
In The Palace Of Gods

Dark_Ages · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Ch. 9 Monsters?

[In The Palace Of Gods]

Chapter 9


The two monarchs transformed. And the next second, they vanished. A hole blew up in the ceiling. Sensei and the other monarch were fighting in the sky. They were at such an insane speed, that they looked like lasers flying around. Everything they touched was destroyed.

Suddenly sensei crashed on the ground, making a huge crater. The Flame Monarch teleported and was about to punch sensei, but got punched by sensei instead.

He crashed through a moon that was closer. Sensei vanished from the crash point and I could see both of them fighting, now a little slower. They kept punching each other as they crashed through the moons.

(They're so strong. I could never reach that level!) I spoke to myself.

(Are you an idiot? Of course a mere human can't reach such a height. But more importantly, if you are thinking that they are fighting with their full powers, then you are very much mistaken.) Said one of the Supreme God.

(That's right. Even we are capable of destruction many times more than this. You may have not noticed, but they aren't using their mana at all. They are fighting just with their freaking monstrous physical strength.) Another one spoke.

Then finally Ryu interrupted. (That's enough! If you fight any longer, your pocket money will be cancelled.)

*Huh? Will the monarchs stop at a stupid reason like this? *I thought to myself with a little giggle. I wanted to say that there's no way those people would st- Huh? They really stopped? What the heck, they got bribed so easily.

They both slowly flew down. Ryu cast a spell which had a magic circle as huge as the castle. The whole castle began to repair itself. The meeting went on. The monarchs looked bored again. They barely spoke anything.

My execution was not cancelled but for now, suspended. Though I had no worries because it was suspended for a hundred years. I almost giggled after hearing that. Finally the meeting came to an end after discussing some planetary affairs.

(Hey Tony, ya still have that game?) The one we played last time.

(Yep, you coming with me Tsanda?)

(Of course! Who wouldn't wanna play that game.) It's hella interesting.

Sensei was talking to the monarch with blue eyes.

(Sensei, this person is-)

(Ah! Meet him, he's Tsanda, the Thunder Monarch.)



(Finally back! I feel so light.) The pressure was too dense in the Royal Room

(You can go and continue your training of whatever was scheduled today.) Don't disturb us while we play.

(Ok sensei.) I wasn't going to disturb you.


(What do you plan on doing with him, Tony?)

Tsanda looked at Tony through the corner of his eyes.

(What if that kid somehow learns to control the power of the being lying inside him.?) Imagine it.

(What are you exactly planning?) Don't put me in trouble. I sided with you in the meeting.

(I will make him a monarch!)

(*phuuu* What? Is that even possible? He is a human. He'll die after a century!)

He spit out the juice he was drinking.

(That's what I'm saying, if he learns to control "IT'S"

power completely, he can achieve immortality.)

(Hahahahaha. I see, that's what you plan to do huh? You'll have to put him through hellish training.)

(I'm going to take it slow. I don't want him to be afraid of me. Otherwise it will be harder for him to control "it's " powers.) He easily gets scared!

(I can't wait to see how it turns out. Hehe)

(By the way, I want you to make him develop resistance to all elements.)

(Sure, leave that to me.)


You have a call from Lord Agni. Accept/Reject


(Yo Tony)

(Don't yo me, what do you want?)

(Well if that brat's sentence is suspended, then maybe I'll teach him Creation Magic, no?)

(Huh?? And what made you change your attitude towards him?)

(Nothing special fuuufuuu.)

(Stop whistling!)

The Flame Monarch actually had a big secret which was also his weakness. He loved cute things. And he found Neon to be super cute. Only the monarchs knew about this.

(Oh by the way, do you know where the Frost Monarch is?)

(No. Why do you need her?)

(Nothing, she just disappeared somewhere after the meeting. I can't sense her presence so I guess she is up to something.)

(I don't care what she's up to. And if you wanna teach the kid Creation Magic, then discuss your schedule with Naku, Hana, and Tsanda.)

(Do they also teach him? If that's it then no problem.)

(Yea and discuss it with me too. I will be starting to teach him swordsmanship.)

(Ok whatever. I'll call ya tomorrow, I'm watching a film right now.)

(As you see fit.)

Yo guys, if you like the story, please comment me.