
In the middle of it All

This is my story. Well not just mine. It's also my friends and family's story. I still remember the day my life changed forever. There's no way I'd forget this date. July 17th. After managing to escape the orphanage, my friends and I wandered around the city, knocking on doors hoping someone would let us in. We'd drink wherever liquid was, we even stole from strangers and stores so that we wouldn't go extinct. That only lasted eight days but damn, it felt like more. We ended up in the west side of the city and we were sitting on the dirty hard ground of an alley, starving, thinking it'd be the end for us. I'm 18 now and so much more shit has happened since then.

Adaily_author · Ciudad
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40 Chs

Chapter Twenty | | October 11th- 3

It began to rain. As quietly as it poured, it rapidly wetted the ground and filled with it mud. Skylar got down on the floor by Caleb's corpse, fighting back tears. She closed Sniper's eyelids with two of her fingers and dragged his body a great distance away from Ace's.

"Don't touch my father !" Shouted a voice, in the midst of the rain who had gotten louder, as she was making her back to Caleb. Sky turned her head back and her pupils dilated. Her jaw dropped. It was the voice of a teen boy yet that wasn't what Skylar had grasped.

"I-" She began to utter a word before getting shot in the rib by the kid. She fell down, gasping.

Wave ran to Cash. "It's Sky..." He panted.

"Tell Draco." replied Cash before rushing over to Sky. Wave hastily retreated to where Draco, JJ and CIX were and informed them about the incident.

"JJ go support Ray over there. Wave, get back Ace's body and get Cash and Sky outta there. CIX, you stay with me." Firmly ordered Draco. Each gang member hustles to their task.

On the other side of the site, Cash is by Sky's side. Knees on the muddy ground, he puts his hand at the back of her neck carefully lifting up. "Skylar, Skylar !"

"Looks like it's the end for us, Cash.." She faked a smile as she looked into his wetting eyes.

"No. No it's not. We..." He reasoned, drawing his lower lip between his teeth. "We can get married. We'll live together , you.. Nate and I.. You always wanted a child, right ? We can do that." He said softly, forcing a warm smile. Skylar places her hands and his cheeks and wipes away the tears of Shigeru.

"Yeah..That'll be nice..."she says.

Shigeru's face slightly brightened up. "Yea,it'll be nice. Just- Just stay with me Skylar... Stay with me. We'll get through this.."

"Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone, aight ?" She said as one of her arms dropped down.

Cash holds onto it tightly. "Yo Skylar, keep your eyes open for me. You- You know I can't live without you by my side. Skylar I need you, I-I love you. Skylar please.." He broke down into tears making Sky cry also.

"Please stay with me..." He begged, crying loudly. He then placed her arm around his neck and tried to get her up.

"Baby, just kiss me and go." cried Sky. He shook his head not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. Skylar used the last ounces of strength she had in her to pull Shigeru towards her. Her arm then dropped and her eyes shut.

"I can't go..." He put pressure on her wound in vain. More blood was gushing out than before. Wiping away his tears, the red liquid smeared his cheeks. "How can I fix this ? I don't know how to fix this." He blubbered, bringing her against him, eyes filled with water. The sound of the rain slowly faded and soon it had stopped.

"Cash... Cash we gotta move. We can't stay here, we'll die." Said Wave.

"Lemme bring her back with me..." He answered, speaking in a brittle voice. As he began to get her up with the help of Keemo, another gunshot was heard. It came near Shigeru, however it didn't touch him. He didn't bother to take a glance back and continued to move forward. Wave's steps became slower.

"What are you doing Keemo ?" questioned Cash while keeping the pace.

"Go on without me...I'll catch up.." He answered, breathing shallow. Cash took a glimpse back. A man in a hoodie was walking towards them, grinning like a creep.

"Fuck..." whispered Shigeru.

"Keep going, Cash. I got him." said Ray as she dashed past him.

"Don't die...Both of you." commented Shigeru.

"Get back to our side." orders Rayan as she gets near Wave. The distance between them and the man in a hoodie shortens.

"I'm not gon' let you fight this lunatic alone !" argues Wave, holding onto his thigh. He turns around facing the way the guy was coming from. He let go of his leg and raised his fists, clenching them.

"You got shot in the leg ! Do what I tell you, Keemo !" Insisted Ray.

Wave turned back around and accelerated his pace, still limping and skipping steps to get himself to the other side faster. Ray fights the hooded man. He knocked her down a few times but she kept getting up. She gave him some punches on the face.

"You should've let that guy die. You're too fine to be wasted." said the man while grinning creepily.

"Son of a bitch." She pulled out a gun and pointed it on him. Her hands were unstable. The hooded guy took that opportunity to flee.

He hustled to the other side, breathing heavily, head looking back at his fiancee fighting the hooded man. He gets knocked down. Lifting up his head, the figure of a woman was towering over him. She had blood on her jacket's sleeves and her skin was as pale as the moon in the night.

"There's no way you really thought you'd make it out alive." Said Ruby, the woman. "Pathetic." She squished his head with her foot. " I can't believe Booboo missed. I expected more of that piece of shit."

She pulled out a knife out of her pants' back pocket and crunched down. " You Silvers don't know shit. You should all die in a morbid way. Gun's are too nice." She added before stabbing Keemo in the abdomen. He groans in agony before getting stabbed over and over and over repeatedly in the same spot. Ruby's lips rose up to her eyes and her eyes widened.

"Oh what a beautiful body you have, Wave!" She gasps, moving her hands all over his body. She tipped her index in his blood and sucked it. "I would've used it in a better way if you weren't a Silver !" Then biting her lower lip, she went on top of him. "Oh my!" She moaned as she continued to stab his stomach. "Oh the things I would do with your body !" She exclaimed as she started laughing. Her smile dropped as she stood up. She squished Keemo's corpse with her foot, looking at it with no remorse.