
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · Cómic
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121 Chs

Chapter 95

Fifteen quickly ran into the next room and began to look out the small window, on which stood the strongest glass, reinforced by formations, capable of withstanding several blows at full force from an average Chunin.

Kenshin calmly walked to the ring, throwing off all his clothes with the help of telekinesis along the way, and pulling on various sets of exosuits. In just two seconds he was in full combat readiness and took the defensive stance of the Nara clan.

Ichiro saw the signal to attack and immediately rushed at his father, kicking him in the head with full force. Fifteen didn't even notice the moment of the attack, but clearly saw his father block with both hands and stop the powerful kick.

The dust under Kenshin's feet scattered in different directions, and at the site of the collision of arms and legs, hundreds of small lines lit up for a split second. The blow was stopped without any problems.

Kenshin smiled contentedly and tried to hook under Ichiro's supporting leg, but couldn't. An incredible battle ensued, beyond Fifteen's eyes. The two silhouettes exchanged several blows per second, and every now and then they were sent flying.

And although Kenshin's physical capabilities did not allow him to react and move as quickly as a full-fledged Chunin, his accelerated perception made it possible to notice the slightest muscle contractions in a split second and determine the enemy's action in advance.

After several minutes, the winner had still not been identified. The sparring has reached a dead end. Kenshin did not have the same strength and speed as Ichiro, so he could not trap him and defeat him. Ichiro, on the other hand, did not have such incredible perception, and his father always minimized the damage.

The exosuit had undergone incredible changes, but it was still not enough for Kenshin to defeat the Chunin. Kenshin's movement speed was hardly at the level of peak genin, and the force of the blow was even lower. All those several dozen blows that Kenshin with difficulty inflicted on his opponent were for Ichiro no more painful than a blow from a ten-year-old child for an adult man.

- Enough. – Kenshin stated, realizing that the sparring had reached a dead end. Ichiro could easily defeat him if he used ninjutsu or sharingan, so Kenshin did not delude himself about his powers.

"Oh, father, your costume is just something…" Ichiro groaned, rubbing his lower jaw, where Kenshin's foot so successfully flew into.

- Nonsense. Another fifteen minutes and the energy would have run out. The suit needs some work... - Kenshin sighed, not being very pleased with the result.


Over the next week, Kenshin only worked on improving his exosuit, and finally, by the evening of the 226th day, he completed the work as planned. He made the most of the available knowledge of creating formations, and received a suit that granted him the strength and speed of a peak genin, while allowing him to withstand the full force of chunin attacks. Kasumi was still sending him flying a little with her strongest punches, but even so, he was able to resist a little.

- Ichiro, Third and Fourth. Tomorrow you come with me. Get a good night's sleep, a combat mission awaits us. – He said during dinner, which shocked all his sons.

Without explaining anything, he turned around and left the dining room, heading towards his wives. The hardest part was yet to come.

- WHAT?! No, you're not going anywhere! – Kasumi stated, shocked by his plan.

- I am obliged to conclude an agreement. No one else can do this but me, or have you forgotten that I am an excellent empath? – Kenshin parried.

- Don't talk to us, Nakayama Kenshin. You won't go anywhere, I won't let you in! – Supported her friend Natsumi, being angry with her husband.

"Kenshin, darling, maybe you'll change your mind?" Aya said affectionately and hugged him from behind, laying her head on his shoulders, gently kissing his neck.

- Girls, understand, we need to develop. Without combat experience, children will be nothing more than punching bags. You need to register as mercenaries and complete a test mission. Kasumi, you yourself said that not everyone is accepted, and without a good negotiator everything can fail. - He said, stroking the tender legs of the wives sitting next to him.

- Then I'll go with you. I am the strongest fighter in our family, and only I can protect you. – Kasumi stated, refusing to let go of her beloved.

- No, this will not happen. Although your belly is not yet visible, you are already pregnant and you are not going anywhere. Besides, Eighteen needs a mother. God forbid if anything happens to you. – Kenshin said with a sigh, and again stroked the tender thighs of his third wife.

- And if something happens to you, does that mean it's normal?! – She snapped.

- Nothing will happen to me. You should have realized this over those many sparring sessions. I can always escape peak Chunin, and you know the rules of the latest plan.

- But... - Kasumi started, but was stopped by Kenshin's imperious order.

- Enough! I am not going to discuss this topic with you anymore. The boys and I are leaving on a mission tomorrow, and the most you can do is wish us luck. – He stated and got up from his chair, heading to his office, which was now located on the second floor.

- I need to finish preparing. Don't bother me unless absolutely necessary.


On the morning of the 227th day, the atmosphere in the Nakayama family's house changed from cheerful and calm to tense and sad. The girls were offended by Kenshin, and tried several times to dissuade him from this risky venture, but he was adamant.

That morning everyone had breakfast at the same table, but this did not add joy to the faces of the family members. Kenshin's wives feared the dire prospects of this expedition, and his sons were mostly upset that they would remain at home while their father and older brothers were in danger.

"In my absence, Kasumi will be responsible for protecting the family." If an enemy appears, everyone must obey her. – Kenshin stated and took a sip of apple juice. He felt unusually relaxed and behaved completely calmly.

- How confident are you in the success of this mission? – Kasumi asked, putting her plate aside. She had absolutely no appetite.

- Ninety percent that everything will go as normal, and ninety-five percent that half will return alive. "Kenshin answered calmly, not afraid to say such things out loud.

Hearing such an optimistic forecast, Kasumi relaxed a little, and the rest of the family tensed a little, especially Aya. She couldn't even imagine that there was a chance that someone wouldn't come back again. When she thought about her second son, tears welled up in her eyes. She silently walked up to Kenshin, sitting on his lap, and buried her face in his broad shoulder.

Kenshin wordlessly began stroking her back. He didn't know what to say in such a situation, so he remained silent. Everyone else stopped eating too, and everyone was thinking about something different.

After breakfast, everyone quietly dispersed, and Kenshin, Ichiro, the Third, and the Fourth began to get ready. Everything had been ready since yesterday, but Kenshin checked everything thoroughly again.

Each one was wearing the equivalent of an exosuit, with multiple formations. The sons' costumes were not as complex as Kenshin's, since several days of jewelry work were required to create one such costume. Their suits were capable of withstanding several dozen hits from peak Chunin, and were designed for a certain type of damage. All attacks with elemental techniques, as well as blows to the back and head, were met by the formation. Strikes to the forearms stronger than the average Chunin were absorbed only slightly in order to save energy. The impulse from the impact was not dissipated for the same savings.

With new knowledge, Kenshin only slightly increased the capacity of the energy batteries, and reached a dead end. He needed revolutionary knowledge that would erase all previous ones, and somehow allow him to store tens of times more energy in order to withstand the blows of the Jonin in the future. But so far all this was just a dream.

After everyone was finally gathered, Kenshin allowed the eldest sons to say goodbye to their mothers, and then, once they were out the door, he was left alone with the girls.

Aya had teary eyes, and Natsumi and Kasumi had very sad faces. He hugged all three and said: "I will definitely come back." No need to worry so much. Aya, girl, when I get back, we'll eat your favorite ice cream and swim in the pool all day, okay? – He whispered to the crying girl with a smile.

- Do you promise? "She sobbed. Her mind tried to grasp at any straw in order to find a little peace.

- I promise. "He said and hugged each of the girls again, and then left without turning around.