

Sarah finally left the hospital after she felt better and was discharged but the dreams she had and hallucinations were still vivid on her mind like they all happened real. She has never suffered this much in her whole life because during the times she had a fever, it felt like she was being tormented day and night. At a point, she began to think that Samantha and every other person that she has offended were the ones tormenting her because she couldn't understand what babies were doing in her hallucination.

This moment really made Sarah to feel very bad because all the time that she was in the hospital, nobody apart from her mother showed up to check how she was doing and this simply proved to her that she has no friends and even the ones she consider us as friends do not like her.

Sarah was seated in the living room that afternoon reading a magazine while her mother was sitting across from her. She called her mother's attention and asked her "why am I hated by everyone? Can you please tell me all those things that I do that people do not like? Maybe after listening to the remarks from others I will become a better person. Her mother who felt sad for her daughter stood and walked up to her as she told her "Sarah, I want you to listen properly and get it into your head that you are a queen and queens do not mingle with every crowd that they see. Hating you is their choice and everyone is free to make their choices. I don't want you to feel inferior because of anyone and try living according to their standards rather what I want for you is to change. Sarah I want you to tone down your excesses and learn to forgive more instead of taking revenge all the time or trying to inflict harm on a person because they have something that you want. I know about Samantha but don't worry because I won't tell anybody about it."

 The moment that Sarah's mother mentioned Samantha, Sarah immediately raised her head to look at her mother with surprise all over her face. "Mum, are you also joining them to say that I am responsible for what happened to Samantha?" Sarah there is a reason that I am your mother so you should know that I know about all your exes is by now. Instead of trying to prove that you are wiser, I will suggest that you quit hurting people as that is the best way that you can find joy.

Sarah saw that hee discussion with her mother is already becoming a lengthy lecture session so she excused herself on the account that she still feels weak so she will like to go and lay on her bed.

While Najiba was hiding at a hotel, her husband was going crazy looking for her around town as he felt that they still have unfinished business. He told himself that he will not let anyone to just fool him and go scot-free. His phone has been ringing incessantly from different people including his father but you refused to pick up as the most important thing for him now is to find Najiba and get the truth out of her. When her mother was raising her voice and busy slapping him he actually didn't care because he told himself that if she was such a good mother, she would have taught her daughter well and not come in to shout after her daughter has been found guilty of infidelity.

He drove for a while and also tried contacting different people and see if they can track her cell phone but unfortunately, she has switched off her mobile phone as she anticipated this. She told her assistant to get her a burner phone which she finally put her SIM card in and told herself that she will not use her other phone until she is sure that she is safe from her husband.

 Although she changed her phone, it was the same SIM card that she was still using because she needed to be in touch is her mother. Amongst Najiba's maids, there is one who works for Na'ima. She is there to spy on Najiba and tell Na'ima everything that happens in the house. While all the ruckus was going on and the maid who was loyal to Najiba's mother was busy calling her to inform her of the situation, the one who was loyal to Na'ima also called her to give her the latest gist on the arrival of their husband. After the call, she was asked to take pictures and also record videos if she could so she decided to sneak to the window after knowing that her job and life were at risk. She knows that if she is caught, she will lose her job and Zahid will probably throw her into a dungeon somewhere but she still risked all and made videos while taking pictures as well, which she sent to Na'ima.

Within three hours after the incident happened, social media went aflame with the news that Najiba is cheating on her husband with an unknown lover who she is also pregnant for. In fact, there was an edited picture of a man and a woman in a compromising state and Najiba's face was edited to be on the picture but the other man's face was hidden. The caption on the news was

"Billionaire Business Mogul Zahid and his Wife Najiba in Cheating and Unwanted Pregnancy Saga.

 It was all written there that a leopard can never change its spots as Najiba can never stop cheating even after she is married to a man who is every woman's dream. The article totally defamed her and many people were given bad comments about her behaviour.

 She was seated on a chair listening to music when Tess ran inside with a look of apprehension on her face she passed her phone to Najiba. Najiba was very shocked when she saw what was going on on social media. Instantly, she knew that it was the work of Na'ima. "How on earth did I have snitches working for me without ever realising it? When I get back to that house, whoever filmed this should have already ran away else things will go sour for that person." 

 As Najiba was going through Tess's phone and reading all the wicked comments which trolls left behind for her, her new burner phone began to ring and when she checked who was calling, it was her mother so she picked up instantly because she needed to hear the latest update from her mum.

"Hello baby, I hope you are safe and away from your deranged maniac husband?" 

 Najiba replied her mother that she is fine and it will take her husband sometime to look for and find her that is if he is still searching and not in the arms of another woman right now trying to comfort himself as he feels that his eagle has been injured.

"I tried speaking to your husband but he is out of it and will not listen to anybody so the next step I want to take is to take your flight by tomorrow to see his father because that is the only person that will call Zahid on this earth and he will answer. I only called to be sure of your safety and to ask you again because I don't want to go out there and end up looking like a foolish woman. Najiba, I want you to think clearly and be sure that you never had anything to do with another man except your husband because this matter has escalated beyond my powers and right now we need the elders to settle it." 

 This time Najiba did not get angry at her mother and only answered calmly "Mum, I am very sure and I have been telling you from the first day that this child is for my husband and not another man because I have never had any sexual intercourse with another man since I'm married Zahid. They can go ahead and do all the tests that they want and even go spiritual on this matter but I will not change what I have been saying from day one which is the fact that my husband is the father of my unborn baby." 

Najiba and her mother talked for a while before they disconnected the call. After speaking with her daughter, Najiba's mother decided not to leave her husband in the dark because even what she is about to go and see Zahid's father for, might be termed blasphemous because her husband is the one who's supposed to do that. She called her husband and sat him down as she began to narrate everything that has been happening in their daughter's life.

 The man was very shocked after hearing all that his wife had just told him. "So I have been in this house and something of this magnitude is happening yet no one thought to tell me anything about it? This has gone to far and you know it." After he complained and asked questions, his wife who is always ready with replies in her mouth quickly told him that he was the one who refused to pick up his fatherly duties after letting them slide many years ago.

After quarreling for the most time, they agreed that Najiba's father will go and meet Zahid's father to resolve the issue on ground. Every time the man thinks about it, he still can't understand why his wife and daughter has decided to sideline him.

 Najiba was scrolling through more comments and as she was seeing more wicked comments, she felt like replying some of them but she couldn't because that will only prove to people that the rumours about her are true. There were a few comments that she promised herself that after the whole issue with her husband is over, she will revisit those comments and talk about those people because they are outright haters and it is their type who make a comment that push some people to commit suicide at the end of the day. And while reading those comments she almost crushed Tess's phone as Tess was only standing by the corner and couldn't see anything as she was praying for her phone not to be crushed because she doesn't know if Najiba will be willing to pay for it especially in this mood that she is now. The moment that Najiba stretched her phone towards her, Tess got there with the speed of lightning to collect it. "Make sure you don't respond to anyone who calls to ask you about what is going on. I'll call my management to sort this whole thing out because if I don't speak out soon, my name will end up being tarnished and I hope it doesn't get to the point where it can't be salvaged."  

Na'ima was very happy as she was listening to her favorite music and dancing to it while sipping a glass of wine. She was in the mood of celebration because her greatest stumbling block has just been removed without any effort from her apart from the part of sending those videos and pictures to some Media houses. As she was celebrating she remembered that her mother has not called her which meant that her mother has not gotten a wind of the news so she decided to call her and let her know the new updates. When she called it took a while for her mum to answer the call as she told her that she was in a women's meeting and she had to excuse herself to answer this call.

"I was asking myself why you have not heard the latest update and it is only now that I come to understand why. You've not been online for some hours because of your women's meeting because if you have, you would have seen that Zahid is currently looking for Najiba in every nook and cranny as her family fears that if he finds her, he's going to end her." 

 The woman was confused as she couldn't understand the message that has just been passed. "Zahid, looking for najiba? Why?" 

 "I guess you did not understand the English that I just spoke when I said her family is afraid that if he finds her he will end her. What I am trying to say is that there is a rumour right now but to me it is no longer a rumour because I have someone who is working for her as a maid and the person called to inform me about the recent developments in that house. I even advised the person to take pictures and make videos so that I can be very sure that what she is telling me is the truth. Mother, Najiba was cheating on Zahid and now she is pregnant with another man's baby which she tried to put on his head but unfortunately, Zahid told her that he cannot have children. Mum, did you hear that? I have been going from one fertility doctor to another and sometimes I even drag him along with me but Zahid never told me that all the stress that I am going through is not needed because I am not the problem. Najiba wanted to play a smart one and become the only wife who will have his child but unfortunately, it all came down crashing on her. Zahid almost strangled her while interrogating her about the father of her baby which she has refused to disclose. She finally escaped when her mother came in and nobody knows where she is right now, but Zahid is still looking for her and she should pray that he doesn't find her else she is done for."

 Na'ima's mother could not believe how she and her daughter got this luck without even trying. She told her daughter that the universe is on their side because they have done nothing wrong and her daughter deserves to be the last wife of Zahid and not some hypocritical adulterous woman. "Sometimes when we are trying to accomplish something and it is not working, it is better we drop it because certain things come to you when you stop looking for them. Just imagine all the time we spent plotting against Najiba and nothing was working. The moment we stopped trying to pull any stunts, she used her own hands to wreck herself and kick herself out of the marriage disgracefully. I don't want this to all end like this because you and I need to celebrate this Victory." Na'ima told her mother that she is already celebrating in her house because now Zahid can look at her again.

 For a while, Zahid ignored his other wives and gave all his attention to his last wife and all of them knew that he favoured his last wife.