons who didn't really care too much about 'physical activities' like the others did, all did a double-take, staring holes into Velzard's back.

Time froze as Velzard immediately dragged me away at a faster pace than she ever has, though I noticed that Guy, Milim, Yumina, and Rimuru were still aware of the time freeze, but they didn't stop us. Obera also looked like she was aware of the frozen time but couldn't move, whereas the others could move just fine.

(3rd POV)

When time unfroze, after Velzard had dragged Alaster out of the immediate area, everyone who wasn't privy to the time-stop shenanigans began to look around, confused. One person, in particular, though, drew attention to herself.

"I'm so~ jealous," Evelyn said to herself, not minding the surroundings. /1\

"Well, I can understand that. He is pretty good-looking." Guy stated.

"Eh? Guy, are you interested?" Rimuru asked, a bit hesitantly.

Guy shook his head. "Nah, not really my type. Leon, on the other hand..." Guy smirked.

Rimuru reverted into his slime form and shivered creepily before jumping backward, being caught by a surprised Carrera. Carrera pulled Rimuru in close, holding him under her breasts while looking at him incredulously./2\

"M'lord?" Carrera asked, confused and happy at the honor of being able to carry Rimuru.

"Don't worry about it... ah, and don't tell Shion or Shuna. Things might get messy." He said as he had a premonition of the two, not three, fighting with each other over the right to hold him.

Carrera blushed. "Of course, M'lord! I'm sure Nio- I mean Diablo would also be a problem, so I shall keep this to myself." She said, quickly following up on Rimuru's order, a slightly smug smile on his face.

"Oh?" Rimuru asked confused about why Diablo would do something but decided to drop the topic.


(Alaster POV)

"Will you stop pouting yet?" Velzard asked me.

"Nope. I can't. I was so excited too." I replied, defeated.

"I'm not going to blow you while my younger brother and sister are fighting to the death," Velzard responded, crossing her arms.

"They'll be fine... Velgaia will be fine," I said before correcting myself.

Velzard sighed as she looked down at the world beneath us. We were currently sitting on a branch of the Sacred Tree, watching an army of angels battle against the Magus of Sarion in their Magic Power Armor. The fight among the troops themselves was very close, however, the fight between the commanders was not.

Elmisia and Sylvia were locked in a tight confrontation with this one Loli Seraphim who looked a lot like Mariabell. The three were having an even clash, with Sylvia and Elmesia having FAR better technique and actual fighting skill whereas the loli angel had severalfold more magical energy than the two of them and a much stronger Ultimate Skill. If things continued the way they were going, then there would be no way the two High Elves would come out on top.

Leon was duking it out with a powered-up Granbell Rosso. He seemed to be struggling heavily, though he was able to utilize [Metatron]'s Holy Magic fairly well, even if he was intentionally holding himself back to not let lose the amazing amount of energy that would destroy the country if he fought freely. Granbell, on the other hand, was fighting with much hesitation. I couldn't hear his words exactly, but by reading his lips, I found out that he was trying to convince Leon to join his side to fight against the evil Demon Lords.

Either that or he was talking about some kind of pyramid scheme with essential oils.

I'm not very good with lip-reading.

Finally, the last battle which was of the most important was Velgaia's bullying of Zelario. To be fair, Zelario was on-par with Velgaia in terms of technique, but Velgaia's EV was almost three times his at 77 Million while Zalarios' was only 26 Million. Velgaia was using her overwhelming energy advantage to essentially 'test' new techniques against him.

"What is she doing, exactly?" I asked Velzard.

Velzard stiffened and began scratching the back of her head. "I... MIGHT have told her that she needed to get an Ultimate Skill sooner rather than later..." Velzard admitted somewhat meekly as she scratched the back of her head.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Really?" I said.

Velzard blushed. "What!?! It's embarrassing that so many people have them now but my own sister doesn't! Even Veldora has one. VELDORA!!!" Velzard emphasized, still a bit embarrassed.

I gave a tired sigh before cupping Velzard's face and kissing her on the nose. "I love you. You are my soulmate, and if you ever left me, I'd literally die, but you have some strange priorities sometimes." I said, giving her another kiss on the nose.

"Stop that you goof!" Velzard said, pulling away from me and giggling a bit.

We turned back to watch the fighting continue before suddenly seeing Leon get some kind of power-up and overwhelming Granbell in their clash. Zelario also stopped moving and began talking to Velgaia.

I raised my eyebrows as my analysis kicked in, analyzing the light from Leon's clash which was strangely familiar. It reminded me of [Shiva] back when I had it, but surely there was no way Leon's skill had evolved mid-fight, would it?

"Wait, that's definitely [Shiva] right?" Velzard asked, seemingly just as confused as I was.

"Yeah, it was. How Leon got it so suddenly, I don't know." I replied.

"It was probably the meddling of an outsid-" Velzard began to speculate.

"It was Ciel," I said, firmly.

"Oh, 100%." Velzard immediately acknowledged what I said and verified it, even peaking into the logs of the World System to double-check.

"Can she NOT be giving people my old Skills?" I grumbled.

"You got better ones, don't worry about it," Velzard said, giving me a soft punch on the arm.

"Well, his control over Holy Energy has definitely improved. Seems like he is directly controlling Spiritrons much easier now." I said.

"That it has, but I'm more worried about the other powers of the Skill being used," Velzard said slightly uncomfortable.

"[True Dragon Release (Frost)]?" I asked.

"Yeah... oh! Well then never mind." She said, instantly relaxing and putting her head on my shoulder.

I raised an eyebrow and opened up the log again, noticing that Leon's version had [True Dragon Release (Earth)] Instead, meaning he'd be able to summon Velgaia.

"Huh... should this be considered as 'consideration' from Ciel?" I asked.

"I guess... oh. Can I take Mariabell now?" Velzard asked before sitting up, bouncing somewhat.

"I guess so. I got Fael, so go ahead." I replied, watching as my wife happily squealed and teleported onto the battlefield.

While we were talking, Granbell had retreated, only to be robbed of his power by Mariabell when Zelario declared a secession of fighting. Mariabell then turned around and drained both Elmesia and Sylvia of the majority of their magic power, granting her energy reserves of about 50 Million. She then declared she would rob everyone of their magic power before using some kind of Ultimate Art that looked a lot like Rimuru's [Beelzebuth], which began absorbing everyone's magic power, though it didn't look like it could swallow people like Rimuru's power could.

To be completely honest the fact that the world seemed to be ending for all of the people below as Mariabell powered up was kind of funny.

"I'll be taking your power as well, True Dragon!" Mariabell shouted as she charged Velgaia.

Velgaia smiled sadistically before transforming into her True Dragon mode, rather than human form, and opening her mouth. She used her [Gravity Breath], an ability that rips apart and crushes any target at an atomic level with Gravitational Waves, to swat away Mariabell but didn't account for [Mamon]'s magic power absorption rate, having a large amount of her magic power immediately stolen.

Mariabell, bruised but not defeated, immediately began a battle between the two, with Leon and Zalario helping Velgaia out. I looked down at Sylvia and Elmesia, only to see my waifu using her [Fixation] to lock things in a current state to save Sylvia and Elmesia's lives.

Mariabell had ripped out, not just their magical energy, but also their Ultimate Skills and this had left their souls in tatters and collapsing. If not for Velzard's intervention, then the two would have died a True Death with possibly no afterlife or reincarnation, as their souls were devastated, not just shattered, where the individual fragments which could become the seeds for new souls like with what happened to Rudra.

I was interested in what Velzard was doing specifically so I decided to peep a little. I closed my eyes and sent my consciousness into Velzard's body. This was a bit like what she did when becoming a Manas, but since I still had a physical body, mine was closer to possession than a full-on fusion.

'*No no no. I'm NOT giving them Ultimate Skills which are even MORE powerful than before.*' Velzard argued.

'*Why not? I've already created a new Skill for Sylvia called [Zeus: Lord of Heavenly Thunder] and [Venti: Lord of Heavenly Winds]*' Ciel argued back. /3\

'*Look, you Skill-addicted crackhead! You don't even have their permission to modify their Skills, to begin with. You can't modify them. I KNOW your planning on putting a control circuit in them too." Velzard responded, more harshly than I'd heard her before. I was briefly taken aback by this whiplash.

Ciel clicked her tongue. '*So you knew?*' Not denying the control-circuit plan.

'*It's wrong.*' Velzard said, putting her proverbial foot down.

I felt Ciel roll her eyes. '*Fine*'. Ciel relented before I noticed the two forces slowly putting the two souls back together, Velzard taking extra care not to miss any soul fragments and going over all of Ciel's work afterward.

This all happened in under a second of real-time, as Sylvia and Elmesia hadn't even hit the ground from the fall after having a big part of their souls gouged out. As I admired their work, I noticed Sarion Grimwald running to our side in slow-motion, probably worried about his wife and daughter.

I'd seen him before, but he wasn't really fighting in the battle, but rather commanding the troops against the host of angles coming for the country he named after himself. He seemed rather worried, but I paid him no heed as Velzard finished her operation and turned to go towards Granbell.

<<Enjoy the show hun?>> Velzard asked me.

<<Yeah, actually. I hardly ever get to see you work and this is the first time I've seen you work on Skills.>> I responded.

<<I'm glad you like it then, and I purposefully don't work in front of you, you know.>>

<< I know, you told me about 1500 years ago. Something about me being distracting.>> I replied, ignoring Velzard's rolling eyes.

<<You get horney seeing me work and always seduce me.>> Velzard corrected

<<Can't help it, your ass is mesmerizing from behind>> I replied with a bit toothy grin.

Velzard smiled and shook her head before forcing me out of her mind. Time resumed as Velzard went to work healing up the recently fallen Leon and Velgaia. I'd be worried for the two of them, but Mariabell looked unable to steal any more Ultimate Skills at that time, so she simply did near-lethal damage to them and stole more energy as she continued to power up.

Zalario stood no chance alone but was able to avoid being hit by anything lethal this entire time until he too was knocked unconscious a few seconds later. Mariabell stood, floating mid-air basking in her newfound strength. 120 Million was her EV, putting her well above even most True Dragons.

"*Finally. It's time to take my place as the Goddess of the world..." Mariabell said to herself.

I raised my eyebrow at that statement. Mariabell was strong, no doubt, but she was strong in the same way pre-Rimuru Veldora was 'strong'. She was closer to a force of nature like a storm or earthquake with overwhelming pure power, but no refinement with Skill. As she was now, Guy, Milim, Yumina, Rimuru, all of them could one-shot her, even with much less energy.

I guess that's why Velzard decided not to actually fight her until now. She wanted Mariabell to be at her strongest before trouncing her.

I sighed and made my way down to Velgaia and Leon, healing them with some Magic while Zalario healed himself. Velgaia, after seeing I was here, lost all tension and began clinging to Leon in his still exhausted state, making him unable to get up. It was funny, and even though I briefly wanted to rip Leon to shreds, I said nothing, as I was too busy watching my wife wambo-combo Mariabell in the air.

Velzard's long, smooth, and slightly toned legs looked amazing, even if her feet themselves were embedded in Mariabell's face. The tasteful thickness of her thighs as she reeled back her foot before striking out like a cobra again to bury her heel in the girl's guts was fascinating.

"Ah. Alaster's been charmed again." Velgaia commented as she looked up at me staring at my wife sexily do a 99+ hit combo on the arrogant little shit, slightly drooling as I did so. /4\

Hearing Velgaia's criticism, I immediately straightened up, suppressing my rising dragon for now as there were more important things to do. I looked over at Zalario who was talking with some of the other Angels who were no longer fighting and called out to him.

"Zalario!" I called, to which the Seraphim turned.

"Yes, Alaster?" He asked, somewhat confused as to why I was still there.

"Feldway and Michael are dead. Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest is Veldanava's reincarnation. I feel like if I had told another Angel this information I could have saved everyone ALOT of trouble, so I thought I'd share. In fairness though, Myself, Diablo, and Ramiris figured it out immediately though, so..." I left the rest of the sentence unfinished before turning away from the now utterly stunned angels and Elves who were listening in. Even Leon and Velgaia who were below me 'cuddling' were looking at me with wide eyes, but I ignored them.

This would give Rimuru SO much work to do and give him SO much trouble... 'heh' I chuckled.

(Elsewhere, Rimuru felt a shiver run down his spine as his instincts told him something troublesome was going on. He didn't know why, and couldn't confirm it until much later, but he knew that Alaster had something to do with it.)


A/N: Sorry for the long break, as I said in the last few chapters, I've been pretty busy and my mental state isn't great either. To be honest, I didn't really feel like writing lately but decided to sit down and force myself to, even if I didn't want to initially, and as I wrote it, I started feeling more and more into it.

This is also why I focused more on Velzard and Alaster's flirting and character interactions even when there is action going on in the background, as I find that much more enjoyable to write, and at this point, Alaster is so OP literally nothing in the verse can challenge him currently. In a few thousand years Rimuru might be able to pull something but even THAT would require Alaster to not just strip Rimuru of his powers by abusing his World System Access (which he would never do, but other than his sense of morals, nothing is stopping him from doing.)

Anyway, the next chapter is going to be the Giants v Luminous stuff for a bit before Alaster appears to fix everything.



This is mostly to set up the upcoming optionally canon ending, if you want Alaster/Velzard to stay monogamous, then this is just a running joke of Evelyn simping after Alaster.


This series, Tensura, changed my isekai dream from wanting to be a Dragon/Incubus in my next life to some kind of shapeshifting slime. If I were ever to be reincarnated irl (I know it wouldn't happen, I'm just saying hypothetically here), I'd want to be a slime solely for the fact Rimuru got to be carried around all day by beautiful women while still being able to transform into a human whenever he wants, which sounds nice. The only reason Rimuru doesn't have his 'son' is because of Ciel/Raphael, which means I'd still have a chance.

Never mind, ignore my ramblings. It's late and I've been up for 19 hours at this point.


Ciel being at this battlefield might be a bit confusing, but she was somehow able to talk with Leon when Rimuru was far away on the other side of the continent trying to fight Milim, so I believe she can operate anywhere Rimuru is aware of thanks to the {Argus} Spell.

The reason I say this was because she also spoke to Zalario in Chapter 20 when she shouldn't have ever met him previously, only saw him fight Diablo and from records of the Labyrinth. It's also possible that she used Benimaru's soul corridor with Rimuru as a medium to extend her influence, but since it was never explained and Benimaru isn't on this battlefield, at least in MY canon, she used {Argus}.


Leon doesn't see Alaster drooling, as his view is partially blocked by Velgaia clinging to him, and is instead seeing him intently watching over his wife as she battles Mariabell and came to the conclusion that he is worried about her and ready to step in to help, thus is inspired by him more.

This harkens back to the gag that Leon is an Alaster fanboy.

Extra juicy and thicc chapter today.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts