
In The Gray (Teen Titan/DC Fanfic)

Kevin Grant is a veteran from WW2... WW1, the War of 1812 & pretty much every other American conflict after 1812. He’s also kinda a dick. However something is brewing and Batman, Lex Luthor, and Ozymandias don’t know what. Grant’s brothers, consumed with their demonic powers, are looking for the Orb that has given them their curse. Also, guess what? Kevin’s been procrastinating on finding the stupid thing for two hundred years. Being turned down help from the Justice League Kevin is forced to his last resort: Raven. However, things don’t go according to plan because... let’s be honest: Kevin never has a plan. (Writing this as creative release I’m also taking creative liberties with writing. I may keep this as a serial that ends when it ends. Story arcs are strongly inspired by DC comics/Teen Titan comics as well as DC games and media. Kevin’s lack of care for triggers do not reflect the views of the author.) *** Arc 2 (cue classic narrator voice) After the deaths of two Titans, Deathstroke’s loved ones, and Black Adam’s family, things are amping up. Framed for the deaths of Osiris and Isis, the Titans, America and her allies are sworn enemies of Black Adam. The omnipotent tyrants rage is hotter than it has been in centuries and he is quickly pooling his allies and preparing for WW3. The Titans struggle to grieve their dead in the midst of all their responsibilities. They struggle to cope, and unlikely relationships bloom. Despite the spy in their midst. Deathstroke has a bone to pick with the world as well. After the death of his son at the perceived hand of the Titans he’s not an assassin for money at the moment. No, no this is personal. The only payment he’s taking is Vengeance, even if he has to form a team himself to do it. Kevin is still after the Heart and cancer-like tumors have shaped some of Gotham’s supervillains hideously. Does this have something to do with Raven’s cough and Ozymandias’ cancer and dreams? Read and find out! For any martial artist fans out there I TRY to go out of my way to develop ALMOST each character’s fighting style. Kevin uses a now forbidden Canadian style called combato. Dick Grayson uses a mix of Wing Chun, Arnis/Escrima and others of course. Batman uses a non-lethal Keysi as a foundation (he also used it in the 2008 movies). Deathstroke uses Krav Maga, LINE, Vale Tudo, Silat and Sambo. This is a bold challenge to do with justice but I will try my best. For any gun nuts, I went all out on gear and guns for Deathstoke’s scenes to give a little bit of some John Wick-style stuff thrown in. I post updates below so make sure to check from time to time! Without further ado: 05/05/23 Happy Cinco de Mayo~

xWandererx · Cómic
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43 Chs



Slade Wilson's pov

Shaving with one eye is a challenge. Try doing it with a straight razor, having a blade that can double as a weapon to your throat every morning can make you appreciate life so much more. The phone started ringing in my condo's living room and then I rinsed my face of the shaving cream with water. The ringing was setting my nerves on edge so I promptly opened my mirror and took my morning medication to slow down my mind. Tightening the towel to my body I left the bathroom and walked over to the kitchenette beside my living room and popped open a can of Bud to further dull my senses.

The normal human, with all the advantages and advancements mankind has made thus far can only use 10% of their brain's capabilities. From my experience, this is also true for most humanoid extraterrestrials like Superman. My mind is at 90% peak capability, accelerating my metabolism, enhancing my strength, speed and ability to process information. I've defeated Batman once, I've evaded Superman and a myriad of people after my head. Losing an eye years ago is slightly a handicap and may even regenerate back with time.

Finally the phone stopped ringing and it went to voicemail:

"Hey honey! I'm coming in~"

I let my beer clunk to the floor.

"Oh fu-"

My ex-drill sergeant, ex-wife rappelled from the roof and smashed into my high dollar condo living room armed to the teeth. You think your family has problems? Splinters of wood, shreds of my beloved coffee maker, and other kitchen debris erupted from the following hail of bullets as Adeline Kane emptied the extended magazine into the island I used for cover in my humble kitchenette. Instinctively I grabbed the pistol hidden inside my silverware cabinet next to the fridge and whirled around to shoot Adeline three times before she reloaded. I think I was running 75% brain capability when I shot her M4A1 in half, her pistol off her hip, and the handle of the knife equipped to her chest. Despite possibly mote sized splinters, my ex-wife was unhurt even though we've tried to kill each other several times in the past.

With an annoyed sigh, I tossed my .45 Compact onto the counter haphazardly and tossed my towel onto the ground in frustration. Adeline went for a knife in her boot as I slicked my uncannily white hair back out of my face. She charged me with a Bowie knife as I said sarcastically,

"Good morning, honey! How. Are. You?!"

"I'm GREAT~!" She screamed through grit teeth as I dodged her swipe, weaving my throat a hair lengths back.

"That's GOOD~!" I yelled, ducking under her return swipe and throwing a right hook. The punch landing square, I took control of her knife arm, dragged it towards me, went under and then behind her and finally started choking her.

"Arm drag and rear naked choke," she croaked, "where the hell is Wintergreen!?"

"Paying the rent!" Then I spat, "Drop the knife!"

Knowing her, I reached into her shirt without permission and ripped off her necklaces. She always kept another albeit small knife in her shirt next to her tags. I twirled so she'd lose her balance, while still choking her and drove her to the floor. It felt like old times! Me on top, her on bottom.

She let out a hostile sigh and tossed the knife as far away as she could with an aggravated flick of her wrist. I released her and got up, knowing something had happened. Her spy has got talent, my wife always kept tabs on me but this is the fifth spy I've caught ever since my eye surgery via Smith & Wesson to the the head. I offered smokes to the other four and they got fired, I felt sorry for this last one so I might get them something for Christmas or something. Make it special.

"What do you want?"

Shaking with rage, someone who didn't know Adeline would think that she was weak or trembling in fear. She's not, we've been in more fights than...hell, a lot of people. Her voice spat,

"I can't believe you." I stood there waiting for her to elaborate, "You turned down the contract with Ozymandias but don't know that Grant took it?!"

Oh, that's why she's pissed. She feels like I somehow roped him into the family business. I internally groaned. Grant, the hell are you thinking?!

"You know he idolized you!"

"He hates me as much as you do, woman!"

"You're right!" She spat, in rage, "All you were good at was killing! It's you who's going to get our family killed!"

"Our?!" I air-quoted, "You were the one who divorced me!"

"It was because of you Grant ran away!"

"Oh, because of me huh?" I said in a mocking voice, walking to the fridge.

"Are you mocking me? Do you understand the gravity of the contract he took?!"

I threw a beer onto the floor next to her, the can busting open all over the floor, and pulled out another. She stood up slowly as I answered flippantly, opening the one for myself,

"Yeah, a friggin' goth chick can clap the universe into non-existence. Hell, I know why you are here!" My temper from the serum began to get the better of me and I yelled, throwing crap at her, "You don't want my beer!" A twelve case smashed onto the floor. "You don't want my money!" I opened another drawer and tossed ten grand at her. "You don't want my guns!" I threw the .45 Compact at her, she ducked and it flew out the window with a crash. "You don't even want me!"

"You are like an alcoholic who hates alcohol. You hate your addiction, so helpless and blind and stupid! You don't want ME! You claim to not hate the old me but I realized you never really wanted me." I strode right up to her face, "You don't want Deathstroke. You just want his help. You don't like alcohol but you sure like what it does for ya!"

"You see, alcohol is a poison, Deathstroke. Joseph is-"

"You know Adeline, you never changed. Using me even now. You don't care about Grant, nor Joseph. You knew where they've been all along but you haven't even given them one phone call have you?! And as soon as it goes to whack you come to me?! Get out. I'll take care of it. I'll be your stupid fix. Free of charge."

A/N: I hope I did Deathstroke justice. This was also before several character-defining moments of his life so don't castrate me! If I did do him justice then vote for me as the Intergalactic ArchHuman, leader of all mankind!