
Chaos in the Elven City

(Nolla POV)

Chaos. That's all that this situation was. It was absolute and total chaos.

Even before we arrived, the city was at a standstill. Everyone had stopped what they were doing when Alaster's light covered the castle and disintegrated the upper three floors.

I heard the residents calling it the 'Second Sun' as I approached with Evelyn. Thankfully, when that happened, all of the guards who had orbs of domination attached to them to be controlled by Jahil were purified and were able to come to their senses after a few moments of gathering their bearings.

Evelyn had landed our little transport bubble safely near the guard's barracks. It was only a block to the town hall and the mage's academy, so the location to begin evacuation procedures couldn't have been better. The moment she landed she called out to the general in charge of the defenses, and Sarion's brother. She had him light the emergency attack flares throughout the city and ordered the opening of all gates throughout the city so that the people could flee if they needed to.

She sent me ahead to the mage's academy to gather the professors together to form a barrier to protect the citizens from the stray shots from the powerhouses. Sylvia came with me to use her powers and magical capacity to help fuel the barrier while Sarion gathered some troops to go and back up that Rudra boy and his sister. Even though Velgrynd was there and would no doubt do the lion's share of the work, it was still our home and it will be our duty to defend it.

"She's a real slave driver!" I grumbled as I ran past the gates.

"I know. I feel for you. From having to escape from Jahil's forces, teleport around until you found us, and now your running through the streets to help evacuate the most populated city on the planet from being destroyed in a fight between two True Dragons, a Legendary Hero, and whatever monstrosity that is, you really can't seem to catch a break!" She replied back to me.

"Thank you! Thank you for understanding me!" I called out, wanting to hug her but she dodged my attempt.

"Sorry, this body is only for my husband." She said with a snarky smile.

"Oh, I'll get that body of yours," I replied as we arrived into the main courtyard of the academy where dozens of students and faculty were gathered.

"Everyone! I bring news from the princess!" I yelled out, which caused most of the people to stop talking, however, one of the teachers was being an asshat.

"What does she want!?!" She stated with a bit of venom in her voice.

"We are to gather every able-bodied mage in the academy or city in general and help form a barrier at the edge of the castle grounds! There is a monster up there that will come down to the city and destroy everything if we don't!" I cried out desperately.

"Really? Cause it seems to me that someone finally got tired of Oberon's tyranny and is overthrowing him! I don't see any monsters! Are you sure that those orders aren't just to lock in whatever revolutionaries that have taken down the mad king!?!" The teacher spat back.

"Everyone, this is not the time to be arguing this, if we don't do something then all will be lost!" I cried back in inspiration.

"Yeah, rig-" She began before we all heard a loud roar.

We looked to the castle only to see a violent energy beam take down one of the True Dragons in an instant. The Red Serpentine one appeared to have been struck down and smitten upon the mountainside before disappearing.

(A/N: She just became smaller when reverting to her human form, but they can't see that from where they are, so it looked like she was slain and disappeared.)

There was a large amount of murmuring as the evil dragon roared into the sky and stood upon the ruins of the castle. Its evil red gaze even briefly looked over us. Instinctively, almost everyone swallowed the lumps in our throats and took a step back in fear. It was then that the beast opened its maw and a deep violet light emanated from its face before a flash of white light smacked the dragon down and into the ruins, obscuring the beast in a cloud of dust and debris.

"Now do you understand!" I yelled out which silenced the crowd's desenters.

The same female teacher who argued with us earlier then gulped and nodded. "What's the plan?"


(3rd POV)

While Nolla coordinated the creation of the barrier with the mages of the country at the academy, Sarion rode through the streets, calling for everyone to evacuate on his way to the line in which the guards were going to make their stand against the monsters that would soon be flooding down the mountain.

There was mass panic and confusion after everyone witnessed Velgrynd's fall. It was widely known that there were only Four True Dragons in the world and that of those four, one was already known for causing trouble. It crushed mountains and burned down villages in its indiscriminate rampage.

No one knew the true name of this creature, however, some people had come to call it 'Ivarage'.

Evelyn, seeing this, wasn't phased by the creature's seeming rampage. She had hope that the situation would be resolved at some point by Alaster. She didn't believe for even a second that he would lose, so she calmly issued orders to the citizens and guards as the battle raged on.

Unfortunately, due to the suddenness of the situation, some of the miasma was able to leak into the city before the barrier was established. Hidden inside the miasma was a number of highly aggressive monsters. Monster Foxes and Monster Dogs. Mad Ogres and Giant Insects. Cryptars of all shapes and sizes began to flood the districts closest to the castle.

The citizenry who were engulfed by the cloud was not safe either. The lucky ones only found their naturally white skin darken into brown colors, becoming the first of the Dark Elves. Unfortunately, despite several thousand people transforming into this harmless transformation, most of the new Dark Elves would meet grizzly fates as they were torn apart by the monsters who hid in the blackened fog.

Further complicating matters was the fact the miasmic fog blocked normal magic detection methods such as [Magic Sense] for the guards, mages, and adventurers while allowing the cryptid monsters to move just fine. This almost completely blinded all of the defenders, leading to a number of casualties. Furthermore, most magic fired into the cloud will fizzle out after a short range due to the magical interference within the miasma. Dozens of Dark Elves were also trapped inside and running ahead of the slow-moving cloud, adding additional stress onto the guards.

Even with Sarion's power and leadership, chaos rained and the people who witnessed this began to lose hope believing all was lost. However, just before morale broke completely and a total route was instigated, the princess of the nation arrived on the front lines. Using her Unique Skill [Unyeilding], she created a bulwark with magical power which stopped the advancing miasma courtesy of her [Fortitude] sub-skill. She then used the [Law Manipulation] ability which evolved out of her extensive library of magical spells, to create a positive pressure air current that blew the miasma high up into the sky where it would dissipate.

The people began to cheer for the princess. They felt their hopes restored and their morale soared to new heights. From then on, the defense became impenetrable. The multiple waves of enemies were suddenly cut down by a large streak of flame which engulfed the entire perimeter in a wall of fire so hot that people in armor had to remove it for fear of it roasting them alive.

Velgrynd had arrived.

Still, the issue of the stray blasts from the fight on the castle mound remained. Several times, beams of light were seen exploding outwards and into the distance, causing massive explosions wherever they struck. Ice Shards the size of entire fortresses were occasionally thrown from the location, crushing entire neighborhoods. The occasional shockwave from the roars paralyzed any who heard them, causing many people to become injured in the fight against the remaining Cryptid stragglers who had made it past the line Velgrynd drew before she drew it and wreaked havoc on the city.

It was then that Nolla's mages arrived and with their help, alongside Lucia, who had made it to Eveyln's side before the wall of fire came up, they began constructing a grand ritual magic under Lucia's guidance. It formed a massive semi-circular barrier around the entire battlefield where Velgrynd, Velzard, Alaster, and Ivarage were fighting while Rudra was trapped inside as well.

Evelyn then added her [Fortification] power to the barrier, making it significantly stronger. The strength of the barrier was proved not even a second later when a light beam from one of Alaster's stray shots struck the barrier directly in front of everyone and exploded with such force it erased several city blocks. If they weren't protected, everyone, bar maybe Evelyn, Lilith, and Lucia would have died, and even those three would have been seriously injured.

Now, all that was left to do was to wait for the result of the fighting while praying for the victory of the Heroes on the other side of the wall of magic, because lord help them if they were to fail.


Lore Bit: Noone knew where Ivarage comes from in canon, so how did it get its name? It's not implied that Veldanava named it, as he wanted to wait for it to gain an ego before interacting with it. It was mindless, so it didn't name itself, and I doubt anyone who fought it (Feldway or Guy) would appreciate the loss of magicules from naming it, so where does it come from? We already know that demons can acquire a name through the collective belief of a large number of people, so I am giving the canonical reason for its name being the same, however, in MY canon, because Veldora is so young, his name hasn't been widely spread yet, so people came up with the name Ivarage for him and Ivarage is being blamed for all of Veldora's earlier rampages.

Unique Skill List:

Lucia - [Great Sage]: It's not intelligent/ doesn't have the AI element to it yet, but all of the other powers are at her disposal. In the WN, she had [Raphael], and since we know [Great Sage] is the predecessor, we can say she had it before the upgrade. It's also my headcanon that it's her voice that Rimuru hears talking.

Evelyn - [Unyeilding]: It's different from Granbell's usage of it, as it's more focused on magic than Granbell's which was focused on swordplay. It has the following effects. [Law Manipulation] (for better magic control), [Chant Cancelation], [Fortitude] (which I'm making a more powerful barrier ability and physical defense enhancement since I can't figure out what else it does other than tire out Hinata faster in the LN due to how he used his defenses), and [Inspire Forces] which is why everyone became motivated when she showed up. It's also halfway to evolving into [Sariel] at this point and just needs her to hatch her hero's egg.

Rudra - [Chosen One]: It grants the same incredible luck as previous but also has a devotion-based power which will eventually evolve into his version of [Uriel]. It's said [Chosen One] was Rudra's skill by Feldway in the LN, so I'm assuming that it naturally evolves into [Uriel] when it's available and into [King of Heroes] under different circumstances. It would also explain why Rimuru didn't get [Uriel] immediately during the Harvest Festival, since he didn't have the prerequisite skill.

Double Chappy, lets go!

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts