
In the hands of fate: a cruel game

How can fate be so cruel? a lord finally and officially meets the love he has been searching for, the first sight of hear had only been a few seconds but he was determined to have her. A young woman with brown hair and big, brown doe eyes finally seezes the chance to escape her father and live the lif she has dreamed of for many a year. If only fate knew when to be kind and when to be cruel. When a beautiful day with beautiful gowns and tailored capes turns dark at the tip of a hat, what lengths will a woman go to get her dreams. To what length will a lord go to ensure his rose stays by his side. What lengths will a sinister man take to steal power from those who hold it, what will he do to set fire to the dreams of those involved. WHY IS FATE SO CRUEL

bobby_Hull · Fantasía
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1 Chs

In the hands of fate. Prologue

Fate can play cruel games, sometimes the cruelty is called for, but other times the cruelty can be too cruel.

As a lord awaits the doe eyed gaze of the woman he loves and dark plot is brewing, who would of thought that even fate can be wrong. with lives and hearts always part of the game, a twist of fate is always the least suspected thing to happen.

How long will fate suffer the life she lives, how will she get away from the lean and strict farther she is cursed with. What happens when a spark of hope gives way to a game of fate, shearing the flower that had just began to bloom.

How could fate be so cruel?, a question everyone speaks at some point in time. It seams that nobody is spared, even a woman with the very name is not spared from the manipulation and cruel games of fate.


This story used to be a short story with a twist , I had written for college. However, I'm thinking of extending it. English is my first language but I do have troubles Thoth both spelling and grammar so please be kind, respectful and just comment any mistakes.