
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Fantasía
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32 Chs


Going trough half dead academic streets i looked around and only saw a mere shell of once great academy full of life and good people. Without Ameri academy is left without any librarians since others left when Athena set her tyrannical rule, Ervis's inn where most of academics went to celebrate, get drunk and have fun is now nothing but pile of ashes. 

Seeing death and destruction most of new academics and good portion of veterans left the academy in search of better life somewhere else. Now Academy remained only with twenty percent of population what it used to be, despite our major victory for Zelos this was major blow to whole country and elves wouldn't slip the chance to try and defeat us once for all. 

Thinking what should i do next i decided to go and meet Captain Jone in search for help against this regime, despite their victory it seemed like they were displeased with lack of aviators present in the academy. Running towards Jone who should be inside Aura i noticed armed guards standing lined up and blocking the entrance to docks. 

"What's the meaning of this?!

"Let us go you bastards!!"


Shrieks and angry curses came out from angry aviators who wanted to return to their dorms and rest, most of them were the people who battled with me previously. Guards remained quiet and one of them noticed me and turned around.

"Go away Sparrow or you will be sent to Athena once more."

Angry crowd noticed me and called out to me, angry yelling shrieked and guards started tensing up. I stood there watching this whole mess unable to decide what next should i do, then suddenly one of the guards used his spear and pierced trough one of academics chests, killing him right away. Angry crowd broke silent and guards tried to assert dominance over it, slowly moving towards them angry crowd didn't move back but yet remained silent for couple of minutes.

Unsheathing my sword i prepared for uninventable battle as i sensed upcoming burst of bloodlust and anger coming from angry crowd. Sounds of swords and weapons being drawn out echoed trough empty streets and sudden battle cry surrounded the docks who turned in battlefield as academics began attacking and rebelling against tyrannical regime.

Focusing on casting aether my sword started to glow and i knew that it's time to bring this regime down or die along with it. Pointing at guards backs i swung my glowing sword and blasted the guards using my ranged aether magic, cutting them all in half and forming a blood bath all around their corpses. Seeing this everyone went surprised for a moment, their morale boosted as they saw my powerful attack and joined in slaughter of guards.

"Everyone let's bring this bitch and her corrupted nobles down!!!"

Loud yelling coming from Captain Jone engulfed the battlefield and everyone began attacking each guard they've seen. While everyone fought against the guards i rushed towards captain, killing couple of guards who tried to stop me in the process. Activating my aether magic i saw them in slow motion and cut each of them in half.

Managing to get to captain i told him that i'm going to find my thunderbird quickly as Athena could try to use Empress against us, hearing this captain looked at me like i'm crazy.

"Are you suicidal Sparrow?!"

Looking at him confidently i made my choice and decided to try and kill Athena long with her assistants once for all. Seeing determination in my eyes captain sighed and patted me on the shoulder.

"Try not to die Sparrow."

I waved to him and went rushing towards my Thunderbird which should be stored not too far away from here, but before i made my way to there i noticed giant airship rising from above and i gulped. That was Empress or the biggest and most powerful ship on academy or further, it seems like Athena is trying to use it against us, seeing giant airship shadow covering academy i turned back and rushed towards my Thunderbird.

Opening heavy garage doors i saw my ship untouched and perfectly conditioned which made me relived, moving it outside i quickly set it up for flight and battle. 


Explosion's echoed as big cannonballs fell down the sky, hitting angry rebelling crowd. From distance i could see bodies fly and blood splatter everywhere, calm thanks to my magic i refocused on making Thunderbird fly as fast as possible. Minute later i managed to ascend with Thunderbird and started climbing heights, aiming for Empress's height. 

Athena decided to completely wipe out us all and she used Empress for that cause, my airship climbed as fast it could and eventually i managed to get above Empress. Athena didn't seem to notice me as she focused on people below and i knew that simple cannonballs couldn't hurt ship like Empress nor damage it in the slightest. Taking my small telescope i looked at Empress control room in search for Athena and her assistants. 

Seeing Athena with other people who used to be with her all the time i thought about what could i do to bring her down. Being unseen gave me advantage right now but it won't be for long before they notice me and shut me down, my mind going with million of ideas and plans suddenly paused. 

Remembering what i did against elven officer i chuckled and tried to cast aether magic in it's full potential into my hands. Focusing and squeezing my whole body i began to feel thickly sensation and saw my hands glow clear blue light, holding them open like that for couple of minutes i slammed them on Thunderbird surface and suddenly my ship began to shake.

Battle cries and sounds of weapons slamming stopped as loud noise of bell ringed from Thunderbird. Every five seconds loud sound of bell could be heard coming from my airship and i knew that this is the moment to slam against Athena and her forces. I gave my airship maximum boost and it flied like a bullet towards Empress.

At collision Thunderbird couldn't break trough Empress at first, shockwaves almost blew me off from ship and my ship slowly started to crack. Everything went silent expect me and force of thunderbird trying to pierce trough much bigger and stronger airship designed for nothing but war and destruction. 

Thunderbird began sustaining more and more damage but i didn't want to die just like that, a fool who tried to do something impossible. Casting Aether magic once again and pressed my hands on Thunderbird's rudder and my hands began to hurt like hell, blood started coming from them. Then Empress began cracking slowly but surely, cracking sounds of wood and metal could be hear and i was sure that if i manage to keep this pace i'm going to bring Empress down along with Athena and her people.


Loudest explosion i've ever heard came out from massive force of wave as Thunderbird pierced trough giant war airship. Travelling trough rooms and sections i saw my ship slowly starting to turn into mush as i covered myself from damage, passing trough it my time slowed and i saw people reactions in slow mode as they were in fear of sudden collision. 

Then i blinked and white light shined blinding me in the process, next moment i didn't feel anything and i was in similar looking place. 

"Welcome again."

Voice of the man who greeted me first time i was here came behind me, i turned around and saw the same man who was here during my first trip to Etheric realm. Tall man with long brown hair, brown eyes and in same golden armor with runes on it, smiling down on me as he waved.

"Did i die?"

I asked him calmly, he sat down along with me.

"Feat like you just did is something only Emil would do."

He laughed for couple of seconds there, avoiding my answer i though that i'm really dead and that he's just trying to be nice. Knowing i brought down Empress with me i smiled and sighed as my death wasn't completely in vain. Remembering Grumpy and Shane i felt bit sad since i never said goodbye to them.

"So what will you do now Sparrow?"

Playful voice of his turned serious as he stared at me, looking back at him i thought what could i possible do next here, i didn't know what's next for me since i died.

"I don't know since this is my first time dying y'know."

He continued watching me and sighed, he stood up and lifted me by my arm. Looking at him in confusion i thought that he's going to escort me to place where people go when they die or something like that.

"You didn't die silly boy, now go back and defeat those evil guys."

He turned me back and held me by the shoulders, just like Archangel Uriel did. Before i could go i needed to ask him for his name since this is my second meeting with him and i never asked him for his name before.

"What's your name if i may know?"

Man went silent for couple of seconds before he pushed to front and spoke.

"Archangel Michael."

Upon hearing that my mind turned dark and next moment i slowly opened my eyes, gaining awareness i saw fire spread around me and that i was inside ruins of the ship, presumably Thunderbird. Standing up i felt my body hurt for a bit but didn't notice any major injures, aether magic kept me from getting killed and getting any major injury. 

Pushing pile of ruble off from me i saw huge ruin of Empress burning like a Sun all around the field, half of it being one other side from each other. Looking back i saw my Thunderbird, most known airship on the continent laying in ruin as fire cracked trough it. After many battles and hardships Thunderbird finally could be put into rest as it served it's final purpose, bowing down to it i turned back and went to inspect fallen Empress.

Couple of steps further i saw figure of woman coming from debris, bruised and covered in blood Athena approached me in visible anger as she unsheathed her sword. Surprised but calm i grabbed my sword and walked up to her, seeking to end this once for all.