
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Fantasía
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32 Chs


Sounds of tools and metal echoed inside hangar where Thunderbird rested, Sparrow worked hard in past two days in the order to make his airship great again for active service. 


I said exhausted from the working day and night, Athena put ton of pressure on me and made me fix my airship in two days. Airship wasn't in bad condition when i arrived but it had plenty of things to fix and stabilize in order for it to fly again. I only slept in total five hours and only eaten twice for past two days, military training didn't come for nothing.

I put my tools on the table and left my hangar and locked the door behind me, after i locked the door a voice spoke behind me creeping me in the process. 

"So did you fix it or not?"

Said one of two now to me known guards. 

"Yes, Thunderbird is ready for flight."

I said fully tired and dirty, only wearing old piece of mechanics uniform and smelling like dead elf. 

"Very well, then proceed to rest and tomorrow morning come to palace."

And they marched back off to palace, their armor making sounds in the process and heavy steps slamming on ground. I sighed and went back into apartment where me, Shane and Grumpy lived. 

It was pretty cold day and sun was blocked my big clouds, i walked to my apartment shivering out of cold in the process. I opened apartments doors and put my clothes on floor, i turned on hot shower and picked up soap which smelled like lilac and gooseberries and began washing myself. 

Quickly after leaving hot shower i fell onto bed and immediately fallen asleep, before falling asleep i could feel weird unease whole time but thought nothing of it. My eyes opened and i saw my room celling, my body started making buzzing and i could feel weird vibrations all across my body and i could hear them very well.

I moved and could feel like moving trough water but without force pushing me back, for some weird reason i couldn't hear a single noise coming from outside even if my window is always open, every night owls and other night animals would make at least some noise, even the wind but this time it was dead quiet. I looked around me for a while until i heard some weird noises coming outside my room. 

Scared and confused by all of this i returned back in bed pretending to be asleep and not five seconds after that, my door opened while my eyes were shut. I could hear noise of someone or something moving and then cold hands touching my chest and face, i was full of fear but i managed with all my strength not to make noise or open my eyes. Then i could feel my body levitating and going down again, this felt like it had no ending until everything stopped and my eyes opened. 

When i opened my eyes i saw nothing and no one was there, i grabbed sword hidden behind wardrobe and turned on crystal lights inside my room. I checked out outside from my window and noticed city in sleep, owls made their scary screeches and other animals did the same. I slowly opened door from my bedroom and went into hallway to check if anyone is there, fortunately nothing was there and i went back to my bedroom, locking it in the process. 

"What was that?"

I murmured to myself.

"was it even a dream?"

I wondered, when i opened my eyes i didn't feel normally like waking up every other time, my eyes opened quickly without any weight into them, like i didn't even sleep. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it upwards to check for any traces of hands or injuries and i saw none. 

I checked the clock at it was five at night with full hour ahead of me before sunrise, since i couldn't sleep anymore i went into bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and afterwards take on my clothes. 

I left my apartment and locked at pocket watch.

"Looks like it's time for me to go."

I said as i looked at the palace from distance.