

Mike was explaining the dangers of Amazon jungle when lex again interrupted him.


-"What now?"- Mike started to get annoyed by Alex constant shouting.

-"HANZ! Get Ze Flamenwarfer!"- Alex stood up and shouted with a strong German accent.

-"End maybe you will play Bob Marley music?"-Zibi slapped his forehead.

-"That wasn~t Bob Marley genius! I do not remember the title but you got the right idea."

-"Zibi? What is talking about? What Flamethrower, what music?"-Mike was disoriented.

-"In a game Far Cry 3 in one mission you had to burn the drug crops to the sound of Skrillex- Make It Bun Dem. That was his favorite mission. By the way, you did buy that game right?"

-"I bought FC 2 and 3 and AC4 BF as well."

-"No nothing, just asking."-Zibi remembered Alex`s 1TB HDD drive with everything on it.

-"I never pirated games which I judged as good."

-"So why did you had pirated Skyrim?"

-"I had the original but somehow only cracked version was playable on my PC. Weird"- Alex fought for a moment.-"Does not matter, I am going to prepare weapons. Zibi you go and do something which will allow us to see everything in there. When will you deploy us?"-Alex asked before he left.

-"Take your time, I changed the time here so you can prepare in 100%."-Alex disappeared

-"Then I am off too."-Zibi slowly stood up and walked away.

Inside the warehouse, Alex was running between the shelves. He gathered an amazing amount of tools of destructions. Zibi was looking at this and only scratched his head. Alex right now carried Russian LPO-50 (Liogkij Piechotnyj Ogniemiot ) and RPO (riekatywnyj piechotnyj ogniemiot).

-"Are you sure you want to use Russian technology?"- Zibi was concerned about his friend well being.

-"Do not worry. Russian technology is bipolar. It`s either completely worthless and will break down with the first occasion or will never break. And these two babies are examples of the good side of Russian technology."

-"If you say so. What did you get for me?"- Zibi looked at the pile of weapons.

-" Dragunov and Makarov, you need to pick up your own scope. Tablet and six drones with cameras and grenades type AN-M14."-Alex presented the equipment just like Q.

-"Okay, give them I will make good use of them."- Zibi took the small tablet from Alex and started to toy with it.

-"Before I forget, here is your body armor."

-"What about the helmet?"-It was standard issue bulletproof west with tons of pockets. In addition, Zibi also got arm and leg guards. But there was no helmet in the set.

-"Here take this, I could not find anything better."-Alex gave him an old WW2 German helmet. Zibi only looked at his friend with "Are you fucking kidding me?" expression.-"Okay, okay, take this. It is the newest model of the Ronin helmet. Titanium with kevlar plates, it will protect your jar from excessive damage, but if they employ high caliber do not expect to leave without a scratch."

-"Nice."-Zibi changed into his gear. He looked like a badass Mercenary from the future with that helmet on his head.-"What about you?"

Alex sneered and presented his gear.-"As you saw before LPO-50 and RPO. Additionally RPK and TT pistol. For protection, I have Military boots and pants with camo. and of course red bandana."- Alex looked very pleased with himself.

-"Oh GOD, with whom I have to work? Are you an idiot? STOP, back you are an idiot!"

-"Sorry I forgot. Here is my M9-bayonet."- Alex presented himself. He was barechested with the red bandana on his forehead.

Zibi only aimed his Dragunow at Alex-"Run, I want to train my shooting skill before the mission. If you survive you can go with me."

-"Okay, I will be serious."- Alex took out his red bandana.-" I will have the same body armor like you but for the head, I will have my modified JT Spectra Paintball mask. Titanium with kevlar, and bulletproof glass. It will stop a bullet from AK."

-"You look like a psycho, you know that?"

-"Sow what?"

-"But you still do not look like Commando."-Zibi took his things and left the armory.

-"Fuck you!" - Alex only showed a middle finger.

Zibi decided to personalize the controls for his drones. He went to the workshop switched the control devices from a big tablet too small smartphone looking like thing that he attached to his forearm like a predator. When he finished he was very satisfied with the result. With one button he could order them to follow him or Alex. They could fly at 300m and observe the battlefield, and if ordered they could make a kamikaze attack on key positions that Zibi target with either laser sight or just by pointing at a place on the map. As for his scope, it was integrated with the drones. Its principle of operations was easy. Scope showed what the drone saw and where Zibi would shoot it would show a red line. It even took into consideration the curve of the earth, wind, and air pressure. For example, if the target was in the home behind the wall, but the window was on the other side and drone could see the target inside, it would show Zibi where he aiming with prediction line. He was very proud of this system of his.

In the meantime, in the laboratory, Alex tried to make a better fuel for his flamethrower. He experimented with different mixes benzine, diesel, paraffin oil and other kinds of combustible fluids. After a few failures, he decided to try something new. LPO-50 was one of the safest flamethrowers invented thanks firing mechanism. Americans used high-pressure gas. They had the advantage of adjustable range and how long one could spit the fire, but LPO could only spit flames 3 times for 2 seconds each. Thanks to his pyrotechnic mechanism user weren`t in danger of flames coming back to his fuel tanks, because during this 2 seconds fuel from one chamber was completely sucked out. It even increases effective range to 70m. Using this knowledge Alex decided to not change the fuel but to add a container of small ASG balls made from thermite. They were covered in inhibitor so they would start to burn after 10 to 15 seconds. These balls had one purpose. Thermit burns in 3000 degrees, so if something was in a steel box and Alex shoot his thermite balls at it, it would melt that box.

When both of them finished they meet in the sports hall and went to eat something. This time Alex made very light but high energy meal and of course, as usually it was very spicy. When they finished they were so full of energy that they were shaking. After some time Mike appeared before them and told them to suit up. They were ready in 2 minutes. He checked if they did not forget anything, but they surprised him because they had all the necessary things. Intercoms, MRE, first aids kits, additional magazines etc. -"Well, well, I am surprised, I expected you to actually forget something but it seems like Alex is a good quartermaster."-The duo only laughed.-"End with the jokes." to the sports hall.

GOD was waiting at them.-"Are you ready?"-They nodded.-"Do not worry, I am with you."

-"That is reassuring you know?"- Alex said with a stupid laugh.

-"Alright, let's go, before I change my mind."- Zibi slapped his cheeks.

-"Of we go."- GOD just flicked his fingers and they appeared in the jungle.

They looked at each other and readied their weapons.

-"So what is the plan?"- Zibi looked at the sky.

-"I will go from the front you will go from the right. I will take their attention and try to wipe them out. To do this I will create a triangle of fire. I will aim at the fields so stay away from them. Got it?"

-"Simple and brutal. Like always."

-"This is not paintball, man. This is live ammunition, and it will hurt if we get shot."-Alex looked at the sky too.-"It will rain tonight, let's go we need to be at least halfway through this jungle. before the sundown."

-"Wait. Alex, take this."-Zibi gave him small smartphone.-"It is a tactical map, it will show where I am, and were the know enemies are.


-"You too have problems with your memory, so do not judge me."

-"Let's go."- Alex moved first with a compass in hand. Zibi 3 steps behind him ready with weapon ready to shoot at incoming danger. Drones were already flying high above their heads.

Hope you enjoy it.

If you find any mistake pls PM me.

Happy new year!

saszetacreators' thoughts